Chapter 150 Are You Still Tired of Playing?
"Could it be, Yue'er, don't you know that I've been secretly in love with you for a long time?"

A playful smile appeared on Feng Sha's face.

"Actually, I fell in love with you at first sight. It's a pity that Yue'er never sees me in my eyes. I have been sad for a long time!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue pretending to be distressed, her tone rose slightly, and a narrow look flashed in her eyes.

"Really? Sigh, the charm is too great, it's really distressing. Don't worry, when I want to change my taste someday, I will consider you. As for now..."

"Ignore him, let's go home!"

Shi Tianjue glanced at Feng Sha coldly, then quickly disappeared in place with Luo Ziyue in his arms.

Leaving a bloody place floating in the air.

Looking at their disappearing figures, Feng Cha's eyes flashed playful, "It's interesting!"

He knew very well that if Shi Tianjue hadn't been worried about Luo Ziyue's accident before and didn't want to get too entangled with him, he would not have let him go so easily.

This is enough to show that Shi Tian absolutely cares about Luo Ziyue.

This point surprised him very much. He thought that he and her were just playing for fun. Seeing him like this made him think too much.

After everyone left, Bai Zimo came out from the dark, shook his head helplessly, and put away Bai Zifeng's body.

It was just the time when the head of the family asked him to ask questions, so he took the opportunity to run out, unwilling to give up and seek revenge on that girl Luo Ziyue, but lost his life in vain.

Obviously, I have told him many times, don't fight against that girl again, but he just doesn't listen, it's all right now, it's a complete death.

"Girl, do you have anything you want to ask me?" Shi Tianjue looked at the silent Luo Ziyue and asked with a smile.

Luo Ziyue shook her head, "I don't have anything to ask, if you want to say something, you have already said it, and you still have to wait for me to ask!"

"Actually, there is nothing to say. Anyway, you just need to remember that I am serious and true to you!"

Shi Tianjue rubbed her head, as Luo Ziyue expected, he did not explain his relationship with the Bai family, from his previous reaction, Luo Ziyue could guess a thing or two.

The next day, early in the morning.

"Tell me, who wants to see me?" Luo Ziyue looked at Yun Ling in surprise.

"The third miss of the Luo family, Luo Yunqi, I heard that she stayed at Prince Ning's mansion all night, just waiting to see Miss Luo."

If it wasn't for Yunling's reminder, she would have forgotten that such a person existed, but she didn't know why she was looking for her?

She didn't think there was anything interesting about them, "Did she say, what can I do for you?"

"did not say."

"Then you send someone over there to ask what she wants from me!"

Luo Ziyue did not go back to Prince Ning's Mansion with Shi Tianjue, they lived in another courtyard during this time.

She didn't want people to know that she lived here, and she couldn't go to see Luo Yunqi in time, so she asked Yunling to ask first, what's the matter?
"The subordinate asked, but she didn't say anything, she just said that she wanted to see Miss Luo!"

"In that case, don't I have to take time to meet her? Otherwise, with such a girl staying at Prince Ning's Mansion, people who don't know will think that your master has done something utterly unconscionable!"

Luo Ziyue held her forehead with some headaches, she just wanted to rest for a few days, why did so many things happen after she showed her face?

After Shi Tianjue came back yesterday, she didn't know where she went and hasn't shown up. She didn't bother to ask, anyway, he wouldn't say anything.


"You have something to do with me?"

Luo Ziyue saw Luo Yunqi who was guarding the gate of Prince Ning's Mansion from a long distance away. Seeing her uneasy expression, she didn't know what happened, so she appeared behind her in a flash.

"You, you...are you Seventh Sister?" Luo Yunqi looked at Luo Ziyue, who was full of scars and turned out, with a shocked face, and couldn't believe it.

Seeing her shocked gaze, Luo Ziyue smiled slightly, and gently touched her face, "Why is it so scary?"

"You, how did you become like this? Who did it?"

"What are you looking for from me?"

"Can you come back to Luo Mansion with me?"

Luo Yunqi stepped forward suddenly, grabbed her sleeve, and looked at her beggingly, with a pitiful look.

"Did something happen in Luo Mansion?"

While speaking, Luo Ziyue cast a curious look at Yun Ling who was beside her, and Yun Ling shook his head at her, indicating that he was not clear.

"It's like this. I don't know what happened last night. Dad suddenly fell into a coma and couldn't wake up!" Luo Yunqi's face was full of worry, "Since you and eldest sister... Dad's health has been not very good, If it wasn't for Yun Zhiyue who took care of her by her side and carefully helped her recuperate, maybe..."

Luo Ziyue was a little surprised. In her impression, Luo Haoran's body had always been good, and there was never a trace of abnormality. She was really surprised to suddenly fall into a coma.

"Why did you come to me if you didn't go to the doctor?"

"I, I, I..." Luo Yunqi stammered for a long time, but she couldn't utter a complete sentence, with a look of uneasiness on her face. Under Luo Ziyue's cold gaze, she retreated from the bottom of her heart, as if The little Jiujiu in her heart seemed to have been seen through by her, which made her terrified and disturbed.

Seeing her expression, Luo Ziyue revealed a sarcasm smile, and said with a light smile: "Did he ask you to come here to trick me back?"


"It's really embarrassing for him. He was willing to let you stay here all night just to force me out!" Luo Ziyue sighed.

Luo Yunqi hastily explained to her in a panic: "No, no, Seventh Sister, you misunderstood, I did it voluntarily. In the past few years, Dad actually missed you a lot. When your accident happened, he often came back I went to the city gate to look around, I knew he was waiting for you, if you hadn't killed my mother, how could he have kicked you out of the Luo family!"

"Hehe, wait for me?" Luo Ziyue smiled contemptuously, didn't say much, just turned around and looked in the direction of the city gate, her expression gradually turned cold, "Don't tell me, shouldn't your mother be killed? If it wasn't for your mother , how could my mother die?"

"Go and tell him that I will not go back to Luo Mansion. From the moment I severed the father-daughter relationship with him, I have nothing to do with him or you. My life and death have nothing to do with you. My life and death have nothing to do with me!"

Luo Ziyue's voice suddenly turned cold, she flicked her sleeves, turned around and was about to leave, but she didn't expect Luo Yunqi to pull her sleeves and suddenly knelt down towards her, "Seventh sister, even if we had a lot in the past, are you right?" You should pay back the place where you live, and we will almost have to pay it back, anyway, he is our real father after all, I beg you to go back and see him."

"This kind of drama, you have played so many times, don't you get tired of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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