Chapter 154 Killing Heaven, You Bastard

The ruby-like bright eyes were full of murderous intent, and Luo Ziyue's hand was slowly released, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth: "Unexpectedly, this king and Yue'er's happy day will be so happy. So many people came to congratulate me, I am really flattered!"

"Hahaha... On the day of King Ning's wedding, we naturally have to come to congratulate him, otherwise, how can we show our importance to King Ning!"

A rampant voice came from behind the man in black. He was wearing an eye-catching red robe, which was slightly opened, revealing a beautiful body. His seductive face was full of evil smiles, and his femininity and femininity attracted him It is difficult to distinguish between male and female, and it looks like a woman from a distance, which is amazingly beautiful.

Luo Ziyue's face was calm, and she glanced at Feng Sha indifferently.

She stretched out her hand and gently held the man beside her, frowning slightly, her eyes revealing a trace of worry, she looked at him quietly.

His hands were clasped behind his back, his indifferent eyes were full of misery, and his silver hair like a waterfall floated vertically and gracefully behind his head.

Dressed in a purple brocade robe, there is a mighty and domineering golden dragon with a lifelike image.

The face is hideous and terrifying, wrapping from the shoulders between his neck to his heels.

Standing quietly by her side, the faint fragrance of green grass lingered at the tip of her nose, which made her slightly restless heart calm down slowly.

Every gesture exudes an invisible domineering aura, like a devil emperor descending, looking down on the world, like a banished fairy or a devil.

The indescribable majesty and majesty made her heart beat faster, as if she was about to jump out, the corner of her mouth slowly curled into a smile.

Under Shi Tianjue's astonished gaze, she leaned gently beside him, with a lazy and calm expression, her cherry-like red lips parted slightly, and a light and melodious voice like a wind chime sounded in the night.

"Feng Sha, how jealous and unwilling are you, and how frenzied you are? It's fine if you don't sleep in the middle of the night, but such a large group of people came to our Prince Ning's mansion to make a bridal chamber. What's wrong with you? Are you going to rob the bride or the groom?"

"Hahahaha... Yue'er, I am not the only one here to make trouble in the bridal chamber today! Look, there is a group of people with me over there. We plan to rob the groom and then the bride!"

Luo Ziyue looked in the direction that Feng Cha's finger was pointing, and it was no surprise that she saw many old acquaintances standing in different directions, surrounded them, raised her brows slightly, and looked at them in a little surprise. There are some familiar faces, and the corners of the mouth slowly evoked a wicked smile.

"Tsk tsk... They say that it is better to destroy a temple than a marriage. You only pick people's bridal chambers when they choose weddings, but you will be struck by lightning..."


As if to prove what Luo Ziyue said was true, a huge thunder pierced the night sky out of thin air.

He slashed straight at the Patriarch of the Bai family, causing the Patriarch of the Bai family's expression to change drastically, and his body swayed slightly. He wanted to avoid the attack of the giant thunder, but he didn't want the sky to suddenly strike another few giant thunders, and the place where his body landed was exactly where his body avoided. The direction, under the front and rear attacks, left and right pincers, so that he had nowhere to hide, and accepted the bombardment of the giant thunder abruptly.

A burning smell came from his body, and under the blowing night wind, it penetrated into everyone's nose, making everyone's expressions slightly condensed.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the retribution to come so quickly, but it's a pity, how did this retribution fall on Patriarch Bai, shouldn't you be the one who should be struck by lightning the most?"

Luo Ziyue's face was slightly pale, and she quietly nestled in Shi Tianjue's arms, with an extremely regretful voice.

Slaughter Tianjue frowned slightly, looked down at Luo Ziyue, whose face was slightly pale in his arms, a look of disapproval flashed in his deep eyes, but was fooled by Luo Ziyue's smile, his eyes flickered slightly, The long eyelashes blinked innocently, the glass-like eyes were full of persistence, and the clenched hands moved slightly, comforting him silently, signaling him to rest assured.

"Luo Ziyue, is it your fault!"

Patriarch Bai's angry voice came from behind them.

The sharp palm wind resounded sharply, and struck towards them with lightning speed, but was intercepted by Yun Ling who appeared out of thin air.

With palms facing each other, there was a constant sound of explosions, and gravel splashed, attacking everyone like a goddess scattering flowers.

Yunling's face was cold, and he quickly pulled out his sharp sword. The night light shone on the long sword, shining a dazzling light.

Luo Ziyue squinted her eyes slightly, and when she took advantage of his figure to shoot towards Patriarch Bai, there was a small black ball in her right hand, caught between her fingers, and suddenly, she shot towards the people around her. Go, without leaving any sympathy.


Grasping Shi Tianjue's hand with both hands, accompanied by a violent explosion, the two of them turned into lightning and flashed across the sky, and everyone's exasperated voices came from behind.

All of a sudden, colorful lights flashed in the sky.

Shi Tianjue hugged Luo Ziyue tightly with both hands, his eyes were slightly sunken, his face was gloomy like water, as black as the night sky covered by dark clouds.

A strange color quickly passed through the pure and deep pupils.

He turned his head and looked at the people who followed behind him.

After pondering for a while, he suddenly looked at Luo Ziyue with a pale face in his arms, a flash of heartache flashed in his eyes, and he said in a solemn tone: "Girl, we have to divide our troops into two groups, otherwise, it will be very difficult to have a chance of escape! "

Luo Ziyue looked back, and the faces of the crowd pressing behind them changed, their white teeth were biting their red lips tightly, and they refused to say a word.

Just when she was hesitating, she suddenly felt her body lighten up, and flew out like a kite with a broken string, the surrounding scenery quickly reversed, Shi Tianjue's face was getting farther and farther away from her, and a sharp cry came from Out of her mouth: "Shi Tianjue, you bastard who doesn't believe what you say~! I will be back!"

"Girl, as I said, as long as I am here, I will never allow anyone to touch you!"

Under Luo Ziyue's angry eyes, the corners of Shi Tianjue's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a sinister arc, and he flicked his sleeves suddenly, a huge thrust came towards Luo Ziyue, shaking her body violently. Blow out several battles away.

No matter how many martial arts she has, she still can't stop her body flying in mid-air.

An anxious look flashed across Luo Ziyue's eyes, her hands were clenched into fists, and the surging spiritual power in her body was swimming in her body like a tide.

The deep and dark eyes were gradually stained with blood, and the spiritual power in the body collided violently with the external force, trying to cancel the violent thrust.

A dazzling flame rushed into the sky, blood color permeated the sky above Moyang City, and screams continued for a while.

The mysterious and majestic roar came from afar, making Luo Ziyue's heart tremble.

The body is slightly raised.

She tried her best to keep her eyes wide open and fixedly stared at the direction of Shi Tianjue, trying to see the situation inside clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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