Chapter 166
The first elder stared at the group of disciples fiercely. His gray gown was covered with blood and brains. He looked like a demon who had just crawled out of hell. His eyes were ferocious and his expression was ferocious. The same was true for the other elders.

Looking at the fear and despair revealed in the eyes of all the disciples, Qi Kai sighed silently, his face still calm and indifferent.

Just when he was about to speak to appease the uneasy mood of the disciples, suddenly, a burst of clear applause came from behind them.

Turning around, I saw a faint smile on Luo Ziyue's face, patting her hands lightly, as if watching a particularly exciting scene.

"Unexpectedly, you are more powerful than I imagined. In order to protect the safety of the core disciples, you have completely disregarded the lives of these ordinary disciples and took their lives with a wave of your hands. Are you not afraid of chilling the hearts of these ordinary disciples? ?”

Most of the disciples present were ordinary disciples. After hearing Luo Ziyue's words, there was a trace of suspicion and disbelief in their eyes.

With huge eyes staring, he looked at those familiar faces in horror.

All kinds of their past arrogance naturally appeared in their minds.

The scenes of being bullied or insulted seem to be as vivid as they happened just now.

This made the Great Elder feel a little uneasy, and without even thinking about it, he cursed at Luo Ziyue: "Demon girl, don't talk nonsense! We are protecting the foundation of Tianzongmen. As long as they are still there, even if we all Why not be buried here!"

"What's the matter?" Luo Ziyue repeated the words in his mouth playfully, looking at the terrified young disciples with lively eyes, and whispered as if asking them: "Such irresponsible words are still from Tangtang?" It’s really unbelievable to say it from the mouth of the great elder! Their parents worked so hard to bring them up and send them to you, just for the sake of being buried here, so why not?”

"They obviously have the opportunity to choose life, but you want to deprive them of it, and use these high-sounding reasons to prevaricate. The so-called hypocrites are probably you people?"

"Miss Luo, why are you sowing discord here? We can understand the choices of all the disciples at the moment of life and death, but as the helm of the sect, we will never allow anyone to betray the sect's top secrets under any circumstances. It is our responsibility as the helmsman to eliminate and prevent it!"

Qi Kai looked at Luo Ziyue with a cold face, and his majestic voice resounded clearly throughout the square, as if he had punched the disciples of the Tianzong Sect on the hearts, making their hearts tremble, and their floating hearts trembled a little bit. calmed down.

"If this is your top secret, then I can only say I'm sorry, your secret is too worthless, we just found out after a casual investigation!"

Luo Ziyue shrugged her shoulders quite a bit, and there was a scroll full of various lists and details in her hand.

On the left side of the scroll, the six large characters "Detailed Records of Tianzong Gate" dazzled everyone's eyes very clearly.

Qi Kai frowned, walked towards Luo Ziyue involuntarily, narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he wanted to see what was written inside, when suddenly a pair of hands appeared behind him and grabbed him, "Master, you can't go , it looks like a trap deliberately set by this witch!"

As soon as the Great Elder finished speaking, suddenly, a look of pain appeared on his face, and the hand holding Qi Kai kept tightening.

Qi Kai, who was suffering from pain, woke up suddenly and turned his head in astonishment, looking at the Great Elder's swollen body, with anxious eyes, he let go and grabbed the Great Elder's arm, and asked in a hurried voice: "Great Elder, you, what's wrong with you?" ?”

"I, I...!" The Great Elder's face was full of pain, his hands were unable to use all his strength due to his expanding body, and his arms slipped weakly.

Qi Kai quickly touched the acupuncture points of his body with both hands, as if wanting to relieve his pain.

However, his body was still expanding rapidly uncontrollably, looking at Qi Kai with a face full of pain, screams came out of his mouth, and he looked at Luo Ziyue and the others with great difficulty. The resentment, panic, fear, regret and other emotions in his eyes were mixed together, but he stubbornly refused to open his mouth to beg for mercy.

Qi Kai followed his gaze, and saw Luo Ziyue's mouth slightly upturned, smiling slightly at the pained elder, without any reaction, standing beside him in a protective posture all the time The right hand of Shi Tianjue who was beside her was slightly claw-shaped, his cold eyes were full of murderous intent, and the elder's body was swollen to a certain terrifying degree as he pushed his palm slightly.

"King Ning, Great Elder didn't mean to offend you, he just...just..."

"Kai'er, I would rather die than plead with them!"

The elder's sharp voice interrupted Qi Kai's words, his resentful eyes stared fiercely at the smiling Luo Ziyue and the indifferent Shi Tianjue as if he was about to eat people, and he closed his hands little by little with his hands hanging down. Tight, there was a sharp flash in the eyes, suddenly, the whole person stomped his feet on the ground, a huge crack appeared on the bluestone slab under his feet, and his body that swelled like a huge hydrogen balloon suddenly jumped into the air, with lightning speed. The momentum of the ear rushed towards Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue.

"Big brother!"

"Big elder!"

Qi Kai and all the elders showed pain on their faces. Looking at the First Elder who resolutely chose to die, a cry of pain came out of their mouths, and the corners of the First Elder's mouth turned up slightly, showing a sense of satisfaction towards them. Smiling, this brought tears to their eyes, and they closed their eyes unconsciously, as if they couldn't bear to see what happened next.

A group of disciples were sweating continuously on their foreheads, and their bodies retreated unconsciously.

The eyes are frightened.

Looking at Shi Tianjue with a pale face, he suddenly raised his arm, and the Great Elder, who was flying in mid-air, suddenly straightened his body, unable to move forward half a point.

A huge explosion resounded through the sky.

In just an instant, the Great Elder was already shattered in their eyes, and the warm blood fell from the sky like a rain of blood.

Wetting their bodies, the miserable bright red slipped from their heads little by little.

The drops fell on their eyelids, and the world they saw was only a momentary effort, and it had already turned into a scorching red with a strong smell of blood.

The invisible waves of energy rippling around the Great Elder as the center, lifted all the disciples and Qi Kai who was closest to him into the air, and smashed them to the ground heavily.

Chi Yan's blood overflowed from their mouths.

Looking at the injured disciples all over the place, Qi Kai felt sad for a moment, raised his head and let out a painful roar: "Ah..."

(End of this chapter)

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