Chapter 170 Distress
Before they had gone far, a strange sound suddenly came from behind, like moaning and roaring.

The sound of bodies colliding from time to time made them feel inexplicably weird, and goose bumps all over their bodies.

"Captain, is it a little strange to hear this voice..."

The man known as the captain, with an inexplicable look in his eyes, smiled strangely and said to the brothers who stretched their necks and looked around: "I advise you better not to look, otherwise, I will I am worried that you will be so disgusted that you will not be able to eat in the next few days!"

"So, Captain, you know what happened?"

"Yeah! Tell us quickly, what happened!"

"I don't know, but I can probably guess. As for what it is, since you are so curious, why don't you go and see for yourself, and you will know!" Peng Wu smiled brightly, but inexplicably surprised everyone. Feeling a gust of wind blowing, goose bumps all over the body.

Listening to the strange sounds and movements coming from behind them, it felt like countless cats were scratching at the bottom of their hearts, and their hearts were very itchy.

As the saying goes, curiosity kills people. When they all returned to the scene of the incident, Bai Huahua's body instantly blinded them. Looking at the shit sprayer and them who were addicted to it, their stomachs churned into the sea, "Uh... ..."

Vomiting sounds one after another, one after another, the faces of the people were very strange, like crying and laughing, turned back to Peng Wu who was standing quietly waiting for them not far away, and immediately understood that their shrewd captain might I already knew what happened here.

Don't tell them, let them come and see in person, I'm afraid it's hard to say.

"Captain, tell me, have you already guessed what happened here, that's why you laughed so sinisterly just now!"

"Ouch...don't talk about it, just thinking about the scene just now, my stomach acid is about to vomit out, captain, you are really unkind!"

Looking at the brothers who were vomiting violently, Peng Wu shrugged innocently, "How can you blame me! I told you before, it's best not to watch it, who made you unable to bear it?" Out of curiosity in my heart, I ran over to have a look!"

"Then you can't watch your brothers suffer like this!"

"If I really don't let you watch it, you'll still have to blame me later. I'm going to be a bad guy anyway, so why not satisfy your curiosity! It will also let you learn a lot, and grow up along the way." Be careful, next time you encounter something similar, know how to stay away!"

The corner of Peng Wu's mouth turned up, and he paused on the spot for a while. After the other people regained their energy, they continued on the road with them.

"This person is interesting!" Luo Ziyue looked at Peng Wu who was leading the crowd away, and said to Shi Tianjue thoughtfully.

The corner of Shi Tianjue's mouth twitched slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Luo Ziyue carefully, "Do you have thoughts about him?"

It looks like a question sentence, but it is very affirmative.

"Well, I do have some ideas. This person looks young, but he has a lot of experience. He observes meticulously and knows how to judge the situation. If he can use it for his own use..."

Before Luo Ziyue finished speaking, Shi Tianjue already understood what she meant.

Now that their enemies are still hiding in the dark, I am afraid they are very aware of their power on the bright side. If they can quietly develop a group of loyalists or mercenary groups, it will be of great importance to their future. help.

"Then let's follow up and take a look, find a suitable opportunity, take him back, and send him to the girl as a subordinate!"

The corner of Shi Tianjue's mouth turned up, and he secretly followed behind Peng Wu and the others with his arms around Luo Ziyue.

In fact, when they were besieged by the shit sprayers before, there were other teams besides this group.

However, they were the only ones who stayed where they were, looking as if they were ready to help on the battlefield at any time.

At the same time, there is no lack of frankness and calmness of mercenaries. The moderate discussion is just a reminder to Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, who are confused and inexplicably found fault, otherwise, how could they leave? Finally, quietly hide in the dark to observe them!

Peng Wu, who was talking and laughing with a group of brothers, suddenly felt a sense of danger in his heart, his expression became serious instantly, and he raised his arms to signal for everyone to be quiet, and there was a rustling in the grass at half the height of a person. The sound was like something was crawling towards them.

"Everyone be careful, be on high alert!" Peng Wu's serious voice sounded, the spiritual power in his body surged in his meridians, and the sharp palm wind jumped out of his palm, violently blowing the surrounding grass away, revealing his hiding place. Animals in it.

When he saw the black and huge man-eating ants in front of him, his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his usually calm voice became sharp and sharp, "Everyone, be careful, these are man-eating ants, don't get close to them. They are highly poisonous, and if they sting, they will return to death!"

"Captain, why are there man-eating ants here? What should we do now?"

The face of the mercenary behind Peng Wu suddenly turned pale, and his voice trembled slightly. People like man-eating ants appeared in groups. Some mutation had occurred that they didn't know about.

"They are now surrounded by them. There is no other option but to fight. We must fight a bloody road!"

Apart from showing a trace of panic when he first saw the man-eating ants, Peng Wu calmed down in an instant. His stern and steady voice was full of infinite charm, and instantly made the mercenaries behind him calm down. Listen to his arrangement.

"In the team, people with fire attributes and people who are not fire attributes are paired in pairs. People with fire attributes launch a fire attack on them, and people with non-fire attributes look for a suitable opportunity to hack these harmful guys to death. Be sure to move steadily and ruthlessly!"

"The captain, how about you?"

Combining two pairs, there is exactly one more Peng Wu. Peng Wu has the wind attribute, and his movements are based on fast and agility, but he does not have the fire attribute to assist him. It is extremely dangerous for him to fight alone, which makes him behind him. The team members showed worry on their faces.

"Don't worry about me, act quickly! Don't delay the time, the longer the time is delayed, the more man-eating ants will smell of blood, and at the same time, it is very likely that other monsters will be attracted, kill!"

The long sword in Peng Wu's hand fell, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning, killing the densely packed man-eating ants not far away.

Facing the foreign object that suddenly broke in, the man-eating ants launched a fierce attack towards him.

His sword was extremely sharp, and a murderous aura spread all over his body. With a wave of his hand, batch after batch of man-eating ants fell down.

(End of this chapter)

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