Chapter 174

"Yunling, you actually dare to arrange your master in front of your master. Your courage is really getting stronger every day!?"

Yunling looked at Luo Ziyue who was smiling brightly with resentful eyes, and glanced calmly at Shi Tianjue, whose face was as black as ink, and defended himself: "This subordinate is very timid, I hope Concubine, don't embarrass your subordinates anymore, for such highly private issues, subordinates still feel that it is better for the concubine to discuss with the master, after all, the master also came from my age!"

"Before your master met me, he had always been ascetic. He didn't know what physical needs were. Even if other women stood naked in front of him, he might not have any reaction. What I'm more curious about is, don't you Will it be the same as your master? Watching us kiss me every day, will it really not affect your physical and mental health?" Luo Ziyue blinked curiously, looking at Yunling not far away, very innocent look like.

Yun Ling glanced at her coldly, his figure flashed, and disappeared from her joking sight, and a voice of dissatisfaction faintly came out from the darkness.

"Master, this subordinate feels that your family education needs to be improved. How can you allow the princess to discuss men's physiological needs so unscrupulously? Don't you be afraid to continue to indulge like this, and be careful that the princess climbs the wall while you are away? "

Luo Ziyue was dumbfounded listening to Yun Ling's words, stared at Shi Tianjue in disbelief, and asked, "Is this his naked revenge?"

"What do you think?" Shi Tianjue adjusted his brows slightly, and asked Luo Ziyue with squinting eyes.

The light and fluttering voice inexplicably made Luo Ziyue smell a dangerous breath.

"You, don't be angry, I just teased him on purpose, to see how this little virgin will react!" Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue with a guilty conscience, retracted her arms secretly, and slid her body out quietly He seemed to want to escape from his arms.

However, Shi Tianjue was imprisoned in her arms with quick eyes and hands, and a wicked smile was drawn on her sexy thin lips, and she asked in her ear, "Really? But, my king thinks what he said is very It makes sense, the concubine seems to be very interested in the physiological needs of men, it seems that my homework is not enough!"

"No, no! Absolutely not. I don't know what a physiological need is. You have wronged me!"

Luo Ziyue shrank her neck timidly, and quietly turned her head to one side, trying to distance herself from the guy who was breathing dangerously below her.

"Really? Could it be that this king heard wrong just now?"

Shi Tianjue narrowed his eyes slightly, suddenly, a dangerous aura emerged from his body, and an invisible barrier appeared around them, isolating all sounds and visits.

"Well, you got it wrong, you really got it wrong." Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue with sincere eyes, and nodded very seriously, but when she saw the enchantment around her, her face collapsed Come on, "It's in the wilderness, don't you think..."

At this moment, she really wanted to cry. He really did it unintentionally. As a lesson from heaven and earth, she decided that she didn't have any intention of provoking the authority of the man under her, but, but...

She didn't have a chance to react at all, so she was eaten up by the man.

After a fierce battle, Luo Ziyue, who was sore all over, gritted her teeth and muttered: "Yunling, you are cruel!"

"It's about this time, the princess still has time to think about other men, she seems to be very energetic! If that's the case, then let's continue..."

A stern look flashed in Shi Tianjue's deep eyes, without saying a word, a new hand-to-hand combat with the woman in his arms was staged again in this forest.

"I can't do it, I can't do it, I really can't do it! Please forgive me!" Luo Ziyue cried and looked at the man who was working hard on her body, without any intention of stopping, she couldn't help begging for mercy.

"Really?" Slaughter Tianjue narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Luo Ziyue, who had blurred eyes and blushing face, and asked in an extremely dangerous voice next to her ear: "Next time, dare to ignore the existence of your man and talk to others Do men discuss questions about whether his third leg is hungry or full?"

"Don't dare, don't dare, absolutely don't dare, even if I want to discuss it, I will discuss it with you!"

Luo Ziyue still understood that those who know current affairs are heroes, and she readily agreed without any hesitation.

Shi Tianjue's sharp eyes stared at Luo Ziyue, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously, as if he was distinguishing the truth from what she said. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, which made Luo Ziyue's heart thump. It seemed as if it was about to jump out of the chest, and it was extremely tense.

Suddenly, a cold hum sounded in her ear.

Shi Tianjue got up from her very neatly, and Luo Ziyue, who had been freed, straightened her clothes very quickly.

"Master, there is a change in the area of ​​the monster forest, it seems to be a wave of beasts!" Just as Shi Tianjue withdrew the barrier, Yun Ling's figure appeared in front of them, looking at them very solemnly, and said.

"How's their situation?" Luo Ziyue frowned, put away her playful look, and looked at Yunling in front of her with a serious expression.

Yunling lowered his head and didn't look at her, "There is no injury for the time being. That Peng Wu's experience is much richer than I imagined. He has led the group to find an abandoned cave and hid. It seems that he is preparing to Wait for the opportunity!"

"Well, I got it. You go down first!" Shi Tianjue nodded indifferently, lay down leaning against the thousand-year-old tree with his head in his hands, glanced lazily at Yunling, and signaled him to back down.

"Let's observe the situation here first. If the battle inside is almost over, I'll take you to the place where the treasure was born to play!"

Shi Tianjue rubbed Luo Ziyue's head, seeing his indifferent appearance, Luo Ziyue shrugged, and hid quietly in his arms with her eyes closed, while loud explosions came from her ears from time to time The sound, the sound of footsteps, as if thousands of troops and horses were stepping by their ears.

The two of them, who were self-contained, slept abnormally quietly in this noisy environment.

Yun Ling, who was fully alert, looked at the two people who had no sense of danger at all, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he was probably the only one who could sleep so peacefully in the face of the beast horde.

After Luo Ziyue fell asleep, Shi Tianjue gently hugged him, and made a kill gesture towards Yun Ling.

Yun Ling hid among the busy branches and leaves, holding a sharp sword in his hand, and was on guard all over.

Looking calmly at the people fleeing in a hurry below, trampled bloody corpses appeared in their sight, and there were constant calls for help.

(End of this chapter)

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