Chapter 178 Crisis 1
Yunling smiled honestly, and didn't mind at all that Shi Tianjue would find him some monsters.

As long as it can help him advance, any monster will do. Anyway, he will not refuse anyone.

"Your saliva is coming out." Shi Tianjue gave him a cold look, and a dignified voice rang in his ears, "Now you will first drive out those messy things in your head, and then Yueer After the promotion is completed, someone may take the opportunity to attack her."

"Yes, master, don't worry, there are subordinates who won't let anyone hurt you and the princess!" Yun Ling straightened his face and said frankly.

"Don't talk too much, this time her movement is very satisfying and attracts attention. You will hide in the dark for a while, and I will take the opportunity to sneak into the swarm of bees and take her away. If it is not a last resort, don't do anything, so that others will find out your identity. I'm in trouble!" Shi Tianjue's face was tense, and he looked at Luo Ziyue who was in the promotion circle with an unusually solemn look, thinking about the way to retreat.

Yun Ling stood beside him quietly, listening to his orders.

The spiritual power pouring into her body made Luo Ziyue's ordinary face glow with a different light. She quietly absorbed and digested the spiritual power in her body, and the surging spiritual power in her meridians made her There is an unusual satisfaction.

If she had known that contracted monsters could advance, wouldn't she have looked for more contracted monsters?

Of course, she was just thinking about this point, and most importantly, she felt that Benben had been sleeping for too long, she missed it very much, and wanted to wake it up early, and watch it act like a baby.

No matter how many thoughts surged, Luo Ziyue kept them in her heart, absorbing the spiritual power of the outside world calmly.

"Master, our movement is too loud. It seems to have attracted the attention of many people. These human beings are all staring at you!" The moment the promotion halo disappeared on Luo Ziyue's body, the queen bee's urgent voice was in her heart.

In the middle-aged man's voice, there was obvious concern for Luo Ziyue in the words.

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, pondered for a while, and unconsciously caressed the white jade hairpin on her head with her hand, her cold eyes were full of killing intent, and she ordered in a heavy voice: "It's okay, don't worry, you Instruct your subordinates to wrap me up, don't let them see my identity, just give me 3 minutes!"

"Okay!" Although the queen bee didn't know what Luo Ziyue's plan was, but hearing the determination and confidence in her voice, the inexplicable queen bee believed that soon the dense swarm of poisonous bees would envelop little by little in everyone's sight. They formed a ball and completely covered Luo Ziyue's figure.

So that they could not spy for half a minute, just when the poisonous bee wrapped Luo Ziyue into a ball, suddenly, Luo Ziyue disappeared from their sight strangely, because the poisonous bee continued to join, so that no one found out that the person involved was Luo Ziyue had quietly disappeared from their sight.

Just when Shi Tianjue was worried and worried, he suddenly felt that there were hands around his waist. He looked down, but he didn't see anyone. Play big!"

Yun Ling looked at Shi Tianjue inexplicably: "Master, the princess hasn't come back yet, who are you talking to!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Ziyue's figure appeared in his line of sight little by little. He opened his mouth slightly in extreme shock, and the astonishment in his eyes was very obvious, "Princess, you, when did you learn the art of invisibility?" Technique? So powerful!"

"Hahaha^... Yunling, you also have times when your IQ is retarded. It seems that our family is so smart that you don't need to say anything, you can know it's me!~"

"Princess, even if you want to praise the master, can you not take this opportunity to belittle the subordinates? If the subordinates can be compared with the master, will they still be a little guard?" Yun Ling's face froze, and he laughed like a flower The trembling Luo Ziyue protested dissatisfied.

"I'm not smart in the first place, but I'll become even more stupid if I'm told that every day by the princess. If I can't get a wife by then, I'll be laughed at by the princess again!"

"Yunling, I remember, my image in your heart was very good before, when did it become so unbearable? This really makes me sad, don't worry, if you can't marry a wife by then, I will I personally go out and choose the best girl in the world to be your wife, you can't treat anyone badly to our family, Yunling, right?"

"Then I would like to thank the princess here. However, it is better for the subordinates to complete the matters related to the lifelong happiness of the subordinates themselves, so that the princess will not be tired!" Yun Ling glanced at his mouth and looked not far away. The evacuated poisonous bee looked over, "Master, what should we do now?"

"Wait and see! Now the enemy is clear and we are in the dark, and we are not in a hurry to move. There are a lot of strong people rushing towards this side. If we retreat rashly, they will become suspicious. It's better to be one of the onlookers!"

Shi Tianjue's deep eyes were full of coldness. Wouldn't he be too sorry for himself if he dared to touch his women and didn't show them some color!
"En!" Yunling looked indifferently at the people who were gradually shooting towards them, his eyes were full of coldness and solemnity.

Looking at the two people who were on high alert, Luo Ziyue couldn't help laughing, and patted their shoulders with a smile, "I said, why are you so nervous? Have you forgotten that we are just ordinary couples with a guard, and our body Relax! You're so nervous, you don't need to guess that it's our fault!"

"Princess, you are becoming more and more heartless!" Yun Ling glanced at Luo Ziyue coldly, the dissatisfaction in his eyes was obvious.

It's not for her that they did this, it's simply unreasonable for her to dare to despise them.

"To each other. Aren't you becoming more and more domineering and domineering? I'm afraid to see you!" Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and a bright smile appeared on her face in an instant, her black and bright eyes rolled around, Very agile.

Compared with the iceberg beauty in the past, she has a little more popularity and agility. To a certain extent, she is more in line with what a little girl of her age should look like.

"Princess, this joke is not funny. If you are really afraid of your subordinates, then your subordinates will be in great trouble."

Shi Tianjue looked at the two arguing with a smile, the tight string in his heart gradually relaxed, and the expression on his face became more natural, but on a certain point, he agreed with Yunling's point of view , Luo Ziyue is indeed more lively than before, and looks very heartless.

Even now that the catastrophe is imminent, she still looks like a smile, how can she still have the look of the iceberg beauty in the past!
However, he likes her very much now, and is very glad that she can gradually forget the uneasiness in her heart under his pampering, and knows how to rely on and trust him.

(End of this chapter)

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