Chapter 183 Crisis 5
"A black cloud?"

"Could it be that he is a member of the Demon Race?"

"It's very possible. So far, it seems that only the demons have the ability to hide their bodies with black clouds. If so, it's not difficult to understand why he doesn't mind seeing their husband and wife hiding in the dark! "

"Then what should we do now? If the demons have mastered this exercise, wouldn't we be in danger!"

"This matter has to be discussed in the long run. What if this girl is lying to us?"

"If you think we are lying to you, you don't have to believe it? Anyway, I've told you everything I know, you can believe it or not, and I can't help it, right?" Luo Ziyue shrugged helplessly, "Warcraft The forest is so big, and there are so many monsters, maybe we will see them when we turn a corner."

"That's right, if we meet them next time, we'll just arrest them and ask them if they're okay!"

"That's right! Everyone is going for Yibao, and you are afraid that you may not meet our husband and wife. Really, don't waste all your time here, and leave better opportunities to others in the end."

"Hmph! I'm sorry you don't dare to lie to us! I'll let you go this time, let's go!"

After some harsh words, everyone retreated quietly with a trace of unwillingness, and a small part stayed where they were, supervising Luo Ziyue and the others.

Luo Ziyue shrugged helplessly, she knew that this group of people was not easy to deal with, if she wanted to follow their husband and wife, if she didn't care, let them follow them enough, anyway, she and Shi Tian are definitely not people who will be wronged, Do whatever you want, but you can no longer follow Peng Wu and the others.

Avoid dragging them too into these unnecessary vortexes of trouble.

"Master, what should they do?" Yunling looked coldly at the person who was still standing in front of them, staring at them, but when they looked over, he couldn't dodge in time.

"Don't worry about it, just do what you have to do!"

Shi Tianjue didn't even look at them, put his arms around Luo Ziyue's waist, and returned to the thousand-year-old tree in a flash, squinting his eyes lazily and chatting with Luo Ziyue without saying a word, He was not in any hurry to rush towards the place where the strange treasure was.

"You said, how long will they stay with us?"

The bored Luo Ziyue suddenly turned her attention to the people guarding under the old tree, and asked curiously.

"I don't know, if they want to follow, let them follow, it doesn't get in the way anyway!"

Shi Tianjue's eyes were tightly closed, falling on Luo Ziyue enjoying the feeling of the sun shining on her body, the warmth and happiness, made him feel that time passed very slowly and quickly, as if a lifetime had passed in the blink of an eye.

Didn't Yun Ling who was hiding in the dark gave them a resentful look, which made Luo Ziyue confused, when he set his eyes on them for the nth time, Luo Ziyue finally couldn't help it, very He asked curiously: "Yunling, don't look at me like that, I know what you want to ask, but the only thing I can answer you is that I don't know. I'm also very surprised, but I can ask you if I have time." Do an experiment!"

"This subordinate doesn't know what the princess is talking about..." Yunling turned his head in embarrassment, and an awkward voice sounded.

"Hahahaha...Really? But, why do I look at you like this, a bit like trying to cover up?" Luo Ziyue asked in a playful voice, tearing through his disguise mercilessly.

Yun Ling, who was blushing, snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"I promised him that I wanted to ask you for him. I'm afraid I've been impatient for the past few days without any action!"

"Actually, I really don't know anything. In fact, I am still confused! However, it is true that not everyone can send the records in the book. When we get rid of these tails later, let's find a place where there is no one. It’s fine if you don’t try it.”

"Uh, this subordinate is just a little curious, there is no need to delay the pleasure of the master and the princess for such a trivial matter!"

I don't know if Yunling's little face is thought of, it's red like a dog's butt, it's really cute!
"In the eyes of your master and me, there is no difference between you and our relatives, don't think too much during this time!"

Yun Ling lowered his head and did not speak, it took him a long time to hear his nasal voice, "The master and the princess are also relatives of the subordinates!"

"Going out, don't let the princess come and go, so as not to be interrupted by someone our secret, change the name!"

Yunling put his eyes on Shi Tianjue, and said innocently: "Master, I didn't do it on purpose, Madam asked for it herself!"

"I'm not deaf, I can hear you!"

Shi Tianjue's eyes stayed on the messy people sleeping under the tree, a look of displeasure flashed across their brows, and the arms around Luo Ziyue slowly tightened.

"Look at what they are doing, can they keep us if we really want to leave?"

Luo Ziyue put her soft little hands on his gradually closing hands, soothing her softly.

"Just looking at them who are innocent..."

"If they really don't like it, let's go. Anyway, the legs are growing on our bodies, so we can't be afraid of them!"

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue with a smile, pulled him up, exchanged a glance with Yun Ling, and the three of them disappeared on the ancient tree without a sound.

After leaving the sight of those people, Luo Ziyue and the others were not in a hurry to leave. Instead, they found a secluded place, reapplied the makeup on their faces, and changed into another look to re-enter the public in sight.

The previous people disappeared without a trace as if they had never appeared before.

During the period, Yunling conquered a storm lion by the way, and wanted to see if he could advance to the level of a contracted monster like Luo Ziyue. The fact hit him hard, except for the addition of a partner who fought side by side, his own There is no improvement in strength.

"Hey... Yunling, don't blame me for that! I told you beforehand that what happened before was just a coincidence, and it's impossible for everything to happen this time!"

Looking at the slightly disappointed Yun Ling, Luo Ziyue shrugged helplessly, put her hands on her body, and emphasized to him again and again.

"Ma'am, this subordinate knows in his heart that on the road of cultivation, there is no room for cheating or taking shortcuts. This time, it is a reminder to his subordinates that you don't need to take the responsibility on your own shoulders, and I am not disappointed either. I just feel a little ashamed."

Yun Ling was really confused by Luo Ziyue's back and forth begging for mercy, turned around helplessly, looked at Luo Ziyue and said in a deep voice.

His expression was calm, and the embarrassment could not be concealed in his eyes.

"It's good to know, learn a lesson next time!" Shi Tianjue took a deep look at him, wrapped his arms around Luo Ziyue's waist, and strode forward.

ps: Sorry for the duplication of chapters, the content has been modified, but the chapter name cannot be modified for the time being, Wanwan will contact the editor.

(End of this chapter)

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