Chapter 185 Crisis 8
"Yeah! Do you want to join us?"

Surrounded by the crowd was a man who looked to be in his 40s or [-]s. Seeing Luo Ziyue looking at him with a wretched smile, Shi Tianjue was very displeased with his sultry eyes. The cold eyes pierced his body like sharp swords, sending a chill down his spine.

"If you dare to stare at her like this again, your eyes may belong to me today!"

The cold voice was like a thunderbolt exploding in Chen Lie's mind, causing his legs to soften and almost collapsed on the ground. Rising from his heart, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, "Who are you to talk to labor and management like this? Do you know who your uncle is!?"

Seeing that the aura on Shi Tianjue's body dropped suddenly, the temperature in the air seemed to freeze at this moment, it was extremely cold.

Luo Ziyue silently sweated for this daring guy, he was the first other than her to dare to talk to his Tianjue like that!
Yun Ling, who was standing on their side, also cast a sympathetic look at him, daring to call his master labor, it really took too long!
"Laozi?" Shi Tianjue sneered, "You are the first person who dares to call me Laozi!"


A horrified scream came out of Chen Lie's mouth, sharp and ear-piercing.

I didn't see any movement by Shi Tianjue, but I saw Chen Lie's face flushed, his eyes widened, and he pinched his neck in horror, his lips moved, as if he wanted to beg for love, the sudden change made everyone Everyone froze in place, so that no one went up to ask Chen Lie for help!

"You know, my father is not something ordinary people dare to do. Since you want to do it, why don't I help you and give you a chance. Remember, in the next life, choose a good family and reincarnate properly. Maybe you still have a chance I did it!"

Shi Tianjue's mournful voice exploded in everyone's ears, and Chen Lie's body was smashed apart in their eyes. ,
Blood splattered, bones and flesh were shattered, and there was nothing intact.

The warm blood splashed on everyone's bodies like a scorching flame, burning their hearts with burning pain. When the cheetah mercenary group reacted, they looked at Shi Tianjue with grief and indignation.

He moved very quickly and surrounded Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, looking at them warily.

With a wave of Peng Wu's arm, a group of brothers immediately appeared beside Luo Ziyue and the others, holding sharp swords, confronting the cheetah mercenaries. Seeing that the situation was not good, the clever people quickly sent someone to inform the cheetah mercenaries The head of the Corps, Chen Hu.

"Young master, young master, he is dead, hurry up and notify the regiment leader!"

"You killed our young master, the head will not let you go like this!"

"That is, none of you are allowed to leave before the head of the group arrives!"

Luo Ziyue sneered, and slowly pushed Peng Wu away, "Don't worry about your business, just go and wait, just leave it to us!"

"How can that be done? We are all a family, so naturally we have to be together. How can you and your wife face this alone? Don't you think so? Brothers!"

"Yes, since you joined our team, we have the responsibility to advance and retreat with you. At this time, those who abandon you and pick themselves up are cowards, but we are not!"

"That is, after all, you are also for us, how could we abandon you at this time!"

"Advance and retreat together, we are not timid people!"

Luo Ziyue was very satisfied with their growth during this period of time, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, "Okay, let's advance and retreat together!"

"Who is it! Who killed my hunter!"

Suddenly, a stern roar came out from a distance, the voice was filled with anger, and the onlookers not only sweated for Luo Ziyue and the others!

Chen Hu had a son in his old age, and he had only one son in his life. On weekdays, he held it in his hands for fear of falling, and held it in his mouth for fear of melting.Once he learned that his only seedling was killed so silently, he accepted it very much!
After being led by his subordinates in a hurry, when he arrived at the scene of the incident, his bloodshot eyes stared fiercely at Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue as if they were about to eat people, "It's you, the hunter who killed me!"

"You are Chen Hu!"

Luo Ziyue looked up and down the man in front of her. From the appearance alone, he seemed to be younger than Chen Lie, but the grief and murderous look in his eyes at the moment made people feel very uncomfortable.

"You killed my son!"

Chen Hu's wolf-like eyes fell on Luo Ziyue, and the fierceness in her eyes made her slightly surprised. Before she could speak, she heard Shi Tianjue's indifferent voice very calmly. "I killed it! Why do you want to avenge him?"

"You..." Chen Hu's gaze fell from Luo Ziyue's body to Shi Tianjue's body, and he saw that although his appearance was ordinary, his demeanor was extremely extraordinary, and his gestures and gestures showed an indescribable elegance and nobility, filled with grief and indignation There was more hesitation in his eyes, and his attitude was much better than before, "Why did you kill my son!?"

"What your son wants to be a laborer, I will give him a ride. Maybe, if he catches up with a good reincarnation, he will really make her wish come true!"

Shi Tianjue looked at Chen Hu indifferently, saw that he was puzzled, the corner of his mouth curled into a cold arc, and said very calmly: "In other words, if he wants to die, I will fulfill him!"

"Mr. Chen, I have to say that your son is very brave. For so many years, he is the first person who dares to call me labor-capital! You know, I have never tasted such a good treatment!" Luo Ziyue Smiling, he looked at Chen Hu, whose face was flushed with anger and his lips were white.

Chen Hu glared at Luo Ziyue and the others, his chest fluctuated violently, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at them carefully.

"Who are you?"

"Who else can we be, ordinary couples! However, compared to ordinary couples, our personalities are a bit weirder!"

"You killed my son, he is my only seedling!"

"I know, but, do you want us to die? Then you can go ahead, anyway, they just need to temper themselves!"

Luo Ziyue calmly chatted with Chen Hu, it wasn't that Chen Hu didn't want to avenge Chen Lie, but he knew that these two people in front of him were not easy to mess with, and a lot of it might ruin his life's hard work, but, He was not reconciled, his only seedling was killed like this, not even a good body was left behind!

"That's what you said." The corners of Chen Hu's mouth turned up slightly, showing a ferocious smile, and he waved his arm, "Except for this couple, everyone else will be killed without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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