Chapter 213 A New Journey 5
By the time Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue came out of the monster forest, it was already several months later.

Peng Wu and the others had already left the Warcraft Forest a month ago.

Due to the previous events, they did not choose to go to Moyang City, but arrived at Degal City on the west side of the Demonic Beast Forest.

Degal City is a much larger and busier castle than Moyang City.

It is close to the World of Warcraft Forest, and there are mercenaries coming and going in groups everywhere in the city. At the same time, there are mercenary unions, medicine refining guilds, and the city lord's mansion in the castle.

As soon as Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue left the World of Warcraft Forest, they saw the towering and majestic city gate standing far away.

The guards at the gate of the city strictly searched every way in and out of the city gate. The queue was very long. Everyone waited quietly for the guards to check, and saw that this was a castle with extremely strict management.

In the city of Degar, the four big characters flying like dragons and phoenixes hang high above the city gate. The handwriting seems to contain a certain spirit of heaven and earth, so that people dare not stare at it for a long time. humming.

"Degal City!" Luo Ziyue showed a slight smile on her beautiful face, and looked at Shi Tianjue with a smile: "I don't know your name as King Ning, but in this Degal City, are you also with Mo Yang?" As bright as the city?"

"Whether it is as shiny as Moyang City or not, I have enough ability to protect you!"

A doting smile appeared on Shi Tianjue's face. At this moment, his symbolic mask was not on his face. His ruby-like eyes had long since turned into those as deep as ink, and his long silver hair The long hair is simply and casually tied on the back of the head. I don't know what kind of method he used to make his extremely attractive facial features look very handsome and ordinary. From a distance, he looks like a young man without any characteristics. The prominent temperament was also deliberately restrained by him.

Luo Ziyue is still the same, she didn't deliberately change her appearance, but chose to perform in her true colors. Who made her have a monster who likes to look at her face?

Originally, she planned to change her appearance into an ordinary girl, but she was overheard by Benben, who directly threatened her and said: "Luo Ziyue, if you dare to change my appearance, I will run away from home. A cute and handsome Warcraft, no matter what you do, you can match a beautiful woman. If you dare to turn me into an ugly woman, I will really be angry. I really want to run away from home and never dare to come back. Ugly, how can you make me feel bad? You can't lower my style for your own selfish desires, if this gets out, how will you let me meet people? "

"Don't you think that when I walk out with my face, it's easy to be regarded as a troublesome beauty?" Luo Ziyue rolled her eyes helplessly, holding the clumsy in both hands, and said to it face to face.

Benben looked at her with contempt, "Don't understand what? A confidante must have certain skills, okay? Just like you, you still want to be a concubine? How stupid are you to be the murderous god next to you? Believe it or not, before those people take action against you, the killing god next to you has killed the other party thousands of times with his eyes, scaring the other party out of their wits."

Luo Ziyue followed its gaze and landed on Shi Tianjue's expressionless face, and shrugged helplessly: "Tell me, what should I do? Is it disguised or not?"

"Whatever you want, you can change your appearance if you want, or you can do it if you don't want to, I like it anyway!" Shi Tianjue rubbed her head lovingly, he knew that girls love beauty, especially When he was away from home, he didn't want her to wrong him too much.

The most important thing is that since her appearance recovered, she basically hasn't shown her true face to others. If she keeps showing her disguise in front of everyone, no matter how you think about it, she will feel wronged.

One of the things he disliked the most was to make her feel wronged.

"I'm worried, if I just travel like this, it will be too eye-catching and easy to cause trouble, especially since there are so many people secretly watching and trying to deal with us at any time, I don't really want to cause trouble." Luo Ziyue's brows furrowed A trace of helplessness.

"As long as I'm here, don't worry so much, you can just be responsible for your beauty, and leave other matters to me! Don't keep wronging yourself like this..." Shi Tianjue comforted her softly.

Benben also echoed from the side: "That's right, don't wrong yourself like this all the time, and let the killing god around you not use it, you are stupid!"

"You know so much!" Luo Ziyue scolded angrily.

Benben snorted arrogantly and ignored it.

The matter was settled just like that, but Luo Ziyue had quietly made up her mind that if this face was too eye-catching, she would definitely not listen to them next time.

Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue walked slowly towards the city of Degar. Passers-by who lined up at the gate of the city saw various emotions in their eyes when they saw Luo Ziyue.

The sense of aggression in men's eyes is extremely strong, even with Shi Tianjue guarding her, they can't stop the amazement and longing in their eyes when they see Luo Ziyue, compared to men's innate love for beautiful women The kind of appreciation and liking they want to show is more complicated. Apart from surprise, there are more jealousy, envy, and disgust in their eyes.

As the person concerned, Luo Ziyue stood beside Shi Tianjue very calmly, accepting everyone's gazes and ignoring their thoughts.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally it was their turn.

When the guards at the gate of the city saw Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, their eyes showed a touch of surprise. Seeing their extraordinary aura, they secretly speculated about their identities, but they didn't stop at all in their movements.

"What is your relationship? What is the purpose of coming to Degal City? How long will you stay?"

Luo Ziyue and Shi Tian absolutely looked at each other and smiled slightly, "We are husband and wife, this time we mainly come to Degar City to play, and we will stay for about a month..."

"Is this the first time for you to come to Degal City? If it is the first time, you need to pay 500 gold coins in exchange for a pass token. In this way, you can travel freely in Degal City for a while..." The guards explained in a businesslike manner.

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue slightly in astonishment, and asked in astonishment: "500 gold coins? Why do you have to pay so much money to enter the city? Wouldn't it be impossible for poor people to enter?"

"Don't worry, girl. When you return the access token, we will refund you the corresponding security. Of course, if you are poor, there will be a solution for the poor!"


(End of this chapter)

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