Chapter 216 Courtyard Controversy
"The environment here looks pretty good, it's the style you like!" Shi Tianjue said while looking at Luo Ziyue with a light smile.

"Then let's stay here!" Luo Ziyue took his arm, and just when she was about to walk towards the living room in the courtyard, suddenly, there was a crisp oriole-like voice at the door, a little arrogant He said: "Brother, I like this yard, why don't we live in this yard!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, looked at the gate of the courtyard with some displeasure, and secretly sighed: It's not that friends don't get together, and you can meet people you don't like wherever you go, obviously this courtyard is so beautiful. It was remote, yet someone followed them all the way.

"Girls, go and rest first! I'll go and send them away for you!" Although Qin Ning was young, but he was very good at reading people's faces. When he saw Luo Ziyue's face, he showed displeasure. The look on his face immediately reacted, and he walked out, this made Luo Ziyue, who wanted to stop him, startled slightly, sighed helplessly, and said to Shi Tianjue beside him: "Let's go! Let's follow him to check, and the voice should be our old acquaintance, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to send them away just by relying on him as a young man!"

"It's from the Ji family!" Shi Tianjue nodded, and whispered in Luo Ziyue's ear.

Luo Ziyue was taken aback, and quickly searched in her mind the scene when she met Ji's family before. No wonder she said, this voice sounds so familiar!
"Where is the Ji family from? Why are they also in Degal City? Could it be that they came to participate in the pill competition a month later?" Luo Ziyue asked curiously.

Although she had a small entanglement with the members of the Ji family before, she didn't ask where they were from. She just knew that she had never heard the name of the Ji family before, and she didn't know about them. What kind of background do you have? Now that you meet again, you have to ask carefully.

"Probably yes, you know, pharmacists are rare animals on the mainland, and now it's so hard to have such an unusual feast to gather pharmacists from the mainland, a big family like them will naturally not give up on wooing pharmacists An opportunity to take it for yourself."

No emotion could be seen on Shi Tianjue's indifferent face, he just explained to Luo Ziyue softly.

Luo Ziyue listened to his explanation thoughtfully, and asked curiously: "Then why don't you hire more pharmacists for your use?"

"Isn't there Lin Xiuya and you here? With your strength, do I still need to work hard to gather those useless alchemists?" Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue with a light smile.

"It seems that I haven't seen Lin Xiuya since I came back this time. What is he busy with?"

Luo Ziyue thinks about it too. I guess there are few pharmacists on this continent who can compare with Lin Xiuya. With his personality, if he is replaced by other pharmacists, he may not be able to trust him with confidence!
"Who knows! He has always been a ghost, not to mention, my body is basically fine now. I haven't contacted him for a long time!" Shi Tianjue replied casually.

When Luo Ziyue was about to say something, she heard a loud noise from outside, which interrupted their subsequent words.

"What are you, you dare to block Miss Ben's way! Get out of here, Miss Ben is going to fix this courtyard, no matter who lives in it, I will kick it out!" The savage voice was very serious. Said arrogantly.

Qin Ning spread his hands, stood in front of her stubbornly, and persuaded with a good temper: "Miss, this courtyard has already settled guests, and I think the lady understands that people who come first come first, if the lady really likes it, you can Go to other courtyards to have a look, the layout inside is almost the same as this one, and the style is even more similar!"

"Since they are so similar, then you can ask the people inside to make room for me. I can't get anything that Miss Ben is looking for. I'll count to three. If you still don't want to get out of the way, then don't." Blame Miss Ben for not giving me a chance!" Ji Xiaoqi was wearing a fiery red dress, her delicate face was full of hostility, and a hint of displeasure and jealousy flashed in her charming eyes, she looked at Qin Ning domineeringly, followed by a group of protectors Her guards stared at Qin Ning with serious faces, as if they were ready to obey Ji Xiaoqi's order and throw him out at any time.

"You lowly fellow, do you know who our lady is? You are as noble as her, how can you, a lowly commoner, stand in the way!" The maid in the green gown beside Ji Xiaoqi raised her chin slightly, very arrogant He stared at Qin Ning and reprimanded him.

Qin Ning raised his eyelids slightly, glanced at her lightly, and said in a calm voice: "I don't know who your young lady is, but, looking at her quality, she must not come from a big family. Don't you have any manners at all? And as I said, this courtyard has been reserved by guests, if you really want to live in it, you can go to another courtyard to see!"

"I paid twice as much as the people inside to live in this courtyard!" Ji Xiaoqi showed a hint of displeasure on her charming face, she tilted her head and meditated for a while, then suddenly said.

Qin Ning didn't speak, and looked behind her, only to see a man in a blue brocade robe walking towards this side gracefully, like a fairy who suddenly came out of a painting, it was astonishingly beautiful .

There was a faint smile on Junxiu's face, and the seemingly gentle face was full of alienation. When he approached, Qin Ning saluted him in a neither humble nor humble way, "Hello, Mr. Feng!" !"

The man called Mr. Feng nodded slightly, and asked in a clear voice, "What's going on here? Such a commotion?"

"This courtyard has already been settled by my guest, so I just need to pay the deposit and room fee, but I don't want this girl to suddenly intervene and force my guest to move out of this courtyard for her to live in. There were some quarrels!" Qin Ning briefly stated what happened, and at the same time, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue who heard the movement on the other side also walked out of the courtyard slowly, just in time to hear Qin Ning's words explain.

Luo Ziyue's eyes swept over the body that Qin Ning called Mr. Feng, and landed on Ji Xiaoqi. She saw a suspicious blush on her delicate face, a look of sarcasm in her eyes, and her cold voice was faint. It sounded: "Qin Ning, if this girl really likes this courtyard, we'll just let her. It just so happens that I also want to visit other restaurants. As the saying goes, shop around!"

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(End of this chapter)

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