Chapter 227 Deja Vu Scene

After Jiang Molin and Qin Shengyu left, Qin Ning cautiously asked Luo Ziyue, "Miss Luo, don't you want to know what the relationship between me and the Qin family is?"

"I don't like to expose other people's scars. If you don't want to say it, don't force yourself. I can probably guess some."

Looking at Qin Ning who seemed very uneasy, Luo Ziyue showed a clear smile on her face.

"I am a disciple of the Qin family who is not accepted by the Qin family. Although I have been in the city of Degar all these years, the relationship with the Qin family is not very good. Every time the disciples of the Qin family see me, they either speak sarcastically or It's been a long time, and I don't want to regard myself as a disciple of the Qin family. It's better not to have this relationship than to have this relationship." Qin Ning said sarcastically.

Luo Ziyue listened to his story silently, feeling filled with emotion in her heart. At such a young age, he had already started to make a living and supported a family. Compared with those disciples of the Qin family, he was much better, especially his body. That tenacity is very admirable.

"Sometimes, it may not be your enemy who sticks the knife in your back, but your so-called relatives!" As soon as Luo Ziyue finished speaking, she saw Shi Tianjue walking down the stairs, and a look suddenly appeared on her face. big smile.

With a flash, he quickly appeared beside him, "How is it? How are you talking?"

"What do you think? If I go out, can there be any problems?" Shi Tianjue pinched her nose dotingly, and whispered in her ear.

"If you don't come down again, I plan to go up to find you!" Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, looked at Shi Tianjue very dissatisfied, looked around, and suddenly asked: "Where is Feng Zheng? Why didn't you see him? You didn't throw him to Old Man Ji, did you?"

"Feng Zheng, he's finished his work after finishing it."

"Well, that's good. I'm afraid that you will retaliate and throw him to old man Ji directly!"

"Look, am I such a person?"

"Hey... what do you think? Let's go! Qin Ning should be waiting." Luo Ziyue looked at Qin Ning who had already been waiting in front of the gate, and couldn't help urging Shi Tianjue.

She didn't care too much about Ji Xiaoqi's fate, and she really couldn't have any good feelings for a savage lady like her.


Before Luo Ziyue and the others stepped into the courtyard, they heard a violent cough coming from the room.

Qin Ning's face showed a trace of nervousness, he didn't care about talking to Luo Ziyue, and ran towards the house, "Mother, how are you? Are you okay? Come and drink some water."

Luo Ziyue and Shi Tian absolutely glanced at each other, her expression was a little ugly, and her steps subconsciously moved a lot faster.

When the person who pushed the door went in, he happened to see Qin Ning hugging a middle-aged woman with a dull face, and kept patting her on the back.

The woman arched her body slightly and panted heavily. When she saw Luo Ziyue and the others who pushed the door and came in, she had a look of surprise on her face, and her sharp eyes suddenly fell on Qin Ning, "Who brought them here? ? Get out, get out for me!"

"Mother, Miss Luo, I invited them to see a doctor for you. Your body really can't drag on any longer."

Qin Ning looked at the woman on the bed helplessly, and said in a begging tone.

"Get out, let me out."

The woman on the bed seemed very irritable. With a wave of her hand, she threw out the teacup in Qin Ning's hand and smashed it hard on the ground.

Shi Tianjue put his arms around Luo Ziyue, his figure flashed, and the nimble Qin Ning smashed the teacup over from his mother.

"Mom! What are you doing? You promised me that as long as I can invite a pharmacist for you, you will see a doctor obediently!" Qin Ning's eyebrows twitched, and he stood up abruptly, blushing. face, shouted at the woman on the bed.

"Ah Ning, I know my mother's own body well, so don't waste your efforts in vain!"

Hou Guixiang lay on the bed panting heavily, and kept waving her hands to signal Luo Ziyue and the others to leave.

Luo Ziyue could see that she had something to say to Qin Ning, but she didn't have the same knowledge as her, so she directly pulled Shi Tianjue out of the room.

"Tianjue, look, is the situation here very similar to the situation I was in before?" Luo Ziyue looked at the simple decoration in the room, with a look of nostalgia on her face, and put her hands around Tianjue's waist , a trace of longing appeared in the clear eyes.

"I miss my mother!" A murmured voice came from her mouth.

Shi Tianjue gently hugged her in his arms, without saying a word, his strong and powerful arms gave her infinite strength.

The conversation between Qin Ning and Hou Guixiang could be faintly heard in the room.

"A-Ning, don't bring strangers back next time. What if my mother's illness is really contagious as they say?"

"Mother, you clearly know that they are talking nonsense, why do you still say that about yourself? If it is really contagious, I would have been terminally ill, how could I be alive and kicking like I am now?"

"What do you talk about, kid? Mother is fine, go out and entertain the nobles outside!"

"Mother, Miss Luo was really invited by me to treat you. You can't let Miss Luo go for nothing, can you? What's more, you hit Miss Luo with a teacup just now, King Ning has the same knowledge as you, mother, Just stop making trouble for no reason, okay? If you are like this, how can I go out to meet them? "

"My mother has told you many times, don't find someone to see a doctor for me again, but you don't listen? Are you deaf to what your mother said?"

"Then you don't want to be your son, just watch your mother being tortured by the disease without doing anything? Mother, are you trying to make me unfaithful and unfilial?"

As soon as these words came out, Hou Guixiang was speechless, and Qin Ning finally won a temporary victory, "Miss Luo, I made you laugh. My mother is not such an unreasonable person, it's just that she has been ill for a long time and her personality has changed Gotta be a little..."

"It's okay, we didn't take it to heart, did your mother agree to let me see a doctor for her?" Luo Ziyue asked as her eyes flicked from Hou Guixiang's face to Qin Ning's.

Qin Ning nodded happily: "My mother promised to see a doctor, Miss Luo..."

Looking at Qin Ning who hesitated to speak, Luo Ziyue patted him on the shoulder: "I don't need to say anything, I understand. My mother was in the same situation as your mother before, but my mother is not as lucky as your mother ..."

Qin Ning was stunned for a moment, his eyes fell on Luo Ziyue's dignified face, he didn't know what to say in embarrassment.

"You scared him." Shi Tianjue's gaze swept across Qin Ning's body, and he pampered Luo Ziyue's head, "If your mother sees your performance now, she will definitely be happy for you Yeah, don't think too much about it."

(End of this chapter)

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