Chapter 233
"With the girl's level, there shouldn't be any problem. However, most people will still be brushed off in this round. It seems simple, but in fact it will be more difficult to operate than imagined, and there will often be some accidents."

Listening to the shopkeeper's introduction, Luo Ziyue nodded her head thoughtfully, thinking secretly whether she needs to review some of the previous basic knowledge during the period before the competition, she is not so optimistic. , the so-called smelling and knowing medicinal materials is such a simple matter.

As the treasurer said, the first round of the competition is used to eliminate most people and leave a small number of people.

If you want to smell all the medicinal materials and write them correctly in a short period of time, you definitely need a certain level of skill.

For someone like her who has no experience, she still likes to do her best.

"The second round is basically to use the given medicinal materials to refine the pills you know, and finally confirm the results according to the level and category of the pills. In the third round, you are free to refine the pills. There is no requirement on the grade of the medicine, the only requirement is to prepare three medicinal materials by yourself, among which there are certain requirements for the flames owned by the elixir, the girl can prepare in advance during this time, the old man is very looking forward to the girl's arrival Shined in the game.”

What the shopkeeper said was so unpredictable that Luo Ziyue had no choice but to suspect that he already knew their identities, but if he didn't tell them, she would naturally not expose them. After all, identities or something It's not that important to her.

"Hahaha... Thank you shopkeeper for being so respectful of me. At that time, I still count on the shopkeeper to provide me with the medicinal materials I need! Of course, you can talk about the price, as long as the medicinal materials provided by the shopkeeper are old enough good."

"That's natural. As long as the girl tells the old man the medicinal materials you need, the old man will naturally find a way to prepare the medicinal materials for you. It is an honor for the old man to help the young lady."

"Since the shopkeeper said so, I will naturally not refuse. If the shopkeeper has any requirements, you can tell me directly, without too many detours."

Luo Ziyue has always believed that no one in this world will treat you well for no reason without expecting anything in return. Since the shopkeeper can boast so much, she naturally hopes that she will return something in return.

"It's really easy to talk to a smart person. In fact, I don't have any requirements. I just hope that if the elixir refined by the girl is to be sold, she can take care of the old man's business. After all, we are in this line of work and can be prepared by a pharmacist." Communication is also necessary."

"This is easy to handle. When I have extra pills to sell, I will ask Qin Ning to bring them for me!"

"Okay, okay. Then we can make an agreement like this. I look forward to your next visit, girl."

Qin Ning took the medicinal materials handed over by the waiter, glanced at the old shopkeeper who smiled like a brilliant blooming chrysanthemum, and said mercilessly: "Shopkeeper, do you know how wretched your smile is?" ? How treacherous?"

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about? When did this old man become obscene? When did he become treacherous? Can you find a second person like this old man who is upright, kind, honest and down-to-earth?" Embarrassment flashed across his face, he stared at Qin Ning and reprimanded him.

Qin Ning shrugged helplessly, and said very shamelessly: "Of course we can find the second one. Isn't the one standing in front of you just the honest, kind, honest and innocent guy you said?"

"It's really narcissistic, hurry up and go back with the medicinal materials to treat your mother! Curing your mother's illness can be regarded as fulfilling one of your wishes."

"That's right, if I hadn't met Miss Luo, I don't know when my mother's illness will be cured!" Qin Ning glanced at Luo Ziyue gratefully, but unfortunately, before he finished speaking, he heard A very wild voice came from outside, "Hey, isn't this our little bastard?"

Qin Ning's face suddenly turned cold, and he looked towards the gate of the medicinal materials with unusual indifference. When the shopkeeper saw this scene, his heart pounded, and he told Qin Ning in a low voice: "Don't make trouble, just bear with it It's over, you take the medicinal materials and hurry back to make medicine for your mother, and he will just leave it to me!"

"Well, thank you shopkeeper."

Qin Ning looked down at the medicinal materials in his hand, nodded, and ignored the noble young master who came from outside.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Qin? A rare customer, a rare customer! Why do you have time to visit the old man's shop today?" The shopkeeper glanced at Luo Ziyue and the others at the side, and hurriedly walked out of the counter, and walked towards the old man dressed in clothes. The noble young man in the purple-gold gown walked over and greeted him skillfully.

The figure is very appropriate to block Qin Ning behind him.

"I heard that you have a new batch of beauty pills here, so I came here to take a look!"

Qin Tianhao took a deep look at the shopkeeper, and didn't say much about his behavior of protecting his weaknesses.

"Mr. Qin's news is really well-informed. This batch of beauty pills was found by the old man after a lot of effort. Before they can be officially sold, Mr. Qin has already known about them." The shopkeeper smiled heartily, while entertaining Qin Tianhao. Walk to the other side of the pharmacy.

Taking advantage of this moment, Qin Ning quietly slipped out of the pharmacy.

Luo Ziyue and the others followed closely behind.

After they left, Qin Tianhao's face became gloomy, and he looked at the shopkeeper with cold eyes and asked: "Shopkeeper, what do you mean? In front of me, protecting that little bastard like this, is it true?" Isn't it too much?"

"Mr. Qin, I'm doing this for your own good. Do you know who the two people were with Qin Ning just now?" The shopkeeper didn't seem to be too surprised by Qin Tianhao's reaction, and explained to him that he had an exceptionally good temper.

Qin Tianhao was stunned for a moment, he didn't pay much attention to the man and woman beside Qin Ning, but after being reminded by the shopkeeper, he remembered Qin Shengyu's warning to him last night, with a look of astonishment in his eyes, hesitantly said: "Could it be, Those two are the legendary King Ning and Concubine Ning? They don't really like that little bastard Qin Ning, do they?"

The shopkeeper smiled wryly, "My little ancestor, can you not take a bite of a little bastard, Qin Ning is also your brother, he is now seen by King Ning and Princess Ning as his good luck, maybe he will be able to meet the water Transforming Dragon!"

"Aren't I used to it? Well, I get it. At worst, I just don't want to trouble him." Qin Tianhao's brows flashed with impatience, and he waved at the shopkeeper, "Go and buy your place for me." Bring the beauty pills..."

(End of this chapter)

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