Chapter 249 Leave
Early the next morning, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue left the city early and checked out of the room, it is said that they had to leave urgently.

Qin Ning, who heard the news, rushed to Fengyage Pavilion in a hurry, but the building was already empty and nowhere to be found.

He just left a letter for him, briefly explaining his mother's illness and follow-up matters, and didn't mention anything about what happened last night.

When Qin Ning returned home in a daze, Hou Guixiang was startled.

"Ah Ning, what happened? Why do you look like this..." Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning worriedly and asked.

Qin Ning looked at Hou Guixiang with empty eyes, and after a while, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, and a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on his face: "Mother, Miss Luo and the others left without saying a word, I originally thought about taking them around our city of Degal in the future."

"Ah Ning! Girl Luo and King Ning are both important people. They have to deal with and face far more things than we imagined. If I am not wrong, they may have encountered urgent matters before they left. There's no sign of that."

Hou Guixiang was stunned for a moment, then reacted instantly, and softly comforted the distraught Qin Ning.

"They said that Miss Luo and King Ning probably did what happened last night!"

Thinking of the rumors he had heard before.

Qin Ning couldn't help but frowned deeply. Could it be that Miss Luo and the others met the enemy's attack last night, so they left so unexpectedly?
"Okay, you don't have to worry about Miss Luo's affairs, and it's not something you, a young boy, can care about. Mother believes that Miss Luo and King Ning must have made a decision in their hearts before they made the decision to leave Degal City in a hurry. decision." Hou Guixiang patted Qin Ning on the head, "Haven't you had breakfast yet? Mother will make it for you!"

"Mom, I'm not in the mood, and I don't have the appetite to eat breakfast. I don't know what happened to Miss Luo and the others? Is it serious?"

Qin Ning lowered his head and murmured softly.

Suddenly, a shout came from outside the courtyard, "Qin Ning, are you there?"

Qin Ning was stunned for a moment, exchanged a glance with Hou Guixiang, and said, "Mom, you make breakfast first, and I'll come as soon as I go and have a look!"

"Shall I go with you?" Hou Guixiang said a little worriedly.

"No need. It's not a big deal, and there's no need for Mother to step in." Qin Ning refused without thinking, "Okay, Mother, I'm hungry, so hurry up and make breakfast!"

"Okay then! If you have something to do, you can call mother loudly."

Knowing Qin Ning's temper, Hou Guixiang didn't quarrel with him too much, turned around and went into the kitchen.

She hasn't cooked breakfast for Qin Ning for a long time. If her physical condition is obviously better in the past two days, she still doesn't have the energy to cook for Qin Ning.

"Well, I got it." Qin Ning said as he walked towards the door, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw Qin Shengyu who looked anxious, "It's so early in the morning, what do you want here?"

Qin Shengyu's deep eyes rested on Qin Ning's puzzled face, and said in a deep voice: "Qin Tianhao is missing, and at the same time, her mother is also missing."

"Does it have anything to do with me?" A look of surprise flashed across Qin Ning's face, but he quickly calmed down again, his brows jumped, and he looked at Qin Shengyu sarcastically: "Could it be that you suspect that I kidnapped their wives? ? Then you think highly of me."

"Yesterday, did you have a conflict with him?"

Qin Shengyu ignored his sarcasm, of course he knew that he did not have the ability to make Qin Tianhao's mother and son disappear without anyone noticing.

The main question is okay with the two who left in a hurry this morning?
"What do you mean?" Qin Ning looked at Qin Shengyu warily, "Didn't you find out everything? What else is there to ask?"

"I just want to ask, when you met Tian Hao yesterday, did you offend Miss Luo and the others?"

Qin Tianhao saw that Qin Ning was always doing Tai Chi for him, so he simply named him why he came here. Will the old man in his family go crazy now?

If they don't find their mother and son again, it is estimated that this day may change! ! !
"It seems that there is a confrontation, but Miss Luo and the others are not angry, it's just that there is no big conflict in the time of rubbing shoulders!"

Qin Ning tilted his head to think about it, and looked at Qin Shengyu amusedly: "Could it be that he disappeared after he came out of the pharmacy? Miss Luo and the others stayed at my house yesterday until the evening before leaving. It is said that they went to the night market to eat something! You don't suspect Miss Luo and the others, do you?"

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing the smile on Qin Ning's face, Qin Shengyu asked very uncomfortable.

"I'm laughing at you stupid! Even if the disappearance of Qin Tianhao's mother and son is really related to Miss Luo and the others, then I can guarantee that it is definitely not the little conflict when we met in the afternoon, unless Qin Tianhao completely pissed off Miss Luo and King Ning, otherwise, Miss Luo and the others don’t bother to do anything to a small shrimp like him!” Qin Ning looked at Qin Shengyu confidently: “Even if they are in the hands of Miss Luo and the others, do you dare to ask for them? You are not afraid that the Qin family will be killed by Luo. The girl and the others were wiped out?"

"How do you talk? After all, you are also a member of the Qin family. If something happens to us, what good will it do you? You are so gloating!"

Qin Shengyu reprimanded Qin Ning angrily, but he had to admit that what he said was true.

"Tell me, will Qin Tianhao and the others really be in Miss Luo's hands?"

"How do I know? However, I advise you not to step into this muddy water. Whether it is in the hands of Miss Luo and the others, it will not do you any good. Based on what I have learned about Miss Luo during this period of time, she is not Killing innocent people indiscriminately, if she and King Ning really take action against Qin Tianhao and the others, it can only be said that Qin Tianhao has caused a lot of trouble, and it is very likely that he has completely angered them, and rash actions can only become cannon fodder!"

Seeing that Qin Shengyu seemed to be discussing this issue with him, Qin Ning didn't hide it too much. After all, he was pretty good to him in the past.

When I can remind, I will naturally not be stingy in saying a few more words.

"You think I'm you, free and free, and don't have to mess with the Qin family's mess. Isn't that what the old man ordered? Miss Luo, did they come to see you when they left today?"

Suddenly, Qin Shengyu thought of the news he had found in Fengyage earlier in the morning, and couldn't help looking at Qin Ning curiously.

Qin Ning casually threw the letter in his hand to him: "See, I didn't see it, but I left a letter."

Qin Shengyu took the letter he handed over, read it roughly, and sighed: "My boy, this time I really stepped on my luck and met a noble person. Play hard, and I will count on your brother when I turn around." You took me out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

(End of this chapter)

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