Chapter 280 Who is the traitor 11
"Don't think too much, I believe everyone can understand you!"

Seeing that Fade Chen still had a serious look on his face, Captain Fifth sighed silently and comforted him in a low voice.

"Captain, I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Fade Chen forced a smile on his face, "It's just that we don't seem to be able to inform them at the moment, unless we let them go."

"They?" The fifth captain was slightly stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what Fade Chen meant.

"I'm afraid it's unlikely. Forget it, we shouldn't worry about these things. Maybe the team leader and the others have already made arrangements in secret."

Fade Chen and his team withdrew very quickly, and after they disappeared completely, Luo Ziyue and the others quietly appeared in front of the man in black, pursed their lips, and looked at him carefully, "You, it's you! "

"What are we?" Luo Ziyue looked at him pretending to be puzzled, "Brother, what's wrong with you? Do you need our help?"

"It was you who hurt me secretly."

The man in black looked at Luo Ziyue with certainty.

"how do I say this?"

With her hands behind her back, Luo Ziyue looked at the man in black who was rolling in pain on the ground with indifference, neither denying nor admitting it.

"Intuition! How on earth are you willing to let me go?"

The dark eyes of the man in black stared at Luo Ziyue, as if he was sizing her up carefully.

And she was standing not far from him, watching him quietly, with a tepid look in her eyes, making people a little confused about her intentions.

Hearing the man in black's question, he just raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't answer his question. His half-smile eyes seemed to be enjoying the process of his torment.


The scorching flames in his body suddenly became scorching hot, and the smell of scorched meat wafted in the air.

White smoke billowed from the top of his head, and his hidden figure gradually disappeared.bare.When it was revealed, a very ordinary face appeared in Luo Ziyue's sight, which made her frown slightly. She was sure that she had never seen this person before her.

"You, who are you?"

The man in black looked at Luo Ziyue and the others with a distorted and ferocious look, his eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to see through them, but unfortunately, both of them looked indifferent, their eyes were calm, unexpectedly indifferent.

"And who are you?"

The corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled up into an evil curve.

"You look like you're in pain, don't you really need our help?"

"Hmph! You guys are so kind? No matter who you are, don't even try to get any news from me!"

After speaking, the man in black closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and endured the physical pain, waiting for the arrival of death.

"Hehe..." A weird laugh overflowed from Luo Ziyue's mouth, "I can't tell, but you still have a personality, it's just a pity..."

"Ah... Lord, report for me...!" The severe pain in the body of the man in black increased, he suddenly opened his eyes, staring at a certain place with radiance, before the words in his mouth could be spoken, his whole body had turned into a streak of blue. Smoke disappears into the world.

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling had already disappeared into this world strangely at the moment her words fell, leaving no breath behind.

Nothing left, a series of scorching temperatures.


When Peng Wu and his group came out of the World of Warcraft Forest, they were all covered in scars. They looked very embarrassed, and they looked like savages from a distance. You don't need to guess. The situation of the other teams is similar to that of the fifth team. In almost the same situation, the battles were very fierce. Even the old mercenaries like Peng Wu were covered in rags, their clothes were ragged, and their hair was messy.

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling stood at the exit of the Demonic Beast Forest and waited for them. They looked at the crowd supporting each other with faint smiles on their faces.

"It seems that the battle is very intense! You performed better than I expected, tell me how you feel."

"Xiao Sha, it seems that our whereabouts have been leaked out. We were ambushed by the guards as soon as we entered the World of Warcraft Forest."

Seeing Luo Ziyue's indifferent appearance, someone in the crowd yelled at her, and it was obvious that they had both gained and puzzled about this operation.

"If you want to ask me whether those people were arranged by me, I can only tell you regretfully, no."

Luo Ziyue regretted breaking their fantasy and luck.

"Then how would they know our course of action? Did someone leak the secret?"

Peng Wu also looked at Luo Ziyue in puzzlement, waiting for her explanation.

"The ambushes you encountered along the way were all members of the Blood-devouring Mercenary Group. Some of you leaked the news before you acted. I won't name names here. I just hope that such a thing will happen. Not ever again."

Luo Ziyue's face turned cold suddenly, she looked at the remaining people in front of her with extremely sharp eyes, and warned.

"Xiao Sha, did you already know that our actions were leaked before the action?"

"So what if you know or don't know?" Luo Ziyue sneered, and looked at the dissatisfied people mockingly, "Are you blaming me for not telling you the news in advance so that you can prepare mentally in advance? ?”

"If you had told us in advance, at least those brothers would not have sacrificed in vain!"

"What is survival of the fittest? Don't tell me, you don't understand? You will encounter countless times in the future. I can't know it so well every time. You will have to face the same situation alone sooner or later."

"Who betrayed us? Xiao Sha, can you tell us?"

"If you want to know who betrayed you, check it yourself, don't ask me. Before this operation, the regiment leader and I have repeatedly warned you, don't leak the news, no matter what you think is a big thing or a small thing, as long as you don't worry about it. If you say something out of your mouth, it may put your companions who get along with you every day in danger, ask yourself, how many people take my words to heart?"

"Brothers, since you have chosen to join our lore mercenary group, please trust us. I don't want the same thing to happen again."

Under Luo Ziyue's signal, Ye Ying stood up and looked at the brothers in front of him with a cold expression, but Peng Wu's face beside him was very ugly.

"Who betrayed the mercenary group, I hope he can come to me alone later and explain the situation to me!"

Standing beside the fifth captain, Fade Chen lowered his head and was unusually silent. Seeing that Peng Wu's expression was not very good, he stood up first, but was pulled back by the fifth captain beside him, and gently shook his head at him. Shaking his head, motioned him not to be impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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