The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 282 2 Rakshasa Emerges in Prototype 2

Chapter 282 The Emergence of the Twelve Rakshasa 2
With the person who started it, the other children knelt down one after another, imitating Lei Luo and the others, and swore to Luo Ziyue.

One after another, voices sounded in the hall.

Looking at the pious children kneeling on the ground, Luo Ziyue showed a faint smile on her face, as warm as the spring breeze, and looked at them with satisfaction: "Well, if this is the case, then I will definitely do my best To help you climb the highest peak of human beings, these pills are my gift to you when I meet you for the first time!"

Several pills flew out of her hand and fell into the hands of every child.

Looking at the pill with a medicinal scent in their palms, the children's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"This is a elixir to help you wash your essence and cut your marrow. The process will be very painful, but after you endure it, you will get twice the result with half the effort in your subsequent cultivation." Luo Ziyue looked at the face in front of her with a light smile Excited children, "Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

These children are not very old, but they are very aware of the value of the elixirs in their palms.

In the market, such pills for washing essence and marrow are basically priceless, and they are hard to buy.

Almost all the people swallowed the pill without any hesitation.

After they devoured the elixir mixed with Luo Ziyue's spiritual power, they quickly established a subtle connection with Luo Ziyue.

They couldn't feel this kind of connection, but Luo Ziyue could feel their movements very clearly.

The elixir that melts in the mouth, the medicine came quickly, and within a few seconds, severe pain suddenly hit them. The older children gritted their teeth and endured the pain, and the younger children The child, arched and circled into a ball, endured the pain painfully.

Luo Ziyue stood quietly watching them not far away, while Ye Ying went to prepare bath water for them.

"The pain you are enduring now, I have experienced in the past, even more painful pain than you. If you want to succeed, you must learn to endure pain, endure what ordinary people can't bear, not to mention, your current pain is not at all What pain!"

Luo Ziyue saw that some people seemed to be unable to persevere, so she couldn't help but look cold, and stated indifferently, "Of course, if you really can't bear it, I don't mind you giving up, but, I don't need waste people!"

"We can bear such a little pain! You say, right?"

Lei Luo's voice seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, and he shouted at the top of his throat.

His trembling voice made it easy to hear his pain.

When the other children heard his words, they squeezed their voices out of their teeth one after another, encouraging the younger children.

I have to say that Ye Ying has a good eye for selecting people. The vast majority of these children are indeed talented and can endure hardships. It's just that there are very few children who may be a little weaker because of their younger age. , is not a big problem.

Soon, as Luo Ziyue expected, Lei Luo and Bai Lu were the first to finish washing the essence, which may have something to do with their oldest age.

"Go and wash it first, the water has been boiled for you, let's talk about other things later!"

"No, we have to wait for the other brothers and sisters to join us!"

Bai Lu and Lei Luo looked at each other, shook their heads tacitly, stood at a distance and looked at the other children who hadn't finished washing the essence, silently conveying confidence and support to them.

Seeing this, Luo Ziyue didn't say anything else, and just let them go.

After them, successive children finished washing the essence and cutting the marrow. They all imitated them and stood quietly not far away waiting for those who hadn't finished. It was not until the last child finished washing the essence and cutting the marrow that they listened to Luo Ziyue. According to the arrangements, go back to their respective rooms and clean up the dirty things on their bodies.

"How do you feel? I've trained these kids pretty well, right?"

After arranging all the children, Ye Ying quietly walked beside Luo Ziyue, looking at her with the expression that you are about to praise me.

"The vision is indeed pretty good." Luo Ziyue squinted at him and nodded thoughtfully, "I plan to divide them into two teams for training. After such a long time of contact and understanding, which two teams do you think are A child who is more of a leader?"

"If they are divided into two teams, will they still train together?"

Ye Ying frowned slightly, slightly surprised, but seemed to be expected, after all, no matter what time it is, only competition can make progress.

"We were together in the early stage, and through competition in the later stage, the winning team followed me into Qingtian Academy, and the losing team stayed in the mainland to grow on their own."

Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at Ye Ying who was slightly surprised, "Why is it so surprising?"

"Then can I and Winning team follow you?" Ye Ying didn't answer her question, but asked expectantly.

It would be the best if he could be by Miss Luo's side.

"What do you say?"

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, but instead of answering directly, she kicked the question back again.

Ye Ying curled her lips, "It seems I'm out of luck."

"If you leave, who will train the lore rookie?"

"Is the self-developed team completely in the form of stocking?"

"Isn't there you? Of course, it would be the best thing if they can also be admitted to Qingtian Academy. After all, systematic study is beneficial to their future development. If they fail to pass the exam, then they can only Stocked!"

"How are the two teams divided?"

"There is a difference between strength and weakness, try to be as fair as possible."

While talking, Ben Ben and Yun Huang appeared in the hall out of thin air, Ye Ying looked at them in astonishment, "This, it...?"

"During this time, they will stay to assist you in training them, and strive to let their strength catch up before we leave!"

Luo Ziyue's eyes were fixed on Yun Huang with a cold face, she smiled strangely, and what she said made Ye Ying jump.

"That's unlikely, right? Many of them are still children? It's hard to achieve results in such a short period of time."

Ye Ying knew that Luo Ziyue was not joking with him, but what she said really sounded like rhetoric, which was not realistic.

"The problem of time, Yunhuang, can you solve it?"

The moment she entered the house, she awakened Yunhuang and Benben, so that they were very clear about the situation in front of them, and Luo Ziyue didn't need to repeat the description.

"I can open the illusion for them, and adjust the time of the illusion to one day outside and one year inside, so as to better assist them in their cultivation."

Luo Yunhuang was silent for a while, and said coldly.

"Can it only be one year?"

Luo Ziyue seemed a little disappointed, she knew that as long as Luo Yunhuang had many secrets that even she didn't know, the only way to solve the problem of time was him.

ps: Modifications have been made.

(End of this chapter)

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