Chapter 308 Deadly Transformation 6
There was panic in his eyes, he clenched his teeth and leaned stiffly on Ye Ying's body, and couldn't help trembling slightly.

"Xiao Sha, he will be fine, don't worry, the city lord will definitely save him!"

Seeing her like this, Ye Ying couldn't bear to whisper in her ear softly to comfort her.

"Well, I know."

Luo Ziyue took a deep breath, calmed down a little, slowly stood up straight, and walked towards Pei Lao and the others with a straight back, "Pei Lao, do you know what this kind of thing is called? Once they are If they are injured, is there a solution to get their sanity back?"

There are quite a few people here whose bodies have mutated after being injured by them. If possible, Luo Ziyue still wants to save them.

"We can't be sure yet. After we have subdued them completely, Elder Jun and I will study it before we can be sure!" Mr. Pei looked at the tense battle situation on the field with serious eyes, and his eyes suddenly flickered, "Let's go up and help first! The city lord I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to subdue these guys alone!"

Mr. Pei, Mr. Shan, and Mr. Jun looked at each other, jumped up, and were immediately involved in the battle, "Try to shoot at their heads!"

Swords and swords, dangerous environment.

Luo Ziyue and the others couldn't help sweating for them, their hands clenched into fists unconsciously by their sides, nervous all over their bodies, stepping on their feet to look around from time to time.

Soon, a figure was thrown out by them, Ye Ying quickly caught Yun Ling's, and carefully supported him to sit down not far away.

"Yunling, how are you?" Luo Ziyue asked in a low voice.

Yunling's closed eyes slightly opened, and he shook his head at her weakly: "Miss Luo, quickly stun me, I seem to have been hurt by them!"

"Well, you go to sleep first, don't worry, I will definitely save you!"

Luo Ziyue nodded firmly, and gave Ye Ying a look.

Ye Ying nodded slightly, and slashed Yun Ling's neck with a knife, and immediately, he fell into a coma.

"You put his body flat on the ground first, I need to check where his body is injured!" Luo Ziyue squatted beside Yun Ling, commanding Ye Ying.

Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue hesitantly: "Just in case, I think we need to tie him up first, otherwise, if he mutates, it will be difficult for us to subdue him, and the consequences will be disastrous !"

"It is difficult to trap him with ordinary ropes, unless there is something like a spirit rope!"

Luo Ziyue knew that what Ye Ying said was correct, once Yunling mutated, with his strength, they were not sure that they could completely control him.

"What should I do?"

"Don't worry, he won't wake up for a while, we are not in any danger for the time being, let me think about it first!"

Luo Ziyue waved her hand, signaling Ye Ying to take it easy.

She quickly poured out all the pills in her hand, searched for bottles, and stuffed pills into Yunling's mouth from time to time.

Seeing that she obviously doesn't need money for the pill, Ye Ying secretly wiped his sweat: "Xiao Cha, you fed him so many pills, are you sure it's really okay? Or, you can give him the pill first. Take the pulse and see how his current physical condition is?"

"There is no other way right now, I can only try this to see if these pills are useful for him. The specifics will have to wait for Mr. Pei and the others to come. I also need time to study how to subdue these things!"

Luo Ziyue looked helpless, the current situation did not allow her to think quietly.

We can only delay the time for Yunling to wake up, wait for Mr. Pei and the others to come, and study together.

She also needs time to look through the information in her mind to see if she has stored relevant knowledge before.

It's just that she hasn't figured it out yet, are these things a type of zombie?
If it's really a zombie, it's easy to handle.

At least there is a direction, instead of being confused like now.

"Yun Huang, can I hand Yun Ling over to you first? I have treated the wounds on his body briefly. As for whether he has been infected with the corpse poison, I am not sure yet. The corpse poison seems to have a certain incubation period. , I need to wait until the things here are over before doing research!"

After thinking for a while, Luo Ziyue asked Yun Huang in her heart.

"You put Yunling into Yunjie's alchemy furnace, so that even if he really gets sick, he can't escape from the alchemy furnace, and it won't cause any danger to you!" Yunhuang's lazy voice came from her heart It sounded, as if he didn't realize the urgency of the situation at hand.

Looking at it like this, Luo Ziyue couldn't help being curious: "Yun Huang, have you ever encountered a similar situation before?"

"Well, it seems that I have met so many times, but don't ask me what to do? I don't know, my memory is very vague, I can't help you, everything still depends on your own efforts!"

Before Luo Ziyue could ask, Yun Huang snuffed out the hope that was quietly burning in her heart.

Luo Ziyue curled her lips secretly, she knew that this would be the result, otherwise, this guy would not have seen her in danger before and did not help her, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say it. The alchemy furnace in the cloud ring can accept living people? Why didn't I know this before?"

"How do I know why you don't know. Don't ask me, I don't know anything, I just occasionally think of a little bit of the past, let me remind you, the specifics are up to you, don't count on me! "

Yun Huang's impatient voice sounded, and it could be seen that if Luo Ziyue continued to ask, he might run away immediately. This little guy lost his temper, which was very scary.

Luo Ziyue saw him like this, so she stopped asking him how to put Yun Ling into the alchemy furnace, and tried randomly like a blind cat bumping into a dead mouse, but she didn't expect that things went smoothly beyond her imagination. "receive!"

Before the words were finished, Yun Ling had disappeared in front of them strangely. Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue in a little surprise, but didn't say much.

He was used to her mysterious look.

For someone like Luo Ziyue, if she said that she didn't have a few hole cards, no one would believe her.

"For the time being, Yunling will not be in danger anymore. We can concentrate on the matter in front of us, and hope that Mr. Pei and the others can subdue these guys as soon as possible!" Luo Ziyue glanced at Ye Ying, smiled faintly, and looked not far away Mr. Pei and the others looked at who were forming a circle.

In order not to waste time, after solving Yun Ling's matter.

She sat cross-legged on the ground and entered the state of cultivation, recovering her depleted physical and spiritual strength.

(End of this chapter)

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