Chapter 310 Deadly Transformation 8
After they left, Luo Ziyue flicked her finger slightly, and in an instant countless golden flames fell on the broken arms of the corpses in the backyard. Within a few breaths, they all turned into ashes and disappeared into the world.

"Notify Peng Wu to let them all come back. The matter here has been resolved. However, what will happen after that? You heard it just now. Tell him that the two of you are responsible for handling the internal affairs of lore. God will try to keep them from going out, the barrier will always be open, and outsiders will be refused to visit!"

After dealing with the matter in front of her, Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at Ye Ying and explained to him.

At the same time, remind him again and again that once there is any relevant news, notify her immediately.

"Xiao Cha, Mr. Jun should still be outside with Peng Wu and the others. Don't you want to meet him? I saw that he was worried about you!"

Ye Ying kept Luo Ziyue's instructions in mind, nodded her head from time to time, secretly planning in her heart, thinking about the next arrangement, just took two steps, suddenly thought of Clivia who was still guarding outside, she couldn't help but turned around and called to stop, and was about to leave Luo Ziyue.

"He's here too?" Luo Ziyue was a little surprised, "Then I'll go out with you to meet him! To save him from worrying!"

"Xiao Sha, you guys are here! Are you alright?"

The moment the gate of the base was opened, a group of people immediately surrounded them and looked her up and down, but they were surprised to find that Qingyun did not appear, and their eyes could not help showing doubts: "Where is Qingyun? Why don't you see him?" Man, did something happen to him?"

"We'll talk about the specifics after we go in. During this time, if you don't have any important matters, stay at the base and don't run around!"

Facing so many people who cared about her, Luo Ziyue really couldn't bear to show her face to them. She raised her right hand high to signal everyone to be quiet first, and a calm and calm voice sounded, as if she had beaten everyone. A dose of vaccination will make them more vigilant without being too nervous.

"I'll leave it to you!" Luo Ziyue looked at Peng Wu and Ye Ying and whispered to them.

The two looked at each other, and tacitly began to count the number of people, and led everyone back to the base in a quiet and orderly manner.

Staying in Luo Ziyue and Clivia still stood in place without moving.

"Brother Lan, why are you here?" Looking at Clivia's worried face, Luo Ziyue forced a smile on her face, "I'm afraid Mr. Pei won't have time to accompany Mystery during this time, if possible, Brother Lang, it's best not to let Mystery act alone, just in case!"

"Is the situation serious?" Clivia couldn't help frowning when she heard Luo Ziyue's words, "Do you need my help?"

"For the time being, I don't need it here, but it's hard to say about Mr. Pei's side. The situation is unknown at the moment, but they are more difficult to deal with than imagined. Once the situation gets out of control, the consequences will be disastrous!" Luo Ziyue shook her head slightly, looking sideways. Turn over and talk with Clivia while walking.

Clivia was silent for a while, and suddenly, she looked at her with a serious expression: "If you don't dislike it, I want to stay with you and be with you. If something happens, I can help you. As for For Mystery, I believe that Mr. Pei will send someone to protect her, this matter is of great importance, and she knows it well."

"Are you going to stay beside Mystery and protect her?" Luo Ziyue looked at Clivia slightly disapproving: "On my side, there are a lot of people, so nothing big will happen, so you don't have to worry too much! "

"Even if Mystery doesn't have my protection, there will still be many people protecting her from harm, but on your side, there seems to be no one else who can really help you except me, whether it is Refining medicine or defending against enemies!"

On this point, Clivia thought very clearly.

He knew that, as Mr. Pei's favorite jewel, he would definitely send someone to protect Pei Mi when he encountered such a thing.

Let her not have any chance of touching danger, whether he is there or not, the difference is not too big.

"You insist?"

"Yes, whether you agree or not, I will stay with you and tide over difficulties with you!"

"Brother Lang, if your words make outsiders mistakenly think that you have a habit of breaking arms."

Seeing Clivia's abnormal persistence, Luo Ziyue didn't say anything more, and directly led him into the lore base. When they came to the hall, Ye Ying and Peng Wu were busy arranging their next arrangements.

She stood quietly in the corner, listening to their series of arrangements.

When the show was about to end, he called Clivia to the front, looked at the mercenaries with extremely tense expressions in the audience, and smiled faintly.

"I know that the occurrence of such a thing has made you all panic, and your spirits are even more tense. In fact, you don't have to worry too much. Each of us will be by your side and be each other's patron saint. Of course, in the city Before the situation is clarified, try not to go out, just stay in the base, and everyone will take care of each other, and the rest will continue as usual."

"Xiao Sha, how is Qingyun's situation? Is he all right?"

Everyone looked at Luo Ziyue with worried faces, secretly sweating for Yunling, wondering what was going on with him!

"Don't worry, with me here, I won't let him have an accident."

Luo Ziyue looked at the crowd with a firm tone, as if she was making a promise to them, but also as if she was making a promise for herself.

"I have other things to do, I'll leave this to you, if you need anything, just come to me in the backyard!"

"Well, pay more attention to your body, don't be too tired, the body is the capital of the revolution!"

"You can handle your affairs with peace of mind! We will take care of everything here, so don't worry!"

Peng Wu and Ye Ying looked at each other and said in a tacit understanding.

Luo Ziyue took Clivia directly and left.

Luo Ziyue brought Clivia to the alchemy room in the backyard, and the two of them cleaned up briefly before sitting down and discussing in detail.

"Xiao Sha, what are you going to do now?"

"When I cleared the field before, I kept a relatively complete corpse, which can be used for research. Because its toxicity is far beyond that of ordinary corpses, we must take isolation measures before studying it, so as to avoid infection. !"

Luo Ziyue tapped the table with her right hand, looked at Clivia thoughtfully and said.

"Well, that makes sense. I will prepare the specific materials needed!"

Clivia nodded in approval. Although he had never seen the corpse, he could already imagine its toxicity.

"You wait here for my meeting, I'll come back as soon as I go!"

Luo Ziyue stood up suddenly, and walked outside in big strides.

(End of this chapter)

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