Chapter 316 The Grief of Losing a Loved One

"Did King Ning leave for a while?" Old Pei suddenly changed the topic to Shi Tianjue.

"It seems that it has been a while, why is there something wrong with him?"

Elder Jun looked at him a little puzzled, not quite understanding what the matter in front of him had to do with Shi Tianjue.

"It's really possible that this matter is aimed at the couple. It's just that I don't know where King Ning has gone. They have such a good relationship between husband and wife. If nothing major happened, they would definitely be reluctant to leave each other."

"You don't want to find out the whereabouts of King Ning, do you? I advise you to rest easy! Not to mention, can you find them? Just let that girl know, and you will never end. I want her to help you teach the riddle, and I will give you four words: go dreaming!"

"Look at what you said, shouldn't I discuss it with you again?"

Mr. Pei also knew that his idea was a little unreliable, but if he thought about it carefully, it still made sense, but unfortunately, with that girl's personality, she definitely wouldn't tell them what King Ning was doing!
"You can just think about it in your heart, don't talk nonsense, you are in a hurry, and be careful that girl will just drop her burden and quit!"

When Mr. Jun thought of Luo Ziyue's temper, he shook his head. He was fine on weekdays, but once he stepped on her bottom line, he must turn his face faster than turning the book.

"It's not a problem for us to just sit like this right now! I don't know how the old man Shan is doing?"

Why doesn't Mr. Pei know that his current behavior is a bit like going to the doctor in a hurry.

However, due to the situation in front of him, there is nothing he can do!

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so you should stay at ease!"

Mr. Jun shook his head helplessly, turned around and went out of the room, planning to go to Clivia to see if there was anything he could do to help him?
On the other hand, the people of Degal City obviously felt that the atmosphere in the city was inexplicably plunged into a certain kind of depressive tension, as if there was a feeling that a storm was coming, and everyone was in danger for a while, and they hid at home and dared not go out.

"Merlin, is something wrong? Why do I feel that the atmosphere here is not right?" When Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin came out of Fengyage after eating, they obviously found that there were fewer pedestrians on the street than before. Many, especially those street vendors did not show up.

Empty streets look eerie and unaccustomed at first glance.

Jiang Molin was silent and didn't speak, his hands hidden in his sleeves kept pinching something, his fingers stopped abruptly, and his face suddenly turned pale, "The storm is coming, this time is a sign of great danger, which is rare in a hundred years. Time, you stay at home obediently, don't run around, and don't come out no matter who tells you!"

"What? An ominous omen?" Qin Shengyu was frightened by the serious expression on Jiang Molin's face, took a step back, and looked around in horror, "You mean, there shouldn't be ghosts on this street? I'm not afraid of anything, just Afraid of ghosts!"

"You haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of?" Jiang Molin looked at him angrily, "However, this time things are much more difficult to deal with than ghosts. Basically, they are impossible to guard against. Be careful yourself."

"Well, I see. Don't worry, in the next period of time, I won't see anyone looking for me except you!"

Qin Shengyu believed in Jiang Molin's words, "However, before that, do I have to inform Qin Ning first? Since Miss Luo and the others left, this kid seems to have changed. He is either cultivating or making money. It seems that apart from these two things in life, there is no other fun!"

"Qin Ning's news is always well-informed. He probably already knows without you telling him!" Jiang Molin said thoughtfully.

"That being said, let's go to his house just in case!?"

During this time, the relationship between Qin Shengyu and Qin Ning eased a lot, at least Qin Shengyu really regarded him as his younger brother.

"Well, since you are worried, then I will go with you!"

A long distance away, Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin heard a commotion coming from the direction of Qin Ning's house.

The two looked at each other and quickly ran towards his house.

From a distance, he could see soldiers surrounding the door of his house, one by one in armor, guarding the door with stern expressions.

Before they got close, he blocked their way with the weapons in his hands, "The city lord has ordered that no one should break into it without authorization!"

"Man, the person living here is my younger brother. Can I go in and see him? I don't know what happened to him?"

Qin Shengyu looked at the soldiers in front of him flatteringly. With his and Jiang Molin's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the strength of these soldiers in front of them was far beyond what ordinary soldiers could match. They were most likely the legendary personal guards who personally protected the city lord.

"Mr. Qin, please go back if you have nothing else to do! It's late at night, if you don't go back, I'm afraid you won't be able to go back!" The soldiers guarding the gate looked at Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin coldly. The voice reminded them coldly.

"But, but..." Qin Shengyu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by him.

"It's nothing but, the city owner has his reasons for doing the job. You are all citizens of their city, so why would he harm you?" There was a hint of murderous intent in the cold voice, "I'll give you five seconds, Quickly disappear from our sight, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!"

"Let's go first! With the city lord here, nothing will happen to Qin Ning!"

Jiang Molin grabbed Qin Shengyu who was still about to say something, turned around and walked back.

"Merlin, look at their attitudes, do they talk like that?" Qin Shengyu said to Jiang Molin angrily.

"Their attitude is indeed a bit bad, but it's also for our own good. The current situation is unknown, so let's stop making trouble!"


Just as Qin Shengyu was about to say something, he suddenly heard Qin Ning's mournful voice coming from behind them.


"No, I have to go back and have a look. Something must have happened to Qin Ning's mother!" Qin Shengyu turned around without hesitation and walked back, but was pulled out by Jiang Molin, "I know you are impatient, but, the current situation I don’t know, you must not take it lightly…”

Before Jiang Molin could speak, he saw Qin Ning strode out with Lan Boxuan pinching him under his armpit, ignoring his struggle at all.

The light of a blazing fire came from the yard behind them.

"Mother, mother, return my mother..."

Qin Ning stared at Lan Boxuan with tearful eyes, his eyes were full of hatred for him, but unfortunately, Lan Boxuan was not moved at all.

(End of this chapter)

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