Chapter 326 Thunder Means 4
Bai Zimo grabbed Song Wenqing and shook his head at him to signal him not to speak.

Lan Boxuan took the words calmly, "Miss Luo is delayed by something, so I'll be back later!"

"Really? How did I hear that she hasn't shown much in the past three days?"

The people in the dark obviously didn't take Lan Boxuan's refusal very seriously, and there was a clear understanding that he had already controlled everything in his words.

"Not showing up doesn't mean you don't exist, does it? Just like your Excellency, you haven't shown up from the beginning to the end. Don't we all know your existence?"

"Master Lan, you know how to use metaphors. If that's the case, then I'll wait for her for another 5 minutes. If she doesn't show up within 5 minutes, our game will officially begin!" The mystery in the dark The man readily agreed.

Lan Boxuan remained calm and indifferent as always.

Time slipped away little by little, and everyone around me became anxious.

Luo Ziyue never appeared in their sight as if she had disappeared, the atmosphere in the city was extremely tense, Xiao Su.

None of them thought that the person who finally controlled their lives was actually the person they spurned before.

During these three days, they ignorantly and cheerfully arranged bad things about her.

Changed her from the original killing god to the current evil star.

"Tell me, Miss Luo, will she come?"

"Our lives are in her hands. If she doesn't come, wouldn't we be dead?"

"You know you're afraid? How did you forget that she is your savior when you were happily arranging people's gossip?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't come. What does your life and death have to do with me? You all treat me like this, why should I save you white-eyed wolves?"

"Look at what you said, it seems that you didn't participate in our discussion before? Besides, aren't we being misled by someone with a heart?"

"If we have only a dead end, you can't escape such a fate, don't put up such a noble picture, who will see it?"

Under the huge shadow of death, the tempers of the people in the city became extremely irritable, and they kept talking.

"Ten seconds into the countdown, if Luo Ziyue doesn't show up, our game will officially begin!"

The voice of the mysterious man in the dark sounded accurately.

The countdown to death has sounded the bell.







"City Lord, Miss Luo really stays out of the matter and doesn't care about the life and death of the people in the city, right?"

The people standing behind Lan Boxuan all had a look of worry on their faces, and the tension in their eyes was obvious.

Even Lan Boxuan, who was the most confident, was a little confused about Luo Ziyue's thoughts.

Song Wenqing and Bai Zimo looked at each other. They were very satisfied with the current situation. For them, it was the wisest choice for Luo Ziyue not to come.

Although such a choice is somewhat ruthless, human beings are inherently selfish.

Everything we do is for the people we care about.

What does the life and death of those insignificant people matter to them?

"No, I believe Miss Luo will definitely come, she must be delayed by something!"

Lan Boxuan hesitated for a moment, but still chose to believe his directness.

In his understanding, Luo Ziyue has always been a girl with a soft heart, and her ruthlessness is only aimed at her enemies.

"It seems that City Lord Lan believes in Luo Ziyue very much! It's a pity that she is destined to disappoint you." He secretly smiled contemptuously, and spit out indifferent words from his mouth: "One! Do it!"

"Isn't it just a few minutes late? As for, dare to die in such a hurry?"

Luo Ziyue's laughing voice came from all directions, it sounded similar to that of the mysterious person, no one knew where she was hiding?
"When did the famous Killing God learn to hide his head and shrink his tail?"

The mysterious man in the dark snapped his fingers, and a series of orders came out of his mouth, but his words were still very unreasonable.

"I can't help it. I have been dealing with people like you all year round. Wouldn't it be a disadvantage if I don't learn a little bit?" Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and replied without showing any weakness: "This is the legendary saying of learning from a good person and learning from a fox. Learning to be a goblin, you don't even have this bit of common sense, Your Excellency is really weak!"

"You are still eloquent and eloquent as always, but I don't know if you can continue to laugh like this for a while!"

The mysterious man seemed to be stunned by Luo Ziyue, and countless zombies landed on the sky above Degal City from all directions in an instant.

"The enchantment is opened!" Seeing this, Lan Boxuan sternly said.

Gather the power of everyone to open the unique enchantment of Degal City.

All the people in the city lost their support in an instant, and they fluttered towards the sky above Degal City, flying like a huge bag.

In two or three breaths, all the ordinary people had disappeared over the city of Degal.

All other people with cultivation and strength were left behind to fight to the death with these zombies.

All of them had death-defying expressions on their faces.

"Today we are with the city of Degal, people are there, the city is there, people die, the city is destroyed, and war!"

"It turns out that City Lord Lan has already planned something, which really impresses me."

The mysterious man in the dark was a little surprised. Because Lan Boxuan and the others were moving very fast, those people had already disappeared in the city before they could stop them. The so-called enchantment he spoke of was nowhere to be found, and no one knew its exact location.

"I really want to know, if you are all dead, will those people still have a way to live?"

"I also want to know, if you die, will they disappear?" Luo Ziyue responded before Lan Boxuan could speak.

The insidiousness and murderous intent in the words are extremely obvious.

"'ll know when you kill me!" The mysterious man in the dark let out a burst of hearty laughter, not minding Luo Ziyue's rudeness at all.

Lan Boxuan looked at the slightly empty city with a faint smile: "In this case, you will know when you kill us!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill!"

The voice of the mysterious man in the dark became gloomy in an instant, and the sky above seemed to be covered by dense black clouds in an instant, without any ray of light permeating through it.

A bright firework shot straight into the sky from above the city gate.

After receiving the task assigned to them by Luo Ziyue, the lore squad lurking in the dark quickly started to act.

The body moves quickly, constantly provoking the zombies in the city.

However, at the moment when they make a move, they disappear in front of them strangely, which will attract the attention of a large number of zombies to them.

(End of this chapter)

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