Chapter 328
Old man Qin warned Luo Ziyue sharply.

"Is what I said wrong? Like your master, who always follows others, endlessly plotting and tricking people, what is the difference between a person who uses dog skin plaster? Dog skin plaster is not as annoying as her, I am really tired of you guys !"

Luo Ziyue expressed her impatience and disgust unceremoniously.

A look of disgust.

"This shows that our master thinks highly of you, and ordinary people can't get into her eyes!"

Old man Qin stared, the black clouds on his body seemed to be a little more serious along with his anger.

"Tch, according to what you said, if I kill you, it will be your honor. I don't bother to deal with ordinary people manually. Otherwise, you obediently stick your head over and let me chop a few times!"

Luo Ziyue looked at the old man Qin with contempt, her body swayed suddenly, and in an instant, afterimages appeared in the air, she quickly entangled with him.

"Bai Zimo, take good care of my senior brother, don't let him do bad things and run around!"

Before Song Wenqing could make a move, Luo Ziyue's voice had quietly penetrated into the ears of Bai Zimo beside him. Bai Zimo's eyes flickered slightly, and he immediately understood her meaning. He grabbed Song Wenqing and held her tightly. Shut his mouth so he can't talk nonsense.

"Hmm..." Song Wenqing glared at Bai Zimo, and there was a faltering voice coming from his mouth.

Bai Zimo apologized very softly in his ear: "Brother Song, I'm sorry. No matter what happens later, I must follow Miss Luo's orders. You should just stay here and watch the battle! I I believe Miss Luo must have found a solution!"

"Let go of me first..." Song Wenqing said to him indistinctly.

Bai Zimo looked up at the fierce battle between Luo Ziyue and Patriarch Qin, and shook his head decisively: "I'm sorry, but I can't let you go. Right now Miss Luo is fighting fiercely with that old man. If anything goes wrong with you, Luo Ziyue will only let you go." The girl is distracted!"

During this period of getting along, he understood very well that Song Wenqing was always impulsive when facing Luo Ziyue's problems.

Not as witty as he usually appears.

"Brother Song, just observe with me honestly! Let's not cause Miss Luo any more trouble, she has already had enough trouble!"

If it weren't for Song Wenqing's entanglement, he wouldn't have accompanied him to look for Miss Luo everywhere!

With Miss Luo's personality, if she really wanted to find him, why would she have to wait so long?
What's more, there were always troubles around her, and the more people there were, the more troubles there would be.

It's a pity that Song Wenqing is a dead-headed person, he doesn't listen to anything, he just wants to find Luoziyu, just like a weaned child looking for his mother.

In desperation, he had no choice but to risk his life to accompany the gentleman.

Anyway, the current Bai family doesn't have anything to do with him.

Song Wenqing stared at Luo Ziyue's battle with Patriarch Qin without blinking his eyes. Regarding Bai Zimo's words, it simply went in one ear and out the other.

"It seems that Miss Luo is really in big trouble this time. This old man is even more difficult to deal with than imagined."

Luo Ziyue escaped from old man Qin's grasp several times, and was in danger of being reborn.

The people who let them watch silently sweated for her.

At the same time, Lan Boxuan was also astonished to discover that the spreading speed of the corpse poison was faster than before, and one after another people were turned into zombies, from our previous side to the enemy. cockroach.

Wave after wave, no one knows where their bottom line is?
Seeing that the city of Degal was falling little by little, everyone's hearts were tense, and the uneasy fear in their hearts lingered in their hearts.

They were so depressed that they couldn't breathe.

At this moment, Luo Ziyue also seemed to be having a hard time dealing with old man Qin. Obviously, old man Qin was stronger than everyone she had met before. In his hands, she couldn't please her at all, so she played all her cards. .

Holding a long whip transformed into Jin Yan in his hand, he kept waving it at Old Man Qin's body. Sparks fell on his body and penetrated into his skin. usefulness.

"'s useless, your thing is good against other small things, but it's difficult to use it on me. Don't you know that we have specially improved and improved the thing in your hand? Upgrade?"

Old man Qin looked at Luo Ziyue proudly, his red eyes were full of treachery.

"Do you think you are the Win version? If you say upgrade, you will upgrade, and if you say improvement, you will change. I still don't believe it. I can't deal with you!"

"What is Plague Death? Can it be eaten?"

The old man Qin looked at her curiously, his eyes full of thirst for knowledge made Luo Ziyue speechless.

"Confinement technique, prisoner!"

Hot flames shot out from Luo Ziyue's hands and landed around the old man Qin.

With lightning speed, a closed cage was created, and old man Qin was imprisoned in it.

Dazzling firelight illuminates half of the sky.

The temperature became hot instantly, and the temperature of the flame continued to rise as time went by, and the zombies around the flame were burned to ashes in the sparks.

Luo Ziyue snorted coldly, and with a flash of her figure, she quickly got into the fire prison, where she started a new round of struggle with old man Qin.

The fierce battle caused sparks to fly everywhere, and everything they went was burned into a ball of pitch black.

Everyone couldn't help but sweat for her.

Lan Boxuan's figure flashed, and he wanted to help Luo Ziyue, but unexpectedly, when he was approaching the fire prison, he was blown away by a mysterious force.

"Grandpa, you let me out, I'm going to help Xiaosha, what's the matter with you locking me up?"

The movement outside finally alarmed Clivia. When he wanted to come out, he found that the entire space was blocked by Mr. Jun, who sat cross-legged not far away, watching the battle in the distance.

"It's not that I want to lock you up, it's Miss Luo who came here and asked me to lock you up, just to prevent you from going out and scaring you away!" Elder Jun glanced at Clivia, and said in a slightly deep tone.

"Miss Luo?" Jun Zilan looked at Mr. Jun in surprise, "You mean, Xiao Sha is a woman?"

"Well, she is the famous Luo Ziyue, I'm afraid she's in danger this time."

Mr. Jun sighed helplessly. He was left behind to guard the alchemists of the Alchemy Guild. He did not go to fight with them, but his heart was always on his mind. "I don't know how many years this old man Qin secretly planned That’s why this riot happened!”

"Grandpa, you mean, what happened this time was all caused by the Qin family?"

Clivia looked at Mr. Jun in astonishment, and before Mr. Jun could speak, suddenly, an explosion resounding through the sky came from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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