Chapter 341 Is He a Masochist?

Luo Ziyue slightly guessed Yao Lao's intentions.

Yao Lao nodded lightly, thought for a while, then suddenly looked at Luo Ziyue and said, "Why don't you go to old man Yun first, and when you're done, I'll go to you and arrange accommodation for you. Coincidentally, taking advantage of these few days, we can also have a competition!"

"Then let's go to Yunlao first, and Yaolao will be in trouble for other things!"

Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan looked at each other and smiled, saying goodbye to Yao Lao.

The two followed the direction they had come from before, and returned along the same road. On the way, they found an honest-looking student on the side of the road, and under his leadership, they walked straight towards the punishment courtyard.

"Are you new students this year?"

The boy they caught was Yi Jian, a veteran student who enrolled last year.

He seems to be very honest, but from his flashing eyes, Luo Ziyue can tell that he is an extremely careful person.

"Hey... You saw it."

Mi Xuan chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed, since she was about to be punished when she first entered school, anyone would feel a little embarrassed when asked.

Yi Jian looked at them for a while, and suddenly exclaimed: "I remembered, you are not the new students they said were fighting with Liu Yu in Luna Square, are you? You are really awesome, you are simply my idol."

"Idol? It's not like that, is it?"

Mi Xuan looked at him strangely, wondering why he had such a big reaction?
"As for, of course, you must know that you are the only ones who dared to fight in Luna Square in the past few years. If the others had been arrested by the guards, they would have been locked up in confinement. Are you going to receive punishment?" Yi Jian shook his head, and kindly explained to them: "Those students who are arrested by the guards for confinement every time they make trouble, will take off several layers of skin. Be careful!"

"Would it be worse if we were personally punished by Elder Yun?" Luo Ziyue suddenly looked at Yi Jian with some amusement and said.

Sure enough, as she expected, as soon as these words came out, Yi Jian froze in place instantly, "You, you, are you going to find Elder Yun for punishment?"

"Yes! Is there something wrong?"

Mi Xuan and Luo Ziyue looked at each other, they were very interested in his reaction, and wanted to tease him wickedly.

It was the first time they met such a fun person!

Obviously, they haven't realized how terrible Yun Lao is. If they know what they will face in a while, they probably won't be able to laugh.

"No, I just silently wish you good luck!"

Yi Jian shook his head with a dull expression, silently sweating for them in his heart.

"Looking at your expression, you seem to know something? Why don't you tell us so that we can be mentally prepared!"

How could Mi Xuan let him go like this, but no matter how she asked, Yi Jian replied no, nothing, very good.

These are obviously very perfunctory, and they avoided mentioning the things they wanted to ask about Yun Lao.

"Okay, Xuanxuan, don't embarrass him anymore. If he could say it, he would have said it a long time ago. Why do you need to ask!"

Luo Ziyue saw his expression of not saying anything, so she had no choice but to stop Mi Xuan from asking again, which also made Yi Jian heave a long sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that they would continue to ask questions.

"Xiao Cha, the people in this academy are so weird, they like to say half of what they say and keep the other half, and that old man did the same thing before." Mi Xuan pursed her lips boringly, and complained to Luo Ziyue.

This made Yi Jian look embarrassed.

"Since they don't say anything, there must be reasons they can't say. It's meaningless for you to ask like this, you can only embarrass them!" Luo Ziyue smiled apologetically at Yi Jian, then turned her head and said to Mi Xuan .

"Oh, I'm curious!" Mi Xuan sighed, "I don't know how this old man Yun will torture us in a while?"

"Let's see if you dare to be impulsive next time?"

"Dare you say that when you faced Zhu Tou Liu, you didn't have the urge to beat him? He looks so sorry, and he does such coquettish moves. The most important thing is that his poison gas almost made me faint. If I don't beat him up, I feel so sorry for the beautiful face my mother gave me!"

Mi Xuan said disapprovingly.

Even if she did it all over again, she would still beat Zhu Tou Liu without hesitation.

The most important thing is that he looks so sorry, yet he dares to confess to her in front of so many faces.

Calling her daughter-in-law is simply unbearable, and every second has the urge to chop him up and feed him to pigs.

"I think the next time he sees you, he will definitely call you wife, hahahaha..."

Luo Ziyue glanced at Mi Xuan, and seeing her look of disgust and disgust, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The angry Mi Xuan's face turns blue and turns pale.

"Are you gloating? If he dares to call me my wife again, I'll chop him up and feed them to wild boars!" Mi Xuan looked ahead fiercely.

Looking at their interaction, Yi Jian couldn't help but see Liu Yu's appearance in his mind.

Couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Mi Xuan looked at him dangerously.

Yi Jian shook his hand weakly, "I'm not laughing at you girl, I just suddenly remembered that being beaten up by girls seems to happen to Liu Yu often, every time after being beaten, Liu Yu will pester you Those girls for a while, girl, you have to grow up!"

"You mean, he will come to pester me again?"

Mi Xuan stared at him with a fierce look.

"By the way, my name is Mi Xuan, you can just call me Xuanxuan, his name is Shi Cha, you can just call him Xiao Sha!"

"Theoretically, it's like this. The worse you are beaten, the longer you will be entangled!" Yi Jian nodded with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Mi Xuan's broken face, "No way? Does this person have a tendency to be abused?"

"Privately everyone said he was masochistic."

"Xiao Sha, what should I do? You have to save me, don't let such a beautiful girl like me be tortured by a pig's head!" Mi Xuan looked at Luo Ziyue unbearably, and asked her for help.

She doesn't want to be entangled by a pig's head!

"Isn't he still entangled? Besides, Yi Jian might have scared you!" Luo Ziyue slapped her hand off angrily.

"That's right! Xuanxuan, what Xiaocha said is right, maybe he is afraid of being beaten by you, so he won't dare to pester you anymore?"

Seeing what Luo Ziyue said, Yi Jian couldn't help agreeing.

He felt a little regretful in his heart, it seemed that he shouldn't have said so much to Mi Xuan, it made her so neurotic.

(End of this chapter)

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