Chapter 345 Receiving the Penalty 2
Luo Ziyue shrugged helplessly, she knew that this punishment was not so simple.

If it was completed so easily, would it be possible to make people in the academy change their faces when they heard their names?
"It looks like I'm afraid I can't finish picking today."

"Ah?" Mi Xuan looked at her in astonishment, "Should we still have to stay here overnight?"

Luo Ziyue looked around and searched, but found nothing. Recalling what Yun Lao said before, "Well, it is very likely that this is the case. Let's continue to carry water resignedly! We can escape for a while, but we can't hide Forever!"

With a downcast face, Mi Xuan followed behind Luo Ziyue resignedly, "It's true that the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard~! Let's go!"

Two days passed in a flash, and the water in the water tank was almost full.

During these two days, Elder Yun never showed up, and the two resigned themselves to carrying water.

Even Mi Xuan, who did not carry water to the top of the mountain, was so tired that she was about to shed a layer of skin.

This weird water tank was always full as if teasing them. She was so angry that she wanted to smash the water tank, but Luo Ziyue held her back.

Don't look at them carrying water here, they are exhausted to death, and the old medicine is not easy.

In the past two days, they have been running to the punishment court for their affairs.

It's a pity that no matter how he pleaded for them, Mr. Yun ignored him at all, and the water in the water tank still rose very slowly.

Almost out of breath and crazy.

"Oh my god! My old lady can be regarded as filling up the water in this water tank. It's really not easy!"

After Mi Xuan poured the last bucket of water into the tank, the water in the tank was finally filled as she wished.

Without even thinking about it, she threw aside the bucket and pole that she had picked for two days.

The whole person was lying on the ground in a very imageless manner.

You know, during these two days, they didn't even bother to rest. Basically, they were carrying water day and night, just hoping to fill up the water quickly.

Now it's hard to fill up the water in the tank, so of course I have to take a good rest.

Luo Ziyue shook her head helplessly, knowing that she was really tired these two days, so she didn't say much, and sat down cross-legged beside her, and slowly entered the state of cultivation.

"You really are a cultivator!"

Mi Xuan held her head in her hands, looked at Luo Ziyue who had entered the cultivation state and shook her head, lazily looked at the sky above her head, and was in a daze.

I don't know how long it took before Luo Ziyue woke up from her practice, and looked at Mi Xuan beside her in surprise: "Hasn't Mr. Yun come here yet?"

"You haven't woken up yet, why did he come here? Looking for scolding?" Mi Xuan looked at her speechlessly, "The water tank is full, he should come here now!"

"You know me quite well!"

As soon as Mi Xuan finished speaking, Lao Yun's voice appeared in the courtyard, and Yao Lao was with him.

"It's none of your business here, hurry up, and save this old man from bothering me!"

Luo Ziyue and Mi Xuan looked at Yao Lao in surprise, a little confused as to what he had done?
How could Lao Yun annoy them so much.

Yao Lao smiled awkwardly, "Aren't I still thinking about the written test with you? These three days are about to pass, so I am naturally anxious, and I want you to quickly end this ghost punishment. It's a pity that old man Yun is pestering you to plead, but he won't let you in, so it's useless!"


Mi Xuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly burst into wild laughter, "You are quite a cute old man. It's the first time I've seen someone so eager to abuse you."

Luo Ziyue glanced at her, and tacitly ignored her with Yao Lao and Yun Lao, "Is one day enough?"

"We limit it to one day. Whoever develops the antidote first wins. If the antidote is not developed halfway, it will be a tie. By the way, this girl will stay with Mr. Yun, can't Let her follow us to join in the fun!"

Seeing Mi Xuan laughing wildly, Yao Lao suddenly asked.

Luo Ziyue was slightly taken aback, turned her head to look at Mi Xuan, and nodded before she could speak, "It's really not suitable for her to be present in this competition, as for where she goes is her freedom, I don't care , you have to ask her!"

"Xiao Sha, are you going to abandon my rhythm?"

The smile on Mi Xuan's face suddenly disappeared, and her complexion became gloomy in an instant, she narrowed her eyes slightly, full of displeasure.

"Abandoning is out of the question, but the competition between me and Yao Lao is really not suitable for a third person to be present."

Luo Ziyue ignored the expression on her face.

Although she dotes on her in many things, she is determined not to back down on some matters of principle.

"Is there really no room for maneuver?"

She hasn't seen her alchemy yet!

Take a good look at her alchemy with your own eyes.

"No, if you don't want to stay with Mr. Yun, you can find a place for yourself."

"She will stay here with me, and she will go out when the freshmen enter school!"

Before Mi Xuan could speak, Elder Yun had already cut off her other retreats, completely ignoring Mi Xuan's bitter face.

Luo Ziyue and Yao Lao looked at each other, and the two of them disappeared in a flash, leaving Yun Lao and Mi Xuan staring blankly.

"Hahaha...that girl's face is really interesting!"

As soon as he came out of the penalty courtyard, Yao Lao let out a burst of unkind laughter.

The corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth also turned up slightly, "Where are we going to compete now? Time is running out, let's hurry up."

"Go to my pharmacy."

Without saying a word, Yao Lao grabbed Luo Ziyue and rushed towards the alchemy tower. The speed was so fast that Luo Ziyue had the feeling of flying into the sky. The sharp wind blew across her cheeks. Fortunately, after a moment of discomfort, , she has already adjusted her state, accepting everything in front of her calmly.

But in a short while, she and Yao Lao had already landed in front of an ancient pagoda several stories high.

The three characters "Alchemy Pagoda" are hung high in front of the tower gate, and it can be seen that the door plaque of the punishment court is in the same hands, with a murderous aura in the chic, and there is a faint sense of heaven and earth in it. It will make people feel dizzy.

"Who wrote the words on this plaque?" Luo Ziyue looked at Yao Lao curiously and asked.

"Hahaha... ordinary people can't write this word, but what do you think of our alchemy tower? Let me tell you, if you do alchemy in the alchemy tower, the success rate of alchemy will increase by [-]% to [-]%~! "

Yao Lao looked at her with a smile, and before she could react, he dragged her in with big strides.

"Hey, I said, you haven't answered my question yet?"

Luo Ziyue broke her arm out of his grasp, followed behind him with big strides and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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