382 The Finale 1
"Master, Luo Ziyue has arrived in our Demon Realm!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue arrived in the Demon Realm, the people in the Demon Palace had already received the message, and quickly reported the news to the people above.

"Supervise her all the time, don't act rashly for now."

An indistinguishable voice came from the empty magic palace, and a sneering voice suddenly sounded, "Hahaha... It seems that she has already obtained the inheritance of the Moon God, but I don't know if her memory can be restored? I really look forward to it! ?”

In the other part of the magic palace, Shi Tianjue sat on the bed, opened his eyes as if he had sensed something, a dark light flashed in the depths of his deep red eyes, and soon calmed down, the closed door Being pushed away from the outside, "The person you desperately wanted to protect has already fallen into a trap, how do you feel?"

Misty black clouds lingered around the visitor, making it difficult to distinguish her appearance.

The sarcastic voice did not cause Shi Tianjue the slightest fluctuation, his eyes looked at her indifferently, "Do you know why I don't like you?"

"I don't need to understand." The visitor sat on the chair in his room, poured himself a glass of water, and looked at him with a tilted head and a smile: "It doesn't matter whether you like me or not. You still belong to me in the end." Mine, do you think she can still beat me with her current strength?"

"I believe her." Shi Tianjue said indifferently, and directly chose to ignore her words, "I didn't belong to you in my previous life, and I don't belong to you in this life either. No matter what you become, you will never escape her defeat." the result of."

"Unfortunately, no matter in the previous life or in this life, she is the only one who is going to die. She cares about the people in this world more than you!"

The person who came looked like he had the chance to win, making Shi Tianjue's pupils shrink slightly, and he just closed his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"When are you going to set me free?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

"It's not easy to want to be free. After drinking the wine I prepared for you, I will set you free!"

With a wave of the visitor's palm, a glass of wine appeared in front of Shi Tianjue in an instant, "Don't try to be clever, you know, it's useless to me, just drink this glass of wine honestly, and I'll set you back free! "

"What did you put in the wine?"

Shi Tianjue reached out to hold the wine glass in his hand, his eyes fell into the blood-red wine in the glass, "Is there blood in it?"

"The wine brewed with the blood of the human race is extremely delicious. If you don't believe me, try it!" The visitor tilted his head and looked at him with a smile. "If you don't drink it, I'll arrest your sweetheart. Let's see, is your bone hard or her bone hard?"

"You threatened me!" Shi Tianjue squinted at her slightly.

She shrugged, "You can understand it this way, who let you fall into my hands?"

"I want to see Lin Xiuya, and after seeing him, I'll consider drinking this stuff!"

Shi Tian gave a cold snort of disdain, and secretly calculated in his heart, delaying the time as much as possible.

"He's mine. It's useless for you to see him. He won't save you without my permission!"

The visitor didn't expect Shi Tianjue to make such a request suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, with a weird smile on his face.

"Then go catch her!"

Shi Tianjue threw out such a sentence very decisively, threw the wine glass in his hand to her, and practiced cross-legged on his own, ignoring her existence, obviously ignoring her existence .

"It is said that husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes. This is true. As you wish, I will let him come to see you. At the same time, I will also catch your sweetheart along the way. You You know, I have always listened to your words the most, as long as it is what you say, I will definitely do it!"

The visitor dropped such a sentence, and the figure disappeared into the room immediately.

Shi Tianjue closed his eyes tightly, as if he didn't hear it, he was also thinking about how to deal with the next thing.

As soon as the girl came, she couldn't wait to let him drink and get a glass of wine. The intention was definitely not that simple, but it seemed too wishful thinking to make him just succumb.

"I heard that you want to see me?" Lin Xiuya's voice sounded in the room first before the person from Lin Xiuya appeared, "You didn't mean to procrastinate on purpose before you asked to see me, did you?"

"Before I had a physical problem, and those things about Tianzongmen, are you responsible for it?" Shi Tianjue said slowly with his eyes closed.

Lin Xiuya sat down in his room with a big thorn.

"Didn't you guess it all? Why bother to ask me again? I am her person from the beginning to the end. Whether it is treating your body or playing tricks on your body, I always follow her orders. It seems that your previous life My memory hasn't been fully recovered yet!"

"What's in that glass of wine? Why must I drink it?"

Shi Tianjue suddenly opened his eyes, bloodthirsty red pupils fell on his face, with a trace of oppressive force, chilling, making people's heart shudder.

"I'll just say it! For so long, you haven't proposed to see me. It's definitely not a good thing to ask to see me at this time, but don't worry, she didn't intend to hide it from you. That glass of wine is to help you To restore memory."

Lin Xiuya supported his head with one hand, staring at Shi Tianjue on the bed: "Don't you think your body has become much more normal during this time? After drinking that, you can completely recover!"

Seeing him like this, Shi Tianjue suddenly showed a smile on his face, "It seems that you guys want to do something to my memory!"

"You..." Lin Xiuya was slightly startled, looked at him strangely, but did not deny it, "You have no choice, you know, once Luo Ziyue falls into her hands, there will be no benefit , even if she took over the inheritance and became much stronger, but that won't help."

"Don't worry, I can drink that glass of wine, bring it to me!"

Shi Tianjue smiled faintly, a little disapproving, he didn't care too much about whether they would capture Luo Ziyue, he believed in her, and even more in himself.

Lin Xiuya shrugged, and with a wave of his hand, the glass of wine that had been prepared for him appeared in front of Shi Tianjue.

As soon as he raised his head, he drank all the wine in the wine glass. He threw the empty wine glass on the ground, and he still sat cross-legged on the bed, without much reaction.

As time went by, the cold sweat on his forehead grew more and more, the hands beside him were clenched tightly, his expression changed slightly, and he tried his best to endure the changes in his body.

Huge energy fluctuations came from his body, and suddenly exploded towards the surroundings, directly toppling the roof over his head.

(End of this chapter)

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