384 The Finale 3
"Whether you agree or disagree, I have to go see him..."

"Hahaha... Since you want to meet our Great Demon King so much, why don't I take you to meet him!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue finished speaking, suddenly, a ghostly voice came from all around, causing Yun Ling to raise his guard in an instant, and stood in front of Luo Ziyue, "Who? Come out!"

"Of course they are the ones who are here to invite you to be our guests."

As soon as the voice of the visitor fell, a huge black net descended from their heads, bound them all around, and without giving them any chance to resist, their bodies had already lost their freedom. Their eyes were pitch black, but they could only vaguely feel it. They are advancing rapidly.

Luo Ziyue's face was calm, her mind was fluctuating, she stretched her body slightly, found a comfortable position, and lay down, "Yunling, let's lie down and rest first! I guess I won't be here for a while."

"Miss Luo, are you okay?" Yunling asked with a little worry in a tentative voice.

"Well, it's pretty good."

Yunling couldn't see her face in the dark, and didn't know the expression on her face at the moment, but only from the sound, she seemed to be in a very stable mood, and she wasn't too worried, so he kept silent and didn't say anything more.

Luo Ziyue suddenly chuckled, "Don't think too much, nothing will happen, in fact, even if they don't come, we're still going to find them, they just save us the trouble of finding out by ourselves Time saves a lot of energy, if my guess is correct, we will be able to see Tianjue when we arrive at our destination!"

"Well, I do feel that we are getting closer to the breath of the master, but Miss Luo, no matter what happens to the master at that time, you have to trust him, I think he can't help himself!"

Yunling was silent for a while, but still couldn't help but want to give Luo Ziyue a vaccination in advance.

Although he hasn't seen the master yet, he has already vaguely felt a little strangeness, even he who has been with him for many years, can't help but feel strange, let alone the girl Luo who puts the master in his heart .

"Did you know something?"

Luo Ziyue had already prepared for the worst in her heart, but when she heard what Yun Ling said, she still couldn't help but worry for a while, the string in her head would suddenly tense up.

"If the master is the Great Demon King now, his temperament will definitely be very different from before. In a sense, he is not the real master. However, with the power of the master, he wants to swallow him smoothly. If so, I'm afraid it will take a little more time." Yun Ling said to Luo Ziyue in a very low voice.

I don't know if the people outside heard it. Anyway, no matter what they said or guessed, no one responded to them.

"Don't worry, I have already prepared in my heart. No matter what he becomes, I will believe in him and myself!"

After a brief exchange, both of them fell into silence.

Suddenly they were thrown on the ground, and the black nets tied to their bodies prevented them from reacting in time. When the black shadow above their heads dissipated, the sudden light made them close their eyes subconsciously. An indistinguishable voice said, "Luo Ziyue, we finally meet again!"

"Who are you?" Luo Ziyue closed her eyes slightly, then slowly opened them, her eyes fell on the person not far away, "Again? When was the last time we met?"

"It seems that your memory hasn't recovered yet? Haven't you already received the inheritance of the Moon God? Why don't you even know who I am? I've been thinking about you all these years in vain!"

Suddenly, the figure of the person wrapped in the black cloud changed, and a woman with charming eyebrows and enchanting figure appeared in front of her.

There was a sarcastic smile on her pretty face, and she looked at her with full eyes.

"who are you?"

Luo Ziyue vaguely felt that she looked familiar, but couldn't remember where she had seen her?
"It seems that you still don't know who I am? If you don't know how, can you deny it?"

While speaking, she instantly turned into another girl.

This time Luo Ziyue didn't ask who she was, but recognized her very directly: "Qing Ling?"

"Hahaha... I'm not Qingling, I just used her body to get close to you, after all, you were so...weak at that time!" "Qingling" smiled wildly, "Actually, If you think about it carefully, you will find that I am by your side, I am everywhere!"

"Who else is there beside me that you turned into?" Luo Ziyue was stunned for a while, she didn't expect that the enemy she had been looking for was by her side. Could it be that the most dangerous place is the safest place? place?

"Where there is you, there is me. It's a pity that you are too weak. Even though I am full of loopholes, you don't even have the slightest doubt about me!"

Luo Ziyue frowned, and kept filtering all the people around her in her mind. She found that, as she said, even if she was full of loopholes, she still felt like she had nowhere to start. She didn't know who was her. play!
"What shall I call you?"

But these are not important to her. The important thing is that no matter who she is, they have finally reached the stage of confrontation. All the friendship in the past has been annihilated, and some have only hostility.

"Qingzhi!" Qingzhi smiled, and her appearance instantly returned to her own appearance, and her gestures showed a natural and charming feeling, "If you can't recover your memory as soon as possible, then there will be a great disaster waiting for you , this time I will not be soft-hearted!"

"What memory are you talking about? I don't think there is any memory loss in my head!"

Luo Ziyue frowned, but secretly guessed in her heart, could she really be the reincarnation of the Moon God?
The memory she mentioned is the memory of the previous life?

"Haven't you already guessed it? Why do you need to ask me again?"

Qingzhi could see what she was thinking at a glance. With a wave of her palm, an invisible force gathered between her eyebrows, and the seven-color flowers hidden on her forehead appeared on her forehead. Ling Anjing stood beside Luo Ziyue, the alert in her heart had already been raised to the highest level.


Luo Ziyue tried to interrupt her movement, but under the invisible wire, she couldn't move, so she could only silently endure the tingling sensation from between her eyebrows!
"Miss Luo..."

Yunling looked at Luo Ziyue worriedly, wanting to take some action, but was so suppressed by Qing Zhi that he couldn't move, so he could only look at her worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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