Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 101 The Power Beyond the Boundary of Blood Successors

Chapter 101 The Power Beyond the Boundary of Blood Successors
8000 million taels is not a small amount, even for Terumi Mei who is Mizukage of Wuyin Village.

Seeing that Wu Ye was making a fortune, she was envious, so she took the passbook and put it in her pocket.

Afterwards, she glared at Obscure Ye, indicating that this was her share.

In view of the fact that the other party came to help her this time, Wu Ye had no choice but to treat it as a reward for her.

After that, he ordered the head of the Chongjiao to continue sailing in the direction of the North Country...

Two days later.

Wu Ye and the others finally landed on the shore, and came to the land of snow filled with silver.

Frostwolf was hunted down by Snow Country, so naturally he couldn't participate in the plan. This person stayed in the pirate group, anxiously waiting for news.

It was snowing heavily.

The three of them walked on the endless snow field, leaving rows of footprints where they passed, but they were quickly buried by the heavy snow.

The climate is bone-chillingly cold, Oboroya and Terumi Mei, even though they put on snow-blocking fur clothes when they came, they still couldn't resist the pervasive chill.

On the other hand, the female Xue Ji seemed to enjoy it very much.

This made Obscure Ye have to sigh, it's no wonder that Snow Country can produce the Boundary of Ice Escape Blood Successor, and only the power of Ice Escape exists, because in such an environment, no other ninjutsu can be practiced at all.

"Look at..."

Xue Ji lifted her spirits and pointed forward.

At the end of the line of sight is a towering snow-capped mountain.

"That's my castle in the Snow Country!!"

The woman finally saw the place she was dreaming of, and her expression seemed a little different.

This time!

A voice came from afar:

"Who are you?"

Two snow wolves were pulling a sled, on which stood two middle-aged men in the same attire.

As members of the border guards, the two immediately spotted the three from a height.

"You came just in time! Come on, take us to the king right away."

In Wu Ye's words, he deliberately showed a little eagerness.

The two border guards saw that the three of them were covering their mouths and noses, and they were not in their Xue Ren's regular attire, so they thought it was outsiders breaking in.

But when he heard that one of them was going to see the king, his doubts were reduced a lot.

Because if it was an outsider who broke in, how could he be so stupid as to ask to see the king, that would not be suicide.

"You are……"

One asked tentatively.

Obscure Ye raised his right hand, revealing the gauntlet on his hand.

"Huh? Why is it the first-generation gauntlet that has been eliminated!"

The two of them looked a little surprised when they saw the heavy gauntlet on Wu Ye's hand.

"We are the people who were dispatched by the king back then. After no less than six years, we finally completed the task and escorted the criminal Xue Ji back!"


Obscure Ye's words made the two guards lose their colors in shock.

"Xue, Xueji! You mean, this woman is..."

The gazes of the two fell on the woman who was held in the middle by Mu Ye.

Obscure Ye took off Xue Ji's snow-blocking face scarf, and immediately had a clear view of her face.

The two guards paled in horror.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Xue Ji, the two of them were not excited, but a little disappointed, and the eyes of the two of them became more hostile.

"What are you two doing in a daze? Hurry up and take us to the king."

The two guards looked at each other and drove the snow wolf to the front of the three of them.

"Princess! After all, you were captured and brought back."

The two guards saluted slightly to the woman.

Looking at their expressions, it seems that there are thousands of words, but after seeing the two of them, they all shut up.

Witnessing this scene in the dark night, she felt a little clear in her heart.

The two guards didn't dare to be negligent, they pulled up the three of them, drove the snow wolf away, and headed towards the snow mountain.

It is worth mentioning that Oboroya and Terumi Mei were put on a sled.

The woman, Xue Ji, was carried by another person alone, deliberately falling behind more than ten meters on the way.

Oboroya and Terumi Mei looked at each other, feeling a little clear in their hearts.

It seems that the king is indeed unpopular.

But relying on only two guards obviously couldn't make waves. Although they didn't want to see the princess fall into the clutches of the devil, they had no other choice.

A group of people went up the snow mountain.

After being reported, there was no reply for a long time.

Just when Wu Ye felt bewildered, a burly man with gray hair who looked like he was in his 50s, wearing a floor-length robe and overcoat, walked out among a group of groveling people.

When Xue Ji saw this person, her body tensed up suddenly.

Oboroya and Terumi Mei, because they held her with both hands, immediately noticed her abnormality.

Looking at the ostentation of the person again, I instantly understood who that person was.

Both of them raised their hearts.

Because next, Obscure Ye will carry out an assassination. If he succeeds, everyone will be happy. If he misses, it is inevitable that there will be a decisive battle between life and death.

Even with the current strength of the two, they have no three-point chance of winning against the last "Super Shadow" ice escape master.

The man in the robes that dragged the floor had scarlet eyes. He fixed on Xue Ji with a single glance, the excitement on his face was uncontrollable, and he burst out laughing.

"Xue Ji! You have been away for so long, but uncle doesn't want you to come back all the time."

This person's eyes betrayed him, the scarlet eyes revealed greedy gazes, as if seeing the long-awaited prey.

Xue Ji came back, determined to live and die, her tense body relaxed, without fear, her voice was full of hatred:

"You inhumane devil, I still underestimate your cruelty. In order to obtain a stronger blood inheritance limit, you actually sucked the blood of your three sons and two daughters. What else in the world are you doing? not come out."

Hearing this, the man's smile froze on his face, and then was replaced by ferocity:
"You just came back, who told you these things?"

Xue Ji did not answer.

But no need to ask, it must be the person who was revealed to her by the guard who drove her on the way.

Even the guard, who planned to risk his life and escape with her, was rejected by the woman.

After being exposed, the king no longer concealed his secrets, his eyes were cold and ruthless.

"That's right! They're all dead! But they're dead worthwhile."

Speaking of killing his own children, instead of being sad, he opened his mouth and smiled:
"My blood-successor boundary has reached the limit of the blood-successor's power limit. Only the last pure blood-derived cell of the Snow Clan can be completely transformed into a blood-successor and eliminated."

"When I have this power, I will be the strongest person in the world."

Speaking of this, he fixed his eyes on Xue Ji, because the last pure blood cell was on her body.

What this person said shocked Oboroya and Terumi.

"Xue Ji is eliminated! This person originally planned to raise the power of Bing Dun to another level of power."

"But according to the legend, isn't the elimination of the blood following the three chakra attributes, the fusion of changes? The ice escape is the fusion of wind and water. What is the third attribute?"

(End of this chapter)

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