Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 103 The Falling Avalanche

Chapter 103 The Falling Avalanche
The king never expected that Wu Ye would give up the trump card of Thunder God Sword and fight him in close quarters.

Instead of being surprised, he was overjoyed, he had gauntlets close to him, and he thought that few people in the world could block his punch without dying, and he punched with the other hand.

collapse! !

The two fists slammed together, causing a huge explosion.

Obscure night flew out from the center of the explosion backwards, his feet slashed across the ground, leaving a string of messy footprints, he staggered back dozens of steps, and then struggled to stabilize his figure.

"What a great power! Tsunade's great strength is nothing more than that."

The key is not just pure strength, but also a bone-chilling chill.

Even though his explosive escape dissipated most of the power of the ice escape, one of his hands was still covered with a layer of frost, which made him numb and unconscious.

In contrast, the center of the explosion.

The king stood still, ten paces around, the ground sunken.

"A blood-successor boundary that can produce an explosion? I underestimated you!"

One of his arms directly withstood the force of the explosion.

Although his whole body was armed with ninja gear to the teeth, he still felt a little numb.

Terumi Mei, who was ignored by everyone, suddenly shot from behind the king.

She performed the technique of dissolving monsters.

Strong corrosive acid sprayed out of the mouth, like a waterfall, pouring down head-on.

The king never expected that there was a master hiding behind him, and with Terumi Mei's attack, there was no warning, he couldn't dodge in time, and was doused in solution.


It was as if sulfuric acid had been splashed on his body, and it sounded like water pouring into a frying pan.

A robe and coat were instantly corroded into ashes, completely revealing all kinds of chakra ninja tools on this person.

Armor, hand armor, arm armor, and leg armor are all available, and the strength of each piece is lower than the armor that was cut by Wu Ye.

So far, after a series of attacks, this person's ice escape has never really been used. Only with a ninja tool, several powerful ninjutsu of the two have been defeated.

After Terumi Mei casted the "Monster Dissolving Technique", he did not pause, quickly formed a seal, and cast Boiling Dun again.

The scorching mist, almost in no particular order, followed the high-acid solution and attacked the king's body.

"Dissolving Acid Explosion!!"

The high-temperature boiling detonated the acid on this person's body.

There was another loud bang.

This time it was a real big explosion, with a range of up to [-] meters.

Within [-] meters of the top of the Snow Mountain, the entire area was shortened by six feet.

This is the water shadow of Wuyin Village, the real power of shadow level.

The sun-destroying explosion shattered some of the snow ninjas who couldn't dodge in time.

Wu Ye saw the opportunity early, relying on the speed of Fei Dian, far away from this attack.

"Princess, let's go!!"

The few Xue Ren who were alive protected Xue Ji and retreated.

But Xue Ji did not run away, she looked at the center of the explosion excitedly.

The strength of Obscure Night and Mizukage far exceeded her imagination.

"Under such an attack, he should die too!"

As soon as she finished talking to herself, her face turned pale in an instant.

In the center of the explosion, dust was mixed with ice and snow, and a standing figure appeared.

The ninja tools on this person had been blown up into scrap iron, basically all scrapped, but his life was saved because of this.

"Xue Ji! Uncle, I am very surprised that you can invite two masters with such powerful blood succession limit ability."

"Outsiders! It's time for you to experience my power!"

Oboroya and Terumi Mei's cooperation was perfect, after a series of attacks, there was no chance for him to fight back, and now he was finally relieved, and the anti-killing began from then on.

The king knelt on one knee, with one hand on the ground.

"Ice Escape·Avalanche!!"

Oboroya and the two were about to perform ninjutsu again to prevent this person from attacking back, but it was too late, and the next ninjutsu could no longer be performed.

Because the ground under his feet was broken in a large scale, and the surface of Daxue Mountain, a thick layer of snow hundreds of feet high, suddenly lifted the sky, covering the entire sky.

The feet of the two were fissioning, and if they were not careful, they might fall into the bottomless ravine, and they could only jump and dodge desperately, but at the same time, the snow tide that was falling like the sky had already fallen from the sky cover.

It is impossible to dodge an attack of this scale.

Obscure Ye jumped onto a large broken plate, took advantage of the moment of safety, quickly formed a seal, and cast Fire Escape·Longyan Song.

Four fire dragons soared into the sky!

But his Huo Dun's power was greatly reduced in this extremely cold environment, and it was impossible for him to be an opponent with "Super Shadow Level" combat power, the King of the Snow Country.

The four fire dragons, in front of the billowing snow waterfall, were as weak as four flames, and disappeared into it without being able to stir up a single wave.

boom! ! !
In front of the mighty avalanche, the two of them had no power to resist at all, and were suddenly covered up.

The Xueshan riots caused disasters to all the people present, but two people were not affected.

One is the king of the snow country who performs ninjutsu.

He was kneeling on one knee, and the ground under his feet was the entire mountain top, the only place within a kilometer that was not broken.

The other person is the woman Xue Ji.

She was safe and sound, naturally the king deliberately left her behind, and this person is only useful to him if he is alive.

As soon as the king succeeded, he made another handprint and pressed his hands on the ground.

"Snow melting glacier!!"

Following his violent shouting, there was a click, and all the places buried by the heavy snow were frozen in a large area in an instant, and the endless snow field turned into a crystal clear ice layer.

If it is said that the two of them were buried in the snow layer ten feet deep, with the help of the softness of the snow layer, they still have some chances of survival.

So now, the snow layer has turned into an ice layer, and the two of them are frozen in it. The possibility of survival is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

Xue Ji's face was as white as paper, her eyes full of despair.

She originally thought that the strength of the two of them was terrifying enough, but she never expected that the traitor's strength had already surpassed the limit of what a human could possess.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing the ground turned into ice, and the two of them were frozen to death underground, the somewhat embarrassed king stood up, laughing for a long time.

"Xue Ji! These are the two masters you invited?"

"Not bad! Some strengths, even in any place, are unrivaled masters, but unfortunately, they met me, a person who is stronger than them."

The victory in the first battle made him, who had not been injured for more than ten years, feel the excitement of defeating a strong enemy.

"I came here with the intention of dying. The only regret is that I killed the two of them. They shouldn't have died here. They should be respected and strong in their own country."

The woman's face was ashen.

If before, they were just a deal that they were willing to make and endure, then after going through this journey, nearly half a month's journey, they have already become friends.

"Xue Ji! Accept your fate."

The king grinned and stepped forward.

But he just took a step.

A click.

His expression changed, and he lowered his head abruptly.

There was a clear crack in the ten-foot-thick ice layer under his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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