Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 224 The Uchiha Clan's Rebellion

Chapter 224 The Rebellion of the Uchiha Clan
[Thanks to Brother Ghost Eye and Star for the reward]

Zhu Yong temporarily gave up suicide.

Because he wasn't sure if Wu Ye would give his family a way out.

"Your suicide scene is quite touching. It's a pity! Everyone should be responsible for their actions, and it is inevitable that every cause will bear fruit."

Obscure night said and looked at Candle Tiger:

"Just now you said that the price you paid is already high enough, but the price you paid is the result of your own choices. How many people died in my hands?"

"Let's talk about the two generals of your clan, one died of Fei Duan's curse, and the other used the method of turning blood to kill me to kill me. Most of these hundreds of corpses were not caused by your own people. hand?"

Obscure night said this, a little reflective ability, and it is indeed the same thing.

Most of these corpses on the ground were left by the one-eyed old man who used the method of transforming blood to strengthen the blood dragon after eating. It can be said that few of them were actually killed by Wu Ye himself.

On the other hand, all these costs were created by the Zhuzhi Clan themselves, and he played the role of the victim in it.

His words left Zhu Yong brothers speechless.

Obscure night looked at Candle Tiger who was full of shame, and continued:

"What I said naturally counts. Since you chose to stand by me before, I will fulfill my promise and let your family live, but..."

The two brothers had just breathed a sigh of relief when they suddenly heard that there was a follow-up, and their hearts suddenly rose again.

"I was invited to help you this time. In the end, you were unkind and harmed me. You have to pay the price. Otherwise, if it spreads, you will think that I have been taken advantage of, and you can be bullied casually."

In the tense mood between the two, Wu Ye paused for a moment, and continued to say: "Well, I am not a bloodthirsty person. If you take out [-] million, this matter will be settled."

"Three, three hundred million?"

There was a sound of gasping for air all around.


Zhu Yong gritted his teeth and agreed.

This person is very clear that in the face of absolute strength, there is no room for him to bargain. If he dares to hesitate, it may become [-] million in the next second, and he will have to pay out at that time.

[-] million is not a small number for a small village, and this Candle Valley used to rarely trade with the outside world, and its own assets are not much, [-] million basically scooped up most of his family's property.

Zhu Yong didn't dare to neglect, and immediately went to prepare, just wanting to send these plague gods away as soon as possible.

In the end, Wu Ye divided the [-] million property he got into three shares, kept one for himself, and gave the rest to Ye Cang and Xie, each with [-] million.

The two of them made a fortune this time.

Especially Scorpion, as a puppet master, manufactures all kinds of hidden weapons, and has a huge demand for money. With this [-] million, it can be regarded as a small supplement.

A big bird in the sky hovered above their heads.

Obviously Mixiang and Junmaro.

The two escaped early because their strength was still weak, but they did not go far, they kept circling around, and when the battle was over, they flew back immediately.

The six people drove the wooden kite and left the Valley of Candles.


A month later.

Iron country.

Several people found a temporary place to stay.

Obscure night sat on the bed, the wound from the chest to the back had basically healed by now.

This injury, relying on his body's recovery ability, unexpectedly took a full month to recover.

"Is that the power of the Six Paths?"

Thinking of the scene at that time, Obscure Night still has lingering fears in his heart.

The Shura's attack that Nagato used was the most terrifying weapon he had ever seen so far, not even one of them.

Back then, Xu Zuo put on the rattan armor, plus his indestructible body, it was useless, a laser flashed, and his chest was pierced.

Thinking back to the battle a month ago, even though the opponent was defeated in the end, when it came to who paid the most, it was undoubtedly him.

His injury was injured by Nagato's six powers, and it was very difficult to recover.

On the contrary, Nagato, even though he was hit by thousands of hands, and many bones were shattered on the spot, but this kind of injury is easy to recover after all.

"As expected of the Eye of Samsara, my strength is considered good now, but it seems that there is still a long way to go from the top of the ninja world..."

"After a battle with this person, I can't even take him down. If I face Liudaoban in the future, I have no chance of winning at all! It seems that the road to become stronger still has a long way to go."

Twilight whispered to himself.

But in general, the benefits of this Candle Valley trip far outweigh the sacrifices.

What excited him the most was the strange blood he got.

During this month, he studied the power of strange blood in depth, and found that the construction technique he obtained was simply omnipotent.

It can not only construct the meridians of a part of the human body, such as blood longan, but also construct all the meridians of a person.

But for a complete person, the meridian system of the body is too complicated, and it takes a lot of time to perfectly replicate it. Compared with it, constructing a part of the body is much easier.

And any body he constructs has all the abilities of this body.

This is not the key point, the key point is that he discovered that he can exchange the meridian system of others with the meridian system in his own body, so as to obtain exactly the same ability as the other party.

This is mainly due to the fact that the blood line radiating from his back is a kind of regeneration meridian.

He has two sets of meridian systems on his own body, one is innately formed, and the other can be molded freely, one can be copied from others, and then exchanged back and forth with himself.

For example, now that he knows how to construct blood longan, he can completely exchange the meridian system of blood longan with the meridian of his right eye, and then his eye will naturally become blood longan.

But there are pros and cons to this.

The advantage is that it is like an arm and a finger, no temporary structure is required when using it, and the power of the blood dragon eye can be maximized, which is equivalent to having this kind of blood inheritance limit.

The disadvantages are also obvious, since it has been engraved into the body, excessive use will naturally burden the body.

When he thought of this, he closed his eyes, opened them again after a while, his right eye suddenly turned scarlet, it was the blood dragon's eye at this time.

After a thought, Xuelongyan disappeared and returned to his original form.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared at the door.

"Just now there was news from Konoha that the Uchiha clan launched a rebellion last night and was suppressed by blood!"

The voice came from Ye Cang.

Lu Ye's expression changed, and she jumped off the bed.

"Is there any survivors in this family?" He asked solemnly.

"Yes, it is said that the remnants have been imprisoned."


Wu Ye was stunned when he heard this, and thought: History has indeed changed, and the rebellion of the Uchiha clan, logically speaking, could never have happened so early.

And the ending is also different. In the past, it was wiped out by Itachi alone, but now it is suppressed, and the remnants are thrown into death row.

(End of this chapter)

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