Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 253 Death Comes

Chapter 253 Death Comes
"This guy... wants to sell his soul to Death?"

When Wu Ye saw this scene, he couldn't hide his horror.

He didn't know if this person was going to put all his eggs in one basket and risk his life, or if he really had the confidence and confidence to harness the power of the god of death.

But no matter what the result is, it is impossible for him to let this person continue.

Because if it fails, it's okay, once this person succeeds, this person will have the ability to control life and death.

What kind of power this is, he cannot imagine.

But in the current situation, if he wanted to stop this person, he had to go through Nagato.

He opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan with both eyes.

With the race against time, he didn't have time to waste time with Nagato, so he directly summoned Susan.

Holding the ten-fist sword in his right hand, Susan stabbed at Nagato.

Orochimaru, who was fighting the Kazekage puppets in the distance, saw the artifact held by Susan, with a horrified expression on his face.

"This, could it be..."

"Ten Fist Sword!!!"

Ten Fist Sword is a kind of Kusanagi Sword. Orochimaru learned of the existence of this thing from the ancient books of Konoha, and has been looking for it all his life.

But I never thought that this legendary artifact was originally hidden in the blood succession boundary of this family.

"How could he have two kinds of sharing eyes!!"

All members of the Akatsuki organization who saw this scene were shocked by this scene.

The last time the two groups fought, the Susan that Oboroya cast was obviously not like this, and even the color was fundamentally different.

Nagato seemed to sense the power of the sword, he didn't dare to block it, and quickly backed away.

But the magic of this artifact is beyond his imagination.

This sword can extend wirelessly, and the speed is as fast as lightning and flint.

Nagato backed away, thinking that he had escaped, but immediately saw that the ten-fist sword stretched infinitely, stabbing at an alarming speed.

The sudden scene caught him unexpectedly, the tip of the sword approached his body...

Seeing that Nagato was in danger, Xiaonan was very anxious, but at this moment, she was powerless.

Because she faced the siege of two people at the same time.

Ye Cang is easy to say, although Zhuo Dun is powerful, but he has the technique of paper, his body can be turned into pieces of paper at any time.

But the man's ability made her feel a little at a loss.

Because this person's secret technique is somewhat similar to hers. When attacked, his body can turn into smoke.

The battle situation on Nagato's side attracted her attention, but she didn't notice that a wisp of smoke was blowing from the man's sleeve at this moment.

This wisp of smoke has no shadow or quality, and once it enters the air, it disappears, as if it has merged into the air.


Nagato was forced into a dangerous situation by Oboroya's sudden means.

No matter how he retreated, the sword was always approaching his body, the tip of the sword was only an inch away from his body, which left him with nothing but a chance to use it.

In the nick of time, he cast the special psychic technique of the power of the Six Paths, and two huge mechanical arms that did not belong to this world grew out from his ribs, and his hands resisted the puncture of the Ten Fist Sword.

Because of spiritism, these two mechanical arms are also part of his body, so the moment he was stabbed, the power of the seal was activated immediately.

The two arms were sealed, and Nagato took advantage of the opportunity to unlock the psychic spell.

The sealing power of the Ten Fist Sword cannot be used seamlessly and continuously, and Nagato took this opportunity to escape from danger.

And what was sealed by the Ten Fist Sword was only the mechanical hand channeled by him with the power of the Six Paths.

Although Wu Ye felt a little regretful for not being able to seal this person in one fell swoop, his goal had been achieved.

Nagato retreated and took his life, and the Faceless Man was no longer protected.


The Faceless Man, who was signing a contract with the god of death, suddenly ignited black flames all over his body.

"How could he have such power!!"

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization is no stranger to this kind of power.

Because some time ago, the newcomer who joined the organization also used this kind of weird power, and almost killed Jiaodu at that time.

At this time, the faceless man had disappeared, completely turning into a mass of black flames.

"what happened?"

Mizuki suddenly felt something was wrong.

Since he absorbed the Sharingan on Danzo's arm, Amaterasu's power has been greatly improved.

If you want to burn a person, it will be ashes within three breaths.

But in front of him, this person was burned by the black flames, and after a while, the fire did not decrease at all, and the fire could not be extinguished, it could only be that the person inside had not been completely burned.

Nagato was not in the mood to fight Oboroya any more, and looked nervously at the blazing black fireball.

This man is a humanoid weapon that he has placed high hopes on, even more important than his Liu Dao Payne, so he can't just die like this.

The shadow of death has disappeared!



In the human-shaped flames, a figure jumped out, as if it had taken off its body.

The person came out of the shell, and the black flame was immediately extinguished.

Although the thing that appeared was still in the shape of a human being, every part of it had undergone a large degree of variation.

His whole body was covered with flesh scales, as if wearing a close-fitting armor, and that face was the image of a death mask.

But at this time it was no longer a mask, but a living face.

At this moment, this person has turned into a god of death, and if he wears a cloak of a god of death, it will be enough to confuse the real one.


Nagato was overjoyed.

The heart of the dark night sank to the bottom of the valley.

Although it is still unclear what kind of abilities this newborn alien has, but it can be predicted from the appearance that it resembles a god of death, and it is definitely not easy to deal with.

"I, finally succeeded!"

The man who turned into a god of death looked down at his hands, and his madness could not be concealed in his excitement.

"This is, the power of descending gods..."

The man seemed eager to verify the power he had obtained, so he raised his head suddenly, and his strange and evil eyes fell on Obscure Ye.

Under the gaze of this person, Wu Ye felt chills all over his body for no reason.

This feeling gave him the feeling that he was being targeted by a big ominous thing, and this kind of ominous thing was enough to threaten his life.

"Take you as my first sacrifice to the god of death!"

The half-human, half-ghost man had an evil aura around him, and the shadow of death appeared behind him.

"Accompanied by the god of death! This guy has the ability to summon the god of death at any time..."

Hazy night looked at it with horror.

The god of death signed a contract with this person and became a kind of existence similar to a psychic beast.

There is also a kind of ninjutsu in the ninja world called summoning the god of death, called ghoul seal.

But that kind of ninjutsu is too expensive to perform, and it is a forbidden technique that requires the cost of life.

And this ghost, because of the death mask, has a contract relationship with the death god, so he can use it anytime and anywhere without paying any price.

(End of this chapter)

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