Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 284 The Church of Death

Chapter 284 The Church of Death
Obscure Ye walked out of the wet bone forest alone.

He glanced back.

Lin's figure had disappeared at this time, only the dense trees could be seen.

Although parting again, he was still happy for Lin in his heart.

Because she finally gave up her responsibility to Konoha and embarked on the path of practice she chose.

In the past, Lin was regarded as a strategic human-shaped weapon by Konoha's senior management because of being Jinzhuriki. Out of responsibility to Konoha, she also had to accept her own fate, so that she had to give up and become the leader of the great medical ninja. dream.

Now, she finally fulfills her life dream according to her own ideas.

"The temporary parting is for the reunion in the future. When I see Lin next time, he must be a great medical ninja in the ninja world, surpassing Tsunade."

Wu Ye smiled, took out the wooden kite, threw it into the sky, and turned into a giant bird, he jumped up, drove the wooden bird, and left the wet bone forest.

This time, Shigulin and his party gave him an extra supercilious look, which was a surprise.

But according to his agreement with "Reaper", he will leave the ninja world for five years, that is to say, he needs to stay in the secret realm for a full five years.

This time is not too short for Obscure Ye's entire cultivation process, but if this period of time is included in the practice, it may only be a snap of the fingers.

Whether it is Mi Xiang, Jun Ma Lu, or Lin, they are all practicing intensively, and he also plans to find a quiet place to carefully sort out what he has learned in his life.

The first place he thought of was Hongguo Mountain.

In that place, he cultivated the indestructible body of the ape demon.

When he arrived at Hongguo Mountain, it had become an empty mountain.

The former ape demon has long since disappeared. I don't know if it was the last time he was scared away by his words "I will come back when I have time".

Thinking of the ape demon, Oboroya felt strange, because even when Sarutobi Hiruzen was dying, he didn't summon the ape demon to help him.

He secretly guessed: It may be that this ape demon has broken his indestructible body since the last time, so in the past few years, he went to an unknown place to practice hard, trying to regain his indestructible body.

Misty Night Dove occupied the magpie's nest, and since then has occupied the hill.

On this side, Oboroya found a place to devote himself to practice, but on the other side, the ninja world was surging, and a crisis that swept the entire ninja world was about to come.

And the culprit of all this is a mysterious person named "Shi".

A few months ago, after the leader of the Akatsuki organization was sealed by the Third Hokage at the cost of his life, everyone in the ninja world thought that the scourge was finally lifted, and the ninja world would usher in peace from then on.

But I never thought that the Xiao organization would be controlled by a mysterious person.

This person has a "Reaper" appearance, openly advertised that he is the preacher of the Reaper in the world, made the five Ninja Kingdoms surrender to him, and demanded the establishment of a church.

And anyone who believes in him will gain eternal life after death, and devout believers can even have an immortal body.

Five Kages naturally scoffed at such rhetoric, and even if it was true, they would never allow an external force to override their rights.

Of the five shadows who can climb up to the shadow position, naturally none of them is Yi Yi's generation.

Hearing the words of the "Reaper" spokesperson, he immediately realized that this person planned to control the ninja world spiritually, so as to achieve his ambition to rule the ninja world.

The five shadows immediately reported their concerns to the big names of various countries, and then the five countries issued a statement together, including this so-called "Church of Death", like the "Cult of Evil God", into the ranks of cults.

But even if the Five Kingdoms deliberately suppress it, the conditions of the "Church of Death" are too attractive, and there are still a large number of desperadoes in the ninja world who join the Cult of Death with a fluke mentality.

Especially later, after hearing rumors that some people really became immortal, more and more people began to join the Reaper Cult, and the trend was getting worse.

Later, in just five years, the Akatsuki organization changed from an organization with only a dozen people to a religion with hundreds of thousands of believers.

Although most of these hundreds of thousands of believers are ordinary people and ninjas with combat capabilities, there are only a few thousand of them, and there are only a few hundred of them with Jōnin-level combat power.

But in terms of the number of people alone, it is already comparable to the five major ninja countries.

At this time.

Rainy Village.

The resident of the Church of Death.

In a dark underground space, the figure of Reaper stands on a high place.

Under the hundred steps, a pretty figure looked up.

"As you expected, the church has developed very fast in the past two years. According to this trend, it will take another two years at most. Its strength will surpass the five major ninja villages and become the most powerful force in the ninja world..."

Looking at the back figure above, Xiaonan felt a little emotional in his heart, this person and Nagato are indeed two completely different people.

Nagato used his own power to the extreme, whether it was the Six Paths of Payne or the reincarnation of the dirt, he created it all by himself.

And the strength of the person in front of him, in his opinion, has surpassed Nagato at the peak, but he never made a move by himself, and easily assembled the huge force in front of him.

How strong the church is now, at least in his opinion, is stronger than that when Nagato formed the death army and destroyed Konoha.

This undoubtedly means that with the strength of the church now, it can compete head-on with any of the five great ninja villages without worrying about losing.

"That's not enough!"

"I just got the information that the Five Kages held a secret meeting recently. Don't think too much about their intentions. They must be planning to join forces to destroy my Death Cult..."

"They know very well that when our power surpasses them, it will be too late to join forces. At that time, the five great ninja villages will disappear forever, and the era when the ninja world belongs to the shadow will be ended forever."

Xiaonan rarely showed excited eyes.

This is exactly what they are for.

In her opinion, the reason why there are wars in the ninja world is because of the rule of "shadow". Only when the ninja world is reorganized and everyone's thoughts are unified, the world will restore peace forever.

And that's what they did.

"When are you going to release Nagato?"

Xiao Nan stared at him and asked.

Nagato didn't die, but was cut by Hiru Sarutobi, and sealed his soul to the god of death with "seal of ghouls".

For ordinary people, this is basically equivalent to death, because no one can rescue Nagato's soul from the belly of the god of death.

But this almost impossible thing, in front of this person in front of him, is the simplest thing.

Because he is the body of the god of death, if he wants to release Nagato, the easiest way is to cut open his stomach, and the sealed soul will be released naturally.

"Now is not the time, his soul is entangled with the soul of Sarutobi Hiruzen, if he is to be released, Hirazan will also be released..."

"And it's still too early. I've worked hard and planned for five years, and finally I have the power I have now. Once he comes back, he will definitely make trouble for me."

(End of this chapter)

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