Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 303: Wheel Tomb Border Prison

Chapter 303: Wheel Tomb Border Prison
The ability to travel through the future for three seconds was the ability to awaken one of his six-gou jade reincarnation eyes, and the "space shuttle" ability in front of him was the ability to awaken his second six-gou jade reincarnation eye.

This may be related to his possession of two kinds of kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Obscure night's "space jump" is no longer speed, but the power of space.

In front of this kind of power, there is no concept of distance at all, not even distance, let alone speed.

Obscure night came out and attacked with two fingers at a very fast speed.

Uchiha Madara did not have the ability to predict the future like him, and he appeared without warning, so he had no chance of defense at all, and was hit seven times in a row behind him on the spot.

The seven attacks were completed, Obscure Ye did not like to fight, he dodged back, led into the black hole, and when he reappeared, he was already standing in his original position.

After all, Uchiha is not an ordinary opponent, and he has to act cautiously, adopting a hit-and-go strategy.

Madara was hit seven times in a row, and her body froze suddenly.

"Boom bang bang..."

Seven explosive sounds resounded from the seven acupuncture points on his back.

Madara's body softened, and he knelt on the ground on one knee.

"I, my Chakra!"

Uchiha Madara's eyes were full of horror.

At this time, he felt that the chakra in his body seemed to be cut off by a force, and there were not one chakra, but seven chakras.

The seven large caves behind him are places where chakra is derived and stored, which is equivalent to a dam for water storage. When to put it in the past is entirely up to him.

But now, seven barriers were forcibly set up, cutting off his use of Chakra. Without Chakra, no matter how strong the Six Paths Immortal Technique was, he could not use it.

This is not an ordinary acupuncture point. The Hyuga Clan, who are good at this method, inject their own chakra into the opponent's acupuncture points, making the opponent lose the ability to counterattack for a short time.

But to Uchiha Madara's feeling, it was not the opponent's Chakra that cut off the operation of his Chakra, but an unheard of strange power.

This is exactly the vacuum power of Obscure Night.

At this time, the interior of his seven acupoints is completely in a vacuum state, and no force can enter or exit. Those who don't understand this way will never be able to untie it.

Unable to perform ninjutsu, Uchiha Madara now feels like he has become a useless person, but fortunately, he still has the last trump card.

Since the battle until now, he has been using the Six Paths Immortal Technique, the power of the Eye of Reincarnation, and he has never used a single point.

In order to prevent Misty Night from attacking again, he did not hesitate to use the power of the Samsara Eye.

"Wheel Tomb Border Prison!!"

Four invisible shadows appeared in four directions around Uchiha.

This is the ability of Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye awakening.

You can project your own shadow in the "Wheel Tomb World" into the real space, which can be used for defense or even attack, and the strength of each shadow is equal to itself.

The only disadvantage is that the shadow itself has no consciousness and needs to be controlled by him personally, and it can only appear where he can see it, and the duration is also limited.

Four shadows, from four directions, protected Uchiha Madara among them.

"This is your ability to awaken??"

The ability of this person's reincarnation eyes has not been used from the beginning to the end, which is what Wuye has always been afraid of. Seeing him summoning four clone-like shadows now, it must be the awakened pupil technique of this person, because at this time, he can no longer use any Ninjutsu.

"You, you have awakened two abilities!!"

Uchiha Madara stared at Obscure Night, with resentment in his eyes in horror.

But he didn't dare to let his four shadows attack, although each of these four shadows had the same strength as him.

Just now, the ability to ignore distance like "traveling through space" made him understand that this person could no longer be killed, and this method was used to escape, and it was impossible to catch up.

Since he is already unkillable, besieging this person will not help, and it is impossible to form a siege. The opponent can appear behind him in an instant through a shuttle space, and the siege of 1 people is futile.

"Your power is beyond my imagination, but you can no longer stop me. Today, I will let you witness with your own eyes how the world changes because of me."

The Jiugouyu reincarnation eye on his forehead suddenly opened wide, looking towards the empty sky.

"Then, what is that??"

The crowd in the distance was in commotion.

The sky was blue and white, and a blood moon appeared in the sky. The moon moved quickly and blocked the sun.

The world turned red in an instant, and everyone felt as if they had fallen into a nightmare.

"Unlimited monthly reading!!"

Obscure Ye's face changed drastically, and he didn't dare to hesitate, he traveled through the space and attacked Uchiha Madara.

But at this time there are four shadows around Madara. If he wants to stop Uchiha Madara, he must get rid of them, which obviously takes time.

He traveled through the void and came to one of the shadows.

When the shadow saw it, the Ten Fist Sword transformed by Wu Yeqiu Daoyu had already sliced ​​through him.

The shadow has no entity and is immune to all attacks. The only nemesis is the power of the Six Paths, and the ten-fist sword evolved from Wuye Qiudaoyu is the only weapon in the world that can hurt him.

The first shadow was cut in half and disappeared in place.

A second shadow came at him immediately.

Obscure Ye didn't fight with it at all, and his body dodged back, leading into nothingness.

If these shadows fight head-on, any one of them can fight him for a long time. After all, every strength is comparable to Uchiha Madara himself.

Obscure night is now racing against time, just want to use the shortest time to get rid of them cleanly.

"What is he doing, why come and go around Uchiha Madara, why don't you stop him quickly?"

Zilai was also impatient and impatient.

At this time, Gouyu had already appeared in the blood moon in the sky.

Uchiha Madara is putting his illusion on the moon, and with the help of moonlight, he is using the eternal illusion.

And in the eyes of the group headed by him, Obscure Ye didn't know what he was doing, suddenly shuttled through the space, appeared behind Madara, then disappeared again, appeared in front of him again, and disappeared again immediately, except Spots are not attacked.

"Around Uchiha Madara, there is a defense that we can't see. He may be cracking it, and judging from his coming and going, that power seems to be very aggressive."

Tsunade expressed his conjecture.

After he said this, several people suddenly realized.

"It must be so!"

"But I'm afraid it's too late!"

He also glanced at the sky.

The blood moon in the sky could no longer be seen to be a moon at this time, it looked like a human eyeball, and the nine hook jades were clearly visible.

Obscure night focused on two purposes, and discovered this scene at the first time.

And at this time, he had just dealt with the third shadow, the last shadow, and was controlled by Madara to attack the surroundings indiscriminately, delaying a lot of time.

(End of this chapter)

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