Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 68 Obtaining the Limit of Wooden Escape and Blood Successor

Chapter 68 Obtaining the Limit of Wooden Escape and Blood Successor

Wood escape, a secret technique developed by Qianshou Zhujian, has a powerful power far beyond the limit of any other blood successor, and this power, rooted in the sacred tree, surpasses the ordinary chakra.

Aside from the powerful Mutun, if Wu Ye gets the cells, he can use the cells to transform his own physique, making him unbearably talented and achieving a leap-forward improvement.

He can be quite sure that Uchiha Madara must have this kind of cell in his hand.

This point, from the past history, he used the cells he cultivated to repair the body for Obito, and he could get a glimpse of it.

Thoughts in my mind flashed by.

Facing Uchiha Madara's words, he was embarrassed.

"If there is any difficulty, you can just say, you will work for me from now on, how can I treat you badly?"

Uchiha Madara is old and refined, and he can see at a glance that he is hesitant to speak, knowing that he must have an idea.

"The leader said that he would teach me ninjutsu, which moved me very much, but to be honest, my aptitude is very unbearable. So far, apart from having the power of bursting, I have learned three kinds of ninjutsu... "

"It's not that I don't want to learn, but because of my aptitude, learning a ninjutsu takes ten times the time of ordinary people. Compared with ordinary people, compared with geniuses, there is no shadow of the gap."

Uchiha Madara smiled slightly.

"I am naturally aware of your aptitude, so in this first step, I will carry out a preliminary transformation of your body, so that you will be completely reborn."

Wu Ye was stunned when he heard it.

"I don't know the method of the leader?"

Uchiha Madara didn't answer, and took his hand behind him.

A halo of light instantly flew out of the mouth of the heretic golem.

Obscure eyes widened, it was a bubble-like thing, and there was something like spores in the bubble.

"Could it be, this is..."

Misty Ye's heart was pounding.

At the last moment, he was still thinking about "thousand-handed column inter-cells", but he never thought that the next moment the other party took it out by himself.

What was thought to be obtained through untold hardships, suddenly found that it was easy to obtain, not only did not excite Wu Ye, but made him vigilant.

Because it doesn't make sense.

This Uchiha Madara is not a kind person, a natural conspirator, how could he give him so many benefits without fully understanding him, isn't he afraid that he will turn his face and deny anyone after leaving here?

"This person won't have any backhands, will he?"

Hazy night felt worried.

At this time, Uchiha Madara had already held the cultured cell cluster in his hand.

"I used the cells from Qianshou Zhujian to cultivate them with the help of golems, which increased the activity of the cells. Once the transplantation is successful, the body will undergo earth-shaking changes..."

"Of course, there are also disadvantages. Because the cell repellency is very serious, it is almost a worldwide problem in medical ninjutsu. Therefore, part of the power must be sacrificed in order for the transplant to be successful."

Wu Ye Ting's heart sank, and he asked: "Sacrifice a part? So, what is sacrificed is the Mutun power of the first generation of Hokage in the cells?"

He had already begun to cry in his heart.

Cell transplantation is indeed an impossible task for ordinary medical ninjas, but he has the ability of devil fruit, and can rely on his ability to forcibly promote fusion, and there is no problem of rejection at all.

Uchiha Madara nodded: "That's right! But the sacrifice I'm talking about is not abandoning, but turning this part of the power into recessive. To put it more transparently, it means hiding it. The power is still there. Only the cells are highly compatible. , to reawaken this part of the power..."

Wu Ye let out a sigh of relief.

The twists and turns made him feel up and down.

According to the other party's words, he has every opportunity to use the fruit ability to perfectly fit the cells with his body, thus awakening the boundary of the Mudun Xueji.

The process of transplantation is not complicated. A wound is cut in the body, cells are placed in it, and everything that follows does not require human intervention.

But Obscure Ye is an exception. After the cells enter the body, he mobilizes the fruit ability to promote the rapid fusion of cells.

For ordinary people, it takes at least a few months from transplanting cells to completing body transformation.

But Oboroya is assisted by the fruit ability, just like being on a bullock cart and crashing into a car engine, the speed of fusion is far beyond Uchiha Madara's imagination.

About ten minutes passed.

Under Uchiha Madara's "horrified" eyes, Oboroya slowly woke up.

At this time, Uchiha Madara looked at him as if he was looking at a monster.

After waking up, Wu Ye felt that his whole body was filled with an unimaginable power, and his physical fitness improved geometrically. Both physical strength and the total amount of chakra in his body had increased by at least several times.

"Too perverted!"

"The Thousand-handed clan is indeed a descendant of Asura. Just relying on a group of cells, my body has been transformed into such a perverted body. The real Thousand-handed clan, the body is not abnormal to the extreme?"

He suddenly thought of Tsunade, the unparalleled strange power possessed by this person really didn't come for nothing.

"You, unexpectedly awakened Mu Dun?"

Uchiha Madara's surprised voice sounded.

He has lived so long that there is almost nothing in the world that is worthy of his surprise.

But today, on this uninvited boy, he witnessed all kinds of incredible things that he had never seen before.

For the first time, he knew that medical ninjutsu actually had a blood succession limit, and this kid even completed the cell transformation in a very short time.

The most astonishing thing is that this person, like him, also awakened the wooden chakra in his cells.

Oboroya didn't practice Wooden Ninjutsu, so he couldn't use Wooden Chakra. Uchiha Madara knew that he had awakened Wooden Blood Successor Limitation, which naturally benefited from the reincarnation eye.

Wu Ye suppressed the ecstasy in her heart, and replied: "Maybe, this has something to do with the blood inheritance limit that I own?"

The blood following the boundary in his mouth is naturally his fruit ability.

"Okay! It seems that your system is far beyond my imagination. It is really surprising that one person has three kinds of blood successor limits. .”

Uchiha Madara looked very happy, looking at Oboroya's eyes, as if he was looking at a well-known magic weapon.

"Huh? What is this?"

Obscure night opened his chest, and a strange seal appeared in the heart.

This made his heart sink violently, knowing that he was still in the dark.

But he couldn't be too nervous, he only asked with some doubts.

Just now, he inexplicably felt flustered, as if something was blocking his heart, so he took a look.

"Don't worry! It won't hurt you, but it will prevent you from doing some stupid things when necessary. As long as you complete our plan step by step, it will never work."

Hearing Uchiha Madara's words, Oboroya nodded with a smile, but cursed wildly in her heart:

"Uchiha Madara, sure enough, I have never been able to play with you, and I was finally put together by you."

He looked at the face in front of him, cursing constantly in his heart.

But it can be considered that there are gains and losses. His body has been transformed, and he has since gotten rid of his useless physique.

Not only that, but he also obtained the powerful Mudun Xueji Jiejie.

But at the same time as obtaining these, the other party also planted a time bomb in his body, which can be regarded as the price to be paid.

(End of this chapter)

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