Konoha's Death Surgeon

Chapter 82 Terumi Mei's Conditions

Chapter 82 Terumi Mei's Conditions
"Bingdun? This kind of blood inheritance limit is too rare, why do you want to find such a person?"

Terumi Mei looked at Miyata suspiciously.

Obscure night said: "This matter is very important to me, don't worry, I know that the owner of the blood succession boundary is very important to a village, and I will not do anything against it."

He secretly thought: If I really find the owner, I will only take some of the person's body cells for the sake of Terumi Mei's help.

From a long-term perspective, cell transplantation is obviously more promising than simple blood-inherited limit force transplantation, and in comparison, it is also easier to obtain.

Power transplantation is a form of deprivation. After the deprivation, the opponent's blood inheritance limit ability will disappear at the slightest, and at the worst, they will lose their lives.

Doing such a thing in Wuyin Village is tantamount to turning against Terumi Mei, and it will push the relationship between the two countries back into a situation where there is no redemption, obviously the price is too high.

In Obscure Night's expectant eyes, Terumi Mei said after silence: "First of all, I can tell you with certainty that no one in Wuyin Village has this kind of blood inheritance limit."

"What! No!" Misty night's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"But I heard that this kind of blood succession boundary seems to have appeared in Wuyin Village." Wu Ye was a little unwilling.

"That's right! It did appear in my Wuyin Village, but it was many years ago. After I took over as Mizukage, when I was looking through the file, I saw the record of this blood-successor limiter."

"Where is that person now, or is he dead?" Obscure Ye hurriedly asked.

"It is indeed dead!"

Terumi Mei showed a response expression.

"Strictly speaking, that person was not from my country of water at first. It is said that he came from a distant mysterious country called the country of snow. He is a member of this country, the snow clan."

"Dossier records: At that time, this person took a girl across the boundless sea and fled to the land of water. After paying a lot of money, he sought asylum. At that time, Mizukage valued this person's strength, so he agreed."

"It's just that later, about a year later, this person got an incurable disease and died. This matter did not attract attention at the time. If you didn't ask, I didn't take it seriously."


Obscure frowned.

"its not right!"

In Wu Ye's mind, as if lightning flashed across, he suddenly remembered something.

In the history of later generations that he knows, after many years in the ninja world, there appeared a person in the land of water who possessed the Ice Escape Blood Inheritance Limit. men.

"According to Terumi Mei, the system of Bingdun Blood Succession Limit is very rare. In the history of the Five Kingdoms, it seems that this outsider has been heard to have it. So, the later Bai, could it be related to this person? "

A thought rose in Miyue's mind.

His eyes lit up, and he asked again: "You said that at that time, that man was accompanied by a girl?"

Terumi Mei nodded: "That's right! According to records, it seems to be this person's subordinate, or a servant. Since that person's death, she has disappeared. To be precise, no one cares where she went."

Obscure night followed and said: "According to your judgment, how old should this girl be now?"

Terumi Mei pondered for a moment, and said: "It should be between 15 and 20 years old! No one cared about her existence."

Misty Night was silent.

He thought to himself: "Obviously this person can't be that Bai, he's almost a generation behind in age, could it be..."

Misty night's heart skipped a beat.

He thought of a possibility, that is, the later Bai was probably the descendant of this person.

And as far as he knew, Shiro came from an inconspicuous small village in the Land of Water. Judging from this, the girl Terumi Mei was talking about was probably living there now.

"I would like to ask you to do me a favor, can you help me investigate the whereabouts of this girl." Oboroya looked at Terumi Mei and said.

"Investigate this person?"

Terumi Mei didn't agree immediately, so she changed the subject and said:

"Although I don't know why you are looking for someone who has this kind of blood successor boundary, but this girl, as recorded in the file, has not awakened the ice escape blood succession boundary."

Wu Ye smiled slightly: "The power of Xueji Boundary, the awakening time is uncertain. He didn't awaken before the age of ten, and maybe he will awaken after the age of ten."

Terumi Mei nodded: "That's true!"

She suddenly showed a half-smile expression:

"I can mobilize my strength and help you investigate, but it doesn't seem to be of any benefit to me. You should pay something, right?"

Hearing the words in the dark night, she smiled slightly:
"You and I have never met each other. When we went to Star Ninja Village together, we supported each other and survived dangers together. The friendship can be said to be extraordinary. Since we can love and help each other in desperate situations, why can't we help each other selflessly now?"

Terumi Mei smiled beautifully, with a natural charm in her eyes.

"Don't do this to me, I won't be fooled by you, and..."

She put her elbows on the table, stretched out a pale finger, and pointed at Misty Night:
"Did you forget that I am Mizukage now, and you are just a Jōnin of Konoha, do you think our two identities will have the kind of 'mutual help and mutual love' relationship you mentioned?"

There was a provocative expression on his face, as if he was watching your answer.

Wu Ye sighed: "That's right! I forgot, you are Mizukage now, and Mizukage is indeed different. You put profit first in everything. You were not such a person before."

Terumi Mei was not affected by his provocation, and said with a smile: "I have always been such a person, but you have never understood me, so tell me..."

"say what?"

Wu Ye asked knowingly, but at this time, he also had nothing to do with this woman secretly.

He has always known that this woman is a difficult character to deal with. It was because he saved her life last time that she rarely showed weakness. In normal times, she is not an easy loser.

"Of course it's what you plan to pay. Let a water shadow mobilize the intelligence department of Wuyin Village for your own affairs. This is a big taboo. I won't help you without enough benefits."

Terumi Mei leaned back, with an attitude of refusing to give up.

"I don't have anything that I can afford. If that's the case, forget it. I won't bother you. I'll figure it out myself!"

Wu Ye knew that this woman had elements of unreasonable trouble in it, no matter what he said to pay, the other party would not be able to let it go, so she planned to retreat.

"No! I must help you with this matter, and you must also pay, otherwise... it may not be so easy for you to get out of my Wuyin Village."

Obscure face twitched slightly.

This woman went from being unreasonable to making trouble, and started to become a mess.

A woman's mind is naturally not something that Wu Ye can fathom.

Terumi Mei was originally a strong woman, and she did this only to see the other party's appearance when she was deflated in her hands.

Then she gave a helping hand and let the other party owe her a huge favor, preferably one that would never be repaid.

(End of this chapter)

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