Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 1043 This World Without You

Chapter 1043 This World Without You


Yes, we have to say goodbye.

An Zhen's calm and indifferent eyes swept across, and everything in the world became extremely simple in his eyes. He saw people laughing, saw people crying, and even saw an endless floating ladder appearing , one end is connected to the sky, and the other end leads to the nether world.

He also saw that those people whom he attached great importance to were closing their eyes and praying. In this state, An Zhe could even feel their hearts.

【What should they do】

This sub-personality, which is exactly the same as the main personality, let out a sigh, and there was a trace of reluctance in his eyes.

The host was silent, and then smiled slightly, his eyes were still soft, with indelible nostalgia and love.

They will be fine, everything will be right, a different life will be waiting for them, and they will forget me.

The rational personality shook slightly, and looked at the main personality fixedly.

【Are you really going to do this? 】

It's better than making them sad every day.You also know that longing... is the cruelest thing.


In the depths of the rational personality, a huge surge of... anger suddenly gushed out!
He made a sudden move, and punched the master's face fiercely. With an extremely angry punch, he directly sent the master flying, and then he strode forward, grabbed the master's collar and lifted him up. up.

He is roaring in anger! !
【enough! ! !I'm really fed up! ! ! 】

【Why! !Why do you never think about yourself! ! ! 】

[You are going to die! !Completely dead! !See that ladder?Whether it is heaven or hell, you are not even qualified to set foot on that road! !Even at this time, you are still thinking about them! ! 】

Why, always so indifferent to myself... No matter how many times, I always rush forward like that, no matter how many times, it is incomprehensible...

The main character lay there fixedly, surrounded by a barren mental image, he quietly stared at the rational personality, this guy just got angry...

There was a day when rational personality became irrational...

The protagonist suddenly shook his head: Tch... what, you are me too, so you don't need to feel sorry for yourself.

Didn't you already understand?You must have understood by now...

No matter what, I don't want them to be sad anymore, even if the reason for their sadness is because of me...that's not okay...

I don't know what love is, but I understand that love must include giving and giving up.

Hey... I am like this, is it love for them...

I am a selfish person, I am selfish until now, and I just want them to live according to my wishes.

Having me in memory will make them very painful, right?Sure enough, it would be better not to have me appear.

Only such a world is the real Two-dimensional...

The world I yearn for,, no... not only me, but countless people yearn for the world...

The movements of the rational personality stopped, but there was a trace of inextricable complexity in the eyes.

The protagonist's expression was calm, and finally he showed a smile: Don't be sad...why do you need 'myself' to comfort myself...

【You are not sad because I feel sorry for you.It’s ridiculous, isn’t it]

The rational personality turned his head away. If he could, he would rather not understand this kind of emotion.However, now I feel a little bit regretful, but also a little bit fortunate... Human emotions are really too complicated...

The protagonist sits in the air, watching the huge vortex getting closer and closer to him, but his eyes seem to be looking at something, which is the memory of scenes from the past.

Slowly, the smile on the corner of his mouth faded away, turning into a soft sigh.

Yes, along the way, I can become like this now, thank you very much...


I already have the world, that is their smile.

I still have nothing, but I am... very satisfied...


"Hey...Saber, I remember you still owe me a wish, it's time to fulfill it..."

The girl stretched out her hand, trying to grab the boy in the air, she suddenly felt a huge panic in her heart!

Fulfilling... a wish?
She remembered that the boy had indeed proposed it as a joke, and she had indeed promised that no matter when, as long as it did not violate her principles, she would definitely fulfill it.

However, before that, she broke her promise. For the sake of the empire she dedicated, she rejected the boy's wish. Maybe she regretted it, but she would not change her decision.

Because it was not fulfilled, the wish that could not be fulfilled was still valid.

But why... now...

In the dazed eyes of the princess, the boy's figure gradually melted into a little rain...

He still had a soft smile on his face, and his gentle eyes as always, but this time with reluctance and relief.


The world seemed to pause at this moment, Anzhe's last strength was used by him at this moment, some kind of regular power took effect in the world, and then, it seemed that everyone heard the boy's gentle words.

"I'm sorry...please forget about me."

An Zhe smiled, and his soft voice sounded from heaven and earth: "This is my wish. Really, don't reject me a second time."

In the low murmur, the boy's figure just disappeared...

The pupils of the princess constricted, and she saw patches of light rain condensed into bands of light, which quickly drifted away. Only a small part of the light rain fell, and she suddenly 'saw' it, and saw Anzhe roaring, There are countless black soldiers and horses.

He fought crazily, and in the end golden light was emitted from his body, all the black soldiers and horses melted away, and finally he came to 'myself'...

There seemed to be a thunder in her heart, and the princess couldn't believe it. Although she didn't know what happened, she still figured out one thing, and that was the price An Zhe paid for using the power of the rules...

He is burning his soul.

The light rain flew away, flew over the mountains and rivers, floated over the ocean, and flew over every corner of the continent. From time to time, some light rain would fall and land on each girl.

It made...the girls' bodies froze suddenly.

The pain in memory was never wanted for them to know.An Zhe has endured too much, but has been bearing that pressure silently.

But in the end, in the end, he went against his wishes and let them know everything...

If An Zhe found out, he would definitely curse loudly...

The upright Wang shed tears... Obviously she hasn't shed tears for a long time...but because of that silly boy...

At this time, there was a sound of breaking through the sky, which made the princess startled slightly, and when she looked up, she saw a black spot falling straight down from the sky!

Her eyes froze, it was a person!

It's... Anzhe!
With a slightly startled and happy expression, she quickly stepped forward to catch An Zhe who fell from the sky, but found that the latter's eyes were tightly closed, and there was a relieved smile on the corner of his mouth.

An unreasonable fear rose from the girl's heart. She didn't understand why, but she could clearly sense that the boy was still breathing!

But that fear became more and more profound.

"An, Zhe?"

Amidst the calling, there was a sound suddenly, it was the sound of freezing ice!
Under Artoria's stunned eyes, Xuan Bing slowly covered the boy's body, froze him in it, and also fixed the smile on the corner of his mouth.

The soul has been burned, and what is in front of him is just a body.

And between the heaven and the earth, there seems to be a mysterious and powerful force surging...


The girl's expression froze suddenly: "The name... what's wrong, why can't I remember it all of a sudden... no... I... don't grant your wish! Remember it quickly..."

The holy sword suddenly flashed with light, and the place on the princess's body that was touched by the lake fairy also flashed with light, and the girl showed a painful expression on her face.

"I haven't responded to you personally yet!! How can I promise to forget you, Anzhe!!!"

Mother Wang was startled emotionally, and reached out to caress the large chunks of black ice in front of her eyes, ignoring the coldness of her fingers, and looked at the boy in it: "Your name is An Zhe!"

In the distance behind, countless people rushed over quickly.

"My lord, are you alright?" Angus and the others stepped forward quickly, but they saw the person frozen by the black ice in the arms of the princess, and slight astonishment appeared on Angus' face.

"My king, who is he...?"


In the magnificent imperial palace, Artoria suddenly woke up from her dream!

She groaned and sat up on the bed.

"My king? Are you awake? This, what's the matter..." The maid came in and saw the sadness and pain on the face of the princess.

The princess was stunned for a moment, then immediately looked at the maid: "Anzhe... Where's Anzhe?"

The maid's eyes were slightly confused: "Anzhe, who is he?"

Mother Wang was stunned emotionally, she suddenly realized.

That was not a dream, that boy touched the power of rules at the last moment, erasing all traces of his existence...

He wants everyone to forget him.

But I kept my memory... It was the blessing of the fairy in the lake that offset some of the power of the rules!
She got up suddenly, and the maid exclaimed: "My lord, the weather outside is too weird, don't go out if it's so cold!"

Just now, the strangely changing sky suddenly went crazy, and there was heavy snow falling. In just half an hour, it was half knee deep, and the princess passed out in the heavy snow for some reason. .

The princess ignored it, and the battle armor appeared on her body. She ran out of the room directly, and then remembered something, and her expression changed!
Andy is still there! !He was placed in the side hall of the imperial palace by himself, and he was affected by the power of the rules and passed out!
The maid who rushed out was anxious, only to see the princess rushing directly into the blizzard and heading straight for the side hall.

After advancing for a long distance, Artoria kept running. She passed out suddenly before. It was definitely the power of the rules that affected her memory, but the blessing of the fairy in the lake saved her.

But there is no time, the power of the rules in the whole world is too terrifying, the will of the fairy in the lake can't protect her for long!
She will also forget Anzhe...

Finally, she found it.

In the hall, a huge piece of black ice lay quietly horizontally. Among them was a boy with a smile on his face...

The princess looked at him blankly. The boy's appearance was very familiar, but also had a sense of strangeness...

"Anzhe...I'm sorry, your wish, I...can't do it..."

In the end, I rejected you again... I'm really sorry...

But I want to save you back... definitely, there is still a way to save you back..."

Artoria murmured, she already understood what happened...

The burning soul...

In this case, she thought of... the Great Holy Grail!

It has accumulated the power of wishes for so many years. If it makes a wish to the Great Holy Grail, it may reunite Anzhe's spirit and soul! !

Although this hope is extremely slim, but also to try! !

Summon the Great Grail!
She desperately condensed her magic power and summoned the Great Holy Grail to appear, which made the already gloomy ice and snow weather even more gloomy!
"My king! What are you doing!?"

Angus and the others who rushed over after hearing the news couldn't help exclaiming, not understanding what King Arthur was going to do when he just woke up from a coma.

They couldn't see it, they couldn't see that piece of black ice, they couldn't see the boy in that piece of black ice, and they didn't have any memories related to that boy...

Regardless of the princess's wish, the Great Holy Grail has been sealed since that time when the empire was settled, but it has been automatically collecting the power of the world's wishes. Now, it's time to use it again!

A blood moon appeared, making De Angus and his pupils condense!
"That is, the Great Holy Grail..."

That blood moon is the Great Holy Grail! !
"Hahahahahaha..." A wild laughter suddenly resounded from heaven and earth, no matter whether it was King Arthur or Chong Yue, their expressions all changed!
"Magic Emperor!!"

He's not dead yet! !

"Arthur! Thank you for summoning the Great Holy Grail!! I was...already hopeless..." In the void, the invisible will of the Demon Emperor resounded, and Angus and the others could sense that the Demon Emperor was indeed weak.

His mental body was shattered by An Zhe's will, but he was still lingering. An Zhe actually understood this, but it is not so easy to completely erase the Demon Emperor who has become a rule.But he will die automatically in a short time, so Anzhe didn't take it to heart.

"How come, King Arthur has exhausted all his strength and failed to kill him?" Chong Yue couldn't help whispering softly, but it made the will of the queen and the devil stunned.

They don't remember...

The hand holding the golden holy sword couldn't help but clenched tightly, and Arturia's expression flashed with pain.On the contrary, the Demon Emperor, after being taken aback for a moment, suddenly laughed like crazy.

"Hahahahahaha... You guys forgot... That kid, you guys actually forgot? Haha... I laughed so hard... What a tragedy!"

A huge amount of black energy appeared, rushing directly towards the blood moon!
"Don't even think about it!!" Arturia yelled, the holy sword in her hand was shining brightly!
The sword qi shot straight out, but the Demon Emperor sneered: "You have to be careful, if you destroy the Holy Grail, your little lover will not be able to be resurrected."

Absorbing the power of the Beginning Tree, the Demon Emperor is not affected by the power of the rules at the moment, but it is estimated that it is only temporary. In the state of burning soul, An Zhe's will is absolute, and if the delay continues, the Demon Emperor will definitely Step into the footsteps of death.

The sword energy flashed directly, and the Great Holy Grail and the surging devil energy were both safe and sound...

The hand of the princess holding the sword was trembling slightly, and the Demon Emperor was laughing loudly.

"I just accept the Holy Grail, use it to cast a dharma body, and let me reappear in the world!"

"Give it back to me!" The princess shouted, her expression was full of anxiety, and her memory became blurred...

"Want it? Then come and get it!" The Demon Emperor said triumphantly. Although he was still weak when he heard the voice, he was excited.

The holy sword came, but it seemed to be slashing on an invisible barrier. Even though the Demon Emperor was extremely weak, the attack was still blocked...

Thick panic appeared, and the princess felt that her memory was becoming more and more blurred...

The hand holding the sword kept trembling, and finally, the girl made up her mind...

The holy sword was whining, and an incomparably powerful aura gushed out from Artoria's body, but around her, there was a pitch-black aura that began to surge! ! !
"My king!!!"

Everyone was shocked. In their unbelievable eyes, the golden holy sword began to change slowly, and the black color quickly infected the sword body, and bloody lines appeared on the sword body!
And the armor on the princess's body also changed, gradually turning into a black dress...

An incomparably majestic aura emanated from the body of this black immortal! !

The Demon Emperor was surprised: "Huh!? You, are you...bewitched!?"

What responded to him was an extremely terrifying pitch-black sword light!

That is, the Sword of Promised Victory! ! !
The black mist was split from it in an instant, attracting a low hum from the Demon Emperor.

"Are you kidding... Don't you claim to be the righteous side? You actually turned into a demon!? How can you have such a huge power of a demon in your body!?"

The change of King Arthur stunned everyone, and perhaps the only one who was sober was herself.

She detonated the seal, released all the original power of the immortal greedy worm, and made it merge with herself.

Just for, in exchange for that gigantic power, the power to regain the Holy Grail, she wants to use the Holy Grail to save that boy...

"Even if there are thousands of regrets in my heart, it's meaningless if I don't convey it to the other party. I just want him to come back and tell him my heart word by word!!"

The blackened dress fluttered, and the pitch-black holy sword was raised high. The girl's painful and determined voice resounded: "So... this power, I accept it! I accept it without any resistance!!"

On the body of the holy sword, Yin Hong's veins were full of blood, vowing that the sword of victory will come again!

a sword...

two swords...

Three Swords...


She doesn't care about the consumption of magic power at all, every sword is the sword of vowed victory, and after her blackening, she is supported by extremely powerful magic power! !
The Demon Emperor was completely stunned, which made him, how to resist...


He roared loudly, guarding the Great Holy Grail tightly, while trying to get into the Great Holy Grail and forge an invincible Dharma Body.

And the will of the rules between heaven and earth suddenly became stronger at this moment, rushing towards the princess...

That memory has become more and more blurred, to the point that... I can't remember it anymore.

I,, what are you fighting for?


It was to...stop the Demon Emperor...

In order to regain the Great Holy Grail...

is for……

I can't remember...but I can't let the Demon Emperor get it. Instead of doing that, it's better to destroy it...

Why didn't I destroy the Great Holy Grail earlier?Don't you already,, don't need the Great Holy Grail...

Yes, no need, the Demon Emperor must die.

With slightly confused eyes, the girl in the black dress once again struck out the holy sword...


Jian Guang slashed above that blood moon!
"Do not!!!"

The Demon Emperor roared, he had already entered the Holy Grail, but, with the destruction of the Holy Grail, the void suddenly collapsed, a black hole suddenly erupted in the sky, but after the eruption, it closed instantly, turned into a black spot, and disappeared not see……

The Demon Emperor is dead...

This time, he died completely, and was buried with the Holy Grail.

The black holy sword hangs down, the dark dress on the princess's body is very conspicuous in the snowy sky, her eyes are slightly confused.

I, I seem to have forgotten something...

She walked forward, and then slowly stopped. In front of her, there was a huge piece of black ice, in which a boy was frozen.

He was there, just one meter in front of the princess.

However, no one can see it.

Between the broken dome, snowflakes were falling, slowly piercing through the black ice, and falling to the ground...


in an apartment.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu knocked on the door impatiently: "Have you finished the drawing? The editor will come later."

The door of the room was quickly opened, and Sawamura Eriri was wearing a green coat and black-rimmed glasses, staring fiercely at Kasumigaoka Shiwa.

"Noisy, noisy! My inspiration has been interrupted by you, dark girl!!"

"It's someone's sweet potato head that can't generate inspiration by itself, please don't throw this kind of thing on me."


Sawamura Eriri was bitter for a while, but she didn't have time to argue with Kasumigaoka Shiwa, because the illustration editor was indeed coming.

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooible One sentence.

"he's mine!"

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned, and there was a trace of confusion in their eyes, and the book in Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's hand fell to the ground unknowingly.


The dessert shop seemed very lively, but Misaka Mikoto was sitting there a little bored, with Shirai Kuroko who kept flirting at her on one side, and Uiharu Shiri and Saten Ruiko who looked helpless on the opposite side.

Misaka Mikoto picked up her bag a little bored: "It's too boring, let's go out and play together."

Saten Reiko and the others looked at each other and stood up in agreement.

"Huh? Misaka-senpai, the croak on your bag is too loose."

"Huh!? Where did it go?" Misaka Mikoto immediately turned around anxiously, searching everywhere, and finally found that Guta under the table.

"Woooooo... finally found it!"

Misaka Mikoto was about to cry, holding Gua Tai in her hands like she was about to cry: "This has been discontinued, but I spent a lot of time... Huh..."

A look of confusion flashed across the girl's expression: "How did I... get this..."


In a studio, Shiina Mashiro sat quietly in front of the drawing board, tapped the brush on the paper, but did not move.

On one side of the wall, there are a lot of drawing papers, but all of them are just... a piece of blank paper.

The girl held the paintbrush in a daze, not knowing what she was going to draw...

At some point, a drop of crystal slid down her cheek.

Tears fell on the table, Yuuki suddenly looked at the girl in front of her in a panic, and quickly apologized.

"Asuna...why are you crying...it's all my fault, I shouldn't bring up the past..."

Asuna came back to her senses, and wiped her face in a daze, her eyes full of confusion.

"Hey - Asuna! I'm leaving, today is the anniversary of Yuuki's return, I have to thank the leader!!"

Lisbeth was calling in the distance, making Deasuna fascinated again.

"Thank you, Captain?"

Yuuki looked at Asuna strangely from the side, and responded: "Yeah, what's the matter with you, Asuna? Let's go, don't keep the captain waiting, he is my savior!"

Asuna didn't speak, her eyes flashed with confusion, but she couldn't help covering her mouth lightly, but tears couldn't stop flowing down...

"Ah...Ah, Asuna!!"

Yuuki suddenly panicked: "I, did I say something wrong? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, don't cry. Why...why see you cry, I want to cry so much..."

"No, it's okay... I'm just too happy..." Asuna's tears continued to flow, but she couldn't tell the reason for the sadness in her heart...


The crowd was surging, and the audience was full of cheering crowd, cheering for something.

Maki Nishikino pushed the door and walked in, urging the eight people inside.

"What are you doing? The dome show is about to start!"

Several people in the room were watching something around, while Kosaka Honoka stepped forward, pulled Nishikino Maki closer, and pointed to the score on the table.

"Maki-chan, when did you write this song? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Huh? What song!"

Ximino Zhenji looked puzzled, but saw the score in Nan Qinli's hand, which was the score she used to compose the music.

"We Are the Light as One"

After reading it in a daze, Mahime Nishikino suddenly wondered: "I didn't write it...but there are nine of us names in this song, why should we write one less?"

Write one less?
As soon as the words came out, the nine people were all stunned...

Nan Qinli stared blankly at the few people. At this moment, a photo slipped from the music book in her hand.

Ayase Eri leaned over to pick it up, and saw that it was a commemorative photo taken by the nine of them at the beach.But the nine people in the photo are all looking down in front of them, as if there is a person squatting in front of them.

But there, it's empty...

In the academy, countless mecha users would still come to pay their respects to the jet-black Drag-Ride, and Krulcifer wiped the shiny black body again.

"You are indeed here." Lisha walked in, staring blankly at the pitch-black machine in front of her.

"No one can adapt to it, right?" Krulcifer said softly.

Lisha nodded, a look of helplessness flashed across her face, all the mecha envoys in the school had tried, but no one could wake Bahamut.

"Really, who are you waiting for?"

Lisha looked at the pitch-black machine dragon, which pointed its sword at the sky, as if it had been revived.

The eyes of the two girls were slightly confused, as if they could see that there was a boy sitting on it, looking flamboyant and domineering, but... couldn't see his face clearly.

In a certain ruins of a tribe, a figure slowly walked out, Stella took a slow step, Feilong's sin sword was burning with hot flames.

"Congratulations, you have already reached the peak of the sixth level, and you will be able to enter the seventh level with one more step!"

The girl's father had already been waiting for a long time. Seeing Stella's calm demeanor, the girl's father showed a distressed look on his face.

"Why, do you have to fight so hard?"

Stella was silent, with doubts in her eyes, she murmured after thinking for a long time: "I... seem to be chasing someone's footsteps..."

"who is it?"

"I don't remember..." Esther Wallenstein turned her head and looked at her close friend Riveria in front of her with a weak expression on her face.

I...don't remember who that person is...

Why is this……


Under the blue sky outside the window, on the huge advertising screens in the buildings, Li Qi in a long black dress was singing softly.

"You never heard what I said"

"So you say, don't know why, everything has changed since yesterday"

"That's probably because I'm in love with you"

"All I want is you"

"Come back, I'll be waiting for you anytime"

Countless people listened to it, and were touched by the soft and beautiful voice of Qiqi. Since this girl came into people's attention, she has attracted a fan base that is countless times larger than before.

"Xiao Qi is so beautiful, her voice is so nice, I will always like Qi!!" The fans held their hands together like hearts, with an obsessed expression on their faces.

"Xiao Qi is mine, if you don't accept it, draw your sword!!"

"What!? To snatch Xiaoqi!? Where is it, where is my anti-material human cannon!?"

The turmoil among the fans is constantly evolving, and the girl on the screen is still singing, but there is a deep sadness in the singing.That is a sadness that many people can't understand, even Mo Qi himself doesn't understand where this sadness comes from.

"It's raining heavily and I miss the time I spent with you"

"I dare not face you again"

"Looking back, grief drowned me"

"Please come back to...my side"

During the transmission of the singing, a drop of crystal slipped from the girl's cheek...

In an ordinary room, the singing voice of Qi Qi came through the TV screen, Bupo Aihua gently closed the book, slowly closed her eyes, and suppressed the tears in her eyes.

"Hey... so, is it considered to be moving forward? I can't understand, I can only cry sadly..."

"I... am in the midst of great tenderness. What have I,, forgotten?"


The world is disconnected.

The endless fetters have been lost in the invisible force, and the gap left by it is nowhere to be found.

The infinite time is still turning, and the footsteps of human beings have never stopped. The people who are fettered are welcoming their due stories with gentle blessings.

The fate of the past has been rewritten, many sorrows have been stopped, those sorrows have lost their traces, and the beautiful yearning is no longer just talk.

People will have a new journey, and the footsteps of time will never stop. He is no longer here, but he has found an angel to replace him.

This is a world that cannot be affected by fate, and all the regrets in countless worlds have been made up for here.

All that was paid...was just the life of a fool.

In this world, there is only this... person who shouldn't exist.

In this world without you...

(End of this chapter)

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