Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 105 The Gentle Boy's Warm Smile

Chapter 105 The Gentle Boy's Warm Smile

Shirai Heizi was completely shocked, as if some terrible secret had been discovered.

She teleported directly to An Zhe, trying to take away what An Zhe was holding.

It's just that how could An Zhe make her wish come true, so to speak, he is also a fourth-level ability user, and the reaction speed is really not just talk.

An Zhe's figure appeared next to Misaka Mikoto in a flash, throwing the photo album in his hand, and looked at Shirai Kuroko with a smile on his face.

"Hey! Shirai-san, you said you don't have a photo album, so what is this?"

"Give it back to me..."

Shirai Heizi opened his mouth nervously, seeing her like that, Anzhe smiled very happily in his heart.

hum!Xiaobian, fight with me?

You actually beat me so many times!Revenge is not not revenge, the time has not yet come...

An Zhe handed the photo album to Misaka Mikoto, and under Shirai Kuroko's eyes full of despair, Sister Pao opened the photo album...

An Zhe saw with a smile on his face that Saten Reniko and Uiharu Shiri's expressions were immediately dumbfounded, while Sister Pao's face turned completely dark in an instant.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, Anzhe glanced at the photo album from the corner of his eye, all of which were photos of Misaka Mikoto.

in the shower...


And when changing clothes...

No matter which one is taken, the timing of the capture is appropriate, and the sentiment is vividly reflected.

Tsk tsk, as expected of Shirai Kuroko!
An Zhezhai's personality is smirking. I really want to thank Lao Hei for his outstanding contribution.

But... let's first wish her the best of luck with Sister Pao's anger.

Amen, may the heroic spirit of Lao Hei live forever...


Misaka Mikoto grabbed Shirai Kuroko, pinched her face with both hands and pulled her.

"Sure enough, you have to look at the present more than the past and the future!!!"

"Sister... my lord, I was wrong!"

There was a crackling electric current, and Shirai Heizi's panting had already resounded.

The three of Anzhe were already getting used to it, silently watching Baijing Heizi twitch on the ground.

It's just that An Zhe's nerdy personality is still smacking his lips.

Sister Pao, if you are like this, don’t you fulfill the M of Lao Hei?funny……

All of a sudden, An Zhe's cell phone rang, and the ringtone of the cell phone made several people startled and stopped moving.

An Zhe's face darkened, and after taking out his mobile phone, he found that it was Qiandou Isuzu who called.

"Chido? What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry to interrupt your party. But Miss Shiina seems to be sick and has a fever. I...can't handle it...sorry..."

Chitou Isuzu spoke with a dejected expression. She found that she didn't even know the simplest way to deal with patients.

Why?Really sick?
An Zhe froze for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Okay, I see."

Seeing that Qiandou Isuzu still had an apologetic expression, he said softly, "It's okay, you don't need to apologize. Thank you, I'll be right back."

Putting down the phone, An Zhe shrugged his shoulders and said softly: "As you can see, it seems that I have to go. I'm really sorry... I'm obviously here to attend the party."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter. Anzhe, you go." Misaka Mikoto shook her head: "It's just a pity, I obviously want to thank you more solemnly. I can only start now."

Both she and Baijing Heizi came to An Zhe, and bowed their heads seriously in thanks.

"Thank you, Anzhe."

Feeling the sincere gratitude from the two, An Zhe suddenly smiled.

"Well, don't be so ignorant..."

He showed a gentle smile, and looked at the four of them fixedly: "We...are friends?"

we are friends, right?

An Zhe's words were very soft, but they made the four of them tremble slightly.Misaka Mikoto and Shirai Kuroko raised their heads in a daze, staring at Anzhe.

"Friend, are you..."

An Zhe nodded with a smile, and responded softly: "Yes, my friend!"

He waved his hand, left the dormitory and ran towards the school's portal.

The four of them were in a daze, Chuchun Zhuli suddenly remembered the figure when he and An Zhe first met, when the latter rushed towards the sacrificial seed frantically in order to protect himself.

And this time, in order to find Misaka-senpai and Shirai-san, he ran out of the city at the risk of danger.Although he was really powerful and saved the danger in the end, but the danger involved was completely beyond his comprehension.

Friends... How much has An Zhe paid for this word?
An Zhe, who was running towards the portal, suddenly had a flash of light from the necklace under his clothes, Misaka Mikoto and the others suddenly felt a deep sense of suffocation!
Looking at An Zhe's back running away, several people suddenly had an illusion.An Zhe seems to have been on a certain road, going further and further...

Misaka Mikoto couldn't help shaking her head, a trace of doubt appeared in her eyes.

Just now, what happened...


Not long after, An Zhe returned to his residence.

Gently pushing open the door, Qiandou Isuzu was walking out of the bathroom with a basin of water.

"Isuzu, how is Mashiro?"

He opened his mouth quickly, and Qiandou Isuzu shook his head: "I have been having a fever. It may be because I caught a cold last night. When I came back, I found that she hadn't gotten up. She said it was a headache. I want to try to put a towel on her forehead..."

She didn't know how to take care of the patient, but she felt that it was very comfortable to apply a wet towel to her forehead, and wanted to relieve Zhenbai's pain in this way.

"That's it... Thank you for your hard work, let me come."

An Zhe nodded, carrying water to Zhenbai's room, and softly called the weak girl on the bed.

"True white? True white?"

Mashiro Shiina slowly opened her eyes: "An... Zhe? It's so uncomfortable"

An Zhe touched her forehead, it wasn't very hot, but a low-grade fever.

"It's okay, it will get better soon." Anzhe breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly to Qiandou Isuzu: "Isuzu, can you please change the water to hot water?"

Qiandou and Isuzu were stunned for a moment, then nodded and went out with water.Not long after, she came in with hot water.

An Zhe carefully wiped off the sweat from Zhenbai's head, and asked Qiandou Isuzu to wipe Zhenbai's body and change into dry clothes.

He made the ginger soup himself, and after bringing it in, he lifted Zhenbai to let her lean on him, and fed her mouthful by mouthful.

"An Zhe, am I, going to die?"

Shiina Mashiro suddenly spoke softly, and An Zhe was taken aback by what he said.

"How come, why do you ask that?"

"That's how it's shown on TV." Shiina Mashiro said weakly: "When the family is guarding someone's bedside, that person is about to die."

An Zhe was in a cold sweat!
Which idiot made up TV like this!

What the hell!
Depend on!The Hunan guards in the previous life did not dare to make up such a thing!

Ten thousand muddy horses galloped by in An Zhe's heart, but he was also a little funny in his heart.

Gently leaning over, he pressed his forehead against Zhenbai's forehead, and opened his mouth gently.

"No way. Don't watch that kind of stupid TV. Be good, just finish drinking the ginger soup."

"Really not?"

"Hi~Hi! I won't lie to you. Come on, open your mouth."

Standing aside, Qiandou and Isuzu looked at An Zhe showing a different kind of gentleness, and slightly tilted his head.

The deep doting and warm smile in the boy's eyes made her heartstrings seem to be plucked.


so gentle...

(End of this chapter)

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