Chapter 132

The video was uploaded to the website and quickly reached fans through a push message.

After seeing An Zhe finally updated his new music works, many music fans were delighted.

Sure enough, the power of the blade is powerful!

And An Zhe's other fans can't be said to be disappointed. There is nothing defective in Mr. An Zhe's works, which has become the common thinking of these people.

Therefore, most people will click on those two videos with curiosity and expectation.

However, after listening to it, people will be involuntarily immersed in it, and their emotions will fluctuate due to the influence of the music.

"It's such a touching piece... Teacher An Zhe has produced another masterpiece!"

People sighed one after another, intoxicated by the moving music.Of course, there are also some fans who are not very keen on music to join in the fun.

"Wow, Teacher An Zhe looks pretty good at playing the piano! It's good to be handsome..."

"I'm planning to sign up for piano lessons!"

"Cut! Even if you learned the piano, you are not half as handsome as my Highness Anzhe! Go away go away~~"

"Wow! Upstairs! Dare to rob His Highness Anzhe from me! Let's fight!"

Fortunately, An Zhe didn't see this, otherwise he would probably be shocked, thinking that his identity had been exposed.

actually not.

I don't know when it started, Anzhe has been able to arouse enthusiastic cheers from some female fans.

People have gradually shifted their attention from his works to his personal body.After all, An Zheqi himself has a lot of charm in their eyes!
Novels, comics, songs, piano performance...many people spend their entire lives trying to do one of these things well, but An Zhe does it well!
In their eyes, An Zhe is versatile, and he is a beautiful boy with good looks and temperament.Communication with fans is also gentle.They couldn't help but admit that An Zhe was indeed far better than many people!

Therefore, some female fans feel that An Zhe is like a prince in a fairy tale.After someone called him His Highness Anzhe one day, the title of His Highness Anzhe spread among the fans.

Of course, mainly among fans of some female groups...

Of course An Zhe didn't know this, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't know what expression to make...

Who among these fans would know that, An Zhe is actually a genuine His Royal Highness!
Well, even though it's not a prince...

The music video has been updated, and it has started a hot spread. Many people are attracted to the website, and An Zhe's appearance of playing the piano is also remembered by many people.

And some newcomers who were attracted here couldn't help but find out the "Castle in the Sky" played by Anzhe before, and they were intoxicated after listening to it.

Even if some people are not very interested in music, they have discovered many interesting things at station B, which has brought considerable popularity to station B.

An Zhe didn't know the specific situation, but judging from the obvious acceleration of the increase in popularity, the effect was obviously very good.

After updating the manga for the day, An Zhe turned off the light brain and collapsed on the bed.

But he didn't fall asleep immediately, he recalled Angus' words during the day.

"A half-devil... It seems that he can hide in a heavily guarded academy..."

He frowned. These guys haven't seen a stop since he came to this world.This is still in a relatively peaceful empire!

I really don't know what it will be like outside the empire!

Because, outside the empire, there are terrifying creatures like demons!

No wonder Esdeth had no time to escape, the border of the empire could not be separated from the guard of the general.

Thoughts swirled around, but Anzhe didn't have a good solution either.

Now, his main goal is to continuously accumulate popularity points, the more the better!

Only when one's own strength is strong can one say anything to deal with the enemy, otherwise it is just a joke.

Now his popularity value is 100 million, which seems a lot, but once he has the opportunity to copy the fighting ability of the heroine, it will not be enough.

You must know that the ordinary combat ability of Qiandou Isuzu's fourth-order requires more than 2000 million. If it does not break the unique power of Aihua, it is estimated that the popularity value required will be even more terrifying!
What's even more annoying is that the system has never been kind!

From the situation of copying last time, combat skills are not like life skills, they can be copied temporarily.

If you encounter an opportunity but fail to copy it successfully, then An Zhe will lose the chance to copy that ability forever!

Therefore, even if An Zhe has the opportunity to copy Saber's combat ability now, An Zhe dare not do it without confirming that the popularity value is completely sufficient!

Because once the popularity value is reduced, it can no longer be copied!

An Zhe had figured this out a long time ago, and he has been creating works during this time. Fortunately, the increase in popularity is not slow, which can be regarded as a little comfort to him.

If this momentum continues, it will soon break through 7000 million.

It should be...enough!
I have to find an opportunity to copy more advanced combat abilities!

Several people appeared in An Zhe's mind, but they shook their heads one by one.In the end, after much deliberation, the only option is to set the plan on Aihua and Sister Pao.

In fact, he has also met the heroine of the sixth rank before, and that is the sword girl Aisi, who finally entered the sixth rank after the last battle!
However, An Zhe obviously didn't have such a chance.

"Ah, I have a headache..."

An Zhe sighed lightly, simply stopped thinking about it, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.


On the other side, the Magic Capital Academy.

Under the moonlight in the middle of the night, there are only a few guard robots moving forward in the school, and the students have all returned to the dormitory and fell asleep.

In the corner of the high-rise building in the city of Xuefu, there is a person standing on the roof of the building at this time.

The space around him had a vague sense of distortion, but if you look carefully, you can find that half of this person's legs are in the shadow of his feet!
The moonlight was like water, and this man overlooked the city of Mordor Academy, and he couldn't help but let out a deep sneer!

"As expected of the guardian formations laid down by the guardian saint himself, it is really shocking. However, my ability happens to not trigger these formations!"

His voice was low, and although warning devices flew by in the sky from time to time, no one noticed him.

"The investigation is almost finished, it seems that it is time to start planning. The Lord Demon Emperor may be impatient..."

A deep incantation sounded, and the lurker recited the incantation, and the shadow under his feet suddenly expanded rapidly!
"Shadow Kingdom!"

The violently expanding shadow directly covered the entire roof of the building. Among them, nearly two hundred figures slowly emerged from the shadow!

All, demigods!

These half-devils have both third and fourth ranks.The only weird thing is that the pupils of these people are a little dull, as if they are being controlled!
"It's a pity that I didn't become the seventh level. The Shadow Kingdom can only store unconscious guys. Otherwise, a mere school, why would I need to use my mind like this..."

The lurker sighed softly, but his eyes were full of coldness.

"The plan...start!"

(End of this chapter)

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