Chapter 138

The enchantment of the core spire of the academy suddenly twisted slightly, and the bullet went away instantly at a fast speed!

This newly developed sniper rifle fired bullets at a speed of 1000 meters per second, but even at this speed, it took three seconds!

It was only three seconds, but the people behind An Zhe felt that the time was so long!
It wasn't just a long-distance snipe, with such a narrow shooting range, a slight deviation was enough to make this sniper fail!

And that consequence is something no one in the academy wants to see!
The ability users in the square didn't know it, but under the close watch of everyone, the half-devil's body suddenly trembled slightly without warning!
Then, a cloud of black mist erupted directly from his body!
A relaxed smile finally appeared on the corner of Anzhe's mouth!


Behind them, the group of half-baked snipers spoke out excitedly.

In that room, the magic pattern on that bullet was burning, enough to cause the lethal magic energy of any fourth-order half-devil to explode from that small bullet!
Under the astonished gazes of those capable users in the square, the half-demon directly collapsed into the sky and the earth!
"This, what's the situation...why did he die suddenly?"

"Could it be the sniper that was called just now? But from such a long distance, it really did it. The people in our school are quite capable!"

"That's right. There are still people who can successfully snipe from such a far away place. It's really not to be underestimated..."

There was a lot of discussion among the capable people, and the Disciplinary Commissioner who had been on standby had rescued the ordinary people who were held hostage by the half-demons, and everyone was relieved.

Stella looked in the direction of the enchantment of the steeple of the school, although she couldn't see the situation inside, she was guessing in her heart.

Is it Anzhe?

An Zhe jumped off the platform with a sniper rifle in his hand, and let out a long breath.

"Good job." Lin Dong Qianshan finally smiled and praised with a smile.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Anzhe smiled, and returned the sniper rifle to Orimura Chifuyu.

"Teacher An Zhe! So handsome!!"

Guan Gu Tang Zhinian gave such admiration and compared his thumbs, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

What happened just now surprised him even more than knowing that Mr. An Zhe is actually a capable person!
The ability users behind him also looked at An Zhe with admiration.

Three thousand 100 meters, ten centimeter shooting range, even turned off the magic sight!
This kind of thing, even those real snipers dare not guarantee it!
An Zhe naturally just smiled at this.

The power of technology and magic in this world is indeed very strong, but in the previous life, snipers without such power could do that. Now that Anzhe has such a magical gun, it seems possible to accomplish this kind of thing Original.

Well, there's really nothing to be proud of.

If it was replaced by those sniper gods from the previous life to use this gun, it is estimated that it is not impossible to take the enemy's head within [-] meters!

Of course, that is an ideal state, and the actual situation will be much more complicated.An Zhe's behavior this time is quite shocking.

"Then, everyone, let's take my leave first." An Zhe bid farewell to several people.Kanzaki Kaori nodded, and let the summoned ability users leave.

She still has important tasks!

Since the lurker does exist, she will find him out!

Anzhe left the steeple, and Shirai Kuroko had already left because of the work of the Disciplinary Committee, but Anzhe hadn't seen Misaka Mikoto. It is estimated that due to the invasion of the half-demons, she received some mission as a fifth-order.

Stella has been waiting for him, and seeing Anzhe come out, she still couldn't hold back, and asked if Anzhe did what happened just now.

"Well, I did the right thing, but is this important?" An Zhe asked while touching his head.

"Of course! This is the credit for saving seventeen people! Why do you think it's not important!"

Stella looked at An Zhe strangely, why did this boy act like he didn't care...

"Uh... Let's not talk about this, let's go patrol again. The guy lurking in the academy has never shown up. I always feel that he has a big conspiracy..."

When An Zhe spoke like this, his brows were deeply wrinkled.

This kind of guy who has been hiding in the dark is the most troublesome!

"Hmm... that's right, I just received the news, let's go patrol again!"

The two walked together again and left the central square, and those capable users also received the task of patrolling again and left one after another.


In a very ordinary building, a faint chuckle suddenly came from a shadow.

"Hehe, it's really worthy of being a school in the capital city... to actually use such means as sniping..."

A figure slowly emerged from the shadows. The light around the latter's body was violently distorted, and a face full of magic patterns looked extremely cold.

"However, after delaying for so long, the plan there has been completed. Hehe, this time, I actually won!"

He murmured in a low voice, and his body slowly dived back into the shadows.

"The preparations have been completed, but just to be on the safe side, let's do some more investigation... Then,, the game is over first! Let me give you a big gift at the end..."

The cold voice echoed in the empty building, and an inexplicable aura suddenly emerged out of thin air!

Kanzaki Kaori in the spire suddenly looked outside the barrier, and she felt that there were hundreds of vortexes of devilish energy in the academy! !

"This is... abominable!!"

She stretched out her hand suddenly, and the magic energy poured into the entire steeple!

Immediately, the entire minaret seemed to have revived, and endless runes circulated on the tower!

Streams of light shot out in an instant, approaching the vortexes of magic energy that appeared in an instant!

In just one breath, those streamers wiped out nearly [-]% of the magic vortex! ! !However, there are still more than a dozen magic vortices that haven't stopped in time!

Boom boom boom! ! !

A violent explosion sounded instantly!
The pitch-black magic energy was surging, and the nearby students were instantly traumatized! !

An Zhe and the others were also unlucky, as a vortex of devilish energy appeared not far from them.

Both personalities felt bad instinctively, and An Zhe had already grabbed Stella's hand in an instant and retreated violently.

But it's still a bit late!
The impact comparable to the self-detonation of a fifth-level ability user came, and the objects in that area were directly shattered!
A powerful shock wave came, and even though they had retreated a long distance, the power still made An Zhe and his pupils shrink!
The flames howled!After reacting, Stella instantly activated her ability, and the flames formed a flame shield to block the two of them!
However, when the shock wave hit, the flame shield only resisted for a second before it collapsed!

Stella couldn't help but let out a soft cry.The flames in the pupils were scattered, but the magic energy in the body could not be mobilized immediately because the ability was scattered.

There was no way, Anzhe directly hugged Stella in his arms, and the mana energy gushed out violently from his body, blocking the shock wave of the attack with all his strength.

The two flew out directly, crashed into a wall, and fell into the broken bricks all over the floor.

Depend on……

it hurts...

An Zhe's consciousness was blurred for a while, and his vision became dark and he passed out.In the last consciousness, I only felt that my body was heavy, and my face felt soft...

(End of this chapter)

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