Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 22 Draw yourself as a sub-protagonist

Chapter 22 Draw yourself as a sub-protagonist

An Zhe slumped on the chair with a feeling of lovelessness, while Shiina Mashiro faced him quietly, using an electronic painting pen to keep drawing on the electronic drawing board.

On the computer screen next to him, pictures of beautiful characters slowly appeared.

Anzhe swept his eyes, and couldn't help but let out a soft sigh in his heart.

The characters are so beautifully drawn, every line is so just right.He has copied Zhenbai's painting skills, so he can naturally understand the artistic conception of the painting, and every character in the painting is so lifelike.

It's just that the plot of this manga is really unbearable to look at...

Because until now, the male and female protagonists have not appeared yet...

Anzhe smiled helplessly in his heart. Shiina Mashiro's drawing skills are absolutely indisputable, but the latter has no concept of understanding of the plot, but he just likes drawing manga...

Well, having said that, although it is good to add comic plots, there is no need to add some extreme scenes!
Seeing his naked body completely exposed to Shiina Mashiro's sight, An Zhe's mental activities were a little too rich.

Time passed slowly, and soon it was afternoon.Shiina Mashiro has fully devoted herself to the creation, but An Zhe is a little bored.

An Zhe, who had nothing to do, simply opened the system panel to check his popularity.

The forum has calmed down, but the appearance of the two golden accounts of Anzhe and Yatogami Tohka has undoubtedly attracted the attention of many people, and even "Wukong Biography" has become known to more and more people.

An Zhe was surprised to find that his popularity had already broken through the 300 million mark, and was about to break through 350 million!

Just horrible!
It's only the first day...

An Zhe couldn't help being stunned. Logically speaking, the pace of this development is a bit too fast.

Could it be that Yatogami Tohka has such a great influence in this world?It's just an ordinary bubble that brought so much attention to me?

No, no, it's too exaggerated.

The more An Zhe thought about it, the more strange he felt, so he simply took the optical brain that had just arrived, boarded the forum, and his eyes were immediately attracted by a hot post.

"Shocked! The song written by the author of "The Legend of Wukong" has soared to the top ten of the Shanghai Music Chart! Teacher An Zhe is both a writer and a singer?"

The post was raised high. After the previous events, many people knew that An Zhe's identity was not simple. He had a golden account that was common across the Internet.

Aside from writing a popular novel, such a person actually wrote a song that broke into the top ten of the music chart?

There were tens of thousands of replies below the post, some praised the novel as beautiful, and some praised the song as beautiful.

Under such circumstances, some people who had only heard the song before became interested in "The Legend of Wukong".And those who have only read the novel but never heard the song are also attracted to listen to the song "On the Street of Falling Blossoms"

Soon, An Zhe's novels and songs became more and more popular.

Seeing this, An Zhe couldn't help opening his mouth lightly, and suddenly realized.

The reason is here?

This, this is somewhat unexpected.He just wanted to create another path to gain popularity, but he didn't expect that the two would complement each other.

The world is really helping me...

An Zhe quickly logged into the Modu Music Network, and found that the song he released had already reached No.9 on the music chart, and the number was still rising rapidly.

His heart suddenly blossomed with joy, and he felt extremely proud, not to mention the swelling feeling.

It's just that he didn't show anything on his face, and his rational personality made a good disguise for him.The corner of An Zhe's mouth curved slightly.

Shiina Mashiro in front of Anzhe just happened to see this scene, moved the brush in his hand, and soon a big boy appeared on the computer screen, with a pair of smart eyes under his bangs and a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Seven points handsome, three points evil.

An Zhe naturally didn't notice this. He found that his information box on the music network was overwhelmed with information.

Without exception, Anzhe was asked to contact a person named Shihui Miyamoto as soon as possible.

This name seems to have been heard somewhere.

An Zhe couldn't help frowning slightly, and suddenly remembered, isn't this Miyamoto Zhihui, the guy who claims to be the person in charge of Modu Music Network.

This person had already contacted him before, but Anzhe happened to be talking to Ben Nahui at that time, so he called Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu again.Just back and forth, both of them forgot about him.

An Zhe took the mobile phone, and was surprised to find that there were more than a dozen missed calls on the mobile phone, all of which were from the same person.But the phone was accidentally muted by Anzhe at some point...

This phone seems to belong to that Miyamoto Zhihui... Khan,, accidentally let him hang up for so long...

An Zhe stuck out his tongue in his heart, knowing that the other party must not be able to sit still seeing the popularity of that song.

After all, it is too difficult for a really good song to appear!And who can use the culture of another world to crush directly like Anzhe!Those are all tested by the market!
He didn't think too much, and pressed the button to call back.

Miyamoto Shihui sat in the office in a depressed mood, with a frown on his face, and even the good coffee brought by the secretary became a little tasteless.

He can't help it!

That big guy named An Zhe completely ignored his call, and didn't even log in to the music website, but the emergency contact provided by the latter was quite angry, and a few words made him break out in cold sweat, and he was directly defeated by Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu .

Who let the latter's good things be interrupted, and he is in a fit of anger.

Ah... so angry

He rubbed his hands in distress, every minute and every second was suffering.That song has reached ninth place on the music chart, but he hasn't signed it yet!
So many listeners are very happy to listen to free songs,, free songs!

Every minute and every second, the loss is money!It's all money!
At this time, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was the reminder ring he specially set for Anzhe!
Oh My God!The boss finally returned his call!

Miyamoto Shihui burst into tears in his heart, with an excited expression on his face, and immediately connected the phone.

"Hey, is this Mr. Anzhe? I'm Shihui Miyamoto, the person in charge of Modu Music Network! I don't know if Mr. Anzhe still owns the copyrights of your song?"

He was also too eager, he didn't wait for An Zhe to speak, and explained his intention directly.

An Zhe on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment, unable to complain about the latter's eagerness, but he also had the idea of ​​signing a contract in his heart, after all, he had to rely on the promotion of the platform to earn more popularity points.

Clearing his throat, An Zhe expressed his position and expressed his willingness to have a detailed discussion with him, wanting to see the sincerity of the other party.He actually had no idea, because he was not familiar with this area, and it had been so long, and no one from other music networks had contacted him.

Miyamoto was overjoyed, thinking that fortunately he had used his authority to block all the messages sent to An Zhe by others!
It's just that An Zhe didn't know about all this he did, and An Zhe didn't care about it at first. A way to make money, why reject it?
So Lang has a concubine who wants to, ah bah!wrong,,!Anyway, it's that and that and that and that!

The other party sent a contract soon, An Zhe looked at the electronic contract sent, and said that there is no problem, because the remuneration given by the other party is really generous!So the two parties directly used iris scanning to remotely sign the contract!

Miyamoto finally signed An Zhe's song as he wished, and after making an appointment for future cooperation, he immediately let go of the burden in his heart and let out a sigh of relief.And An Zhe had another money-making project, so he was naturally full of joy.

He turned his attention to Shiina Mashiro, who was still concentrating on painting, but when Anzhe moved his gaze to her painting, he felt like vomiting blood in his heart!

Lying grass!Your extreme scene is so extreme!
Nima!Your dignified LV9 painting skills are fine for drawing notebooks, but why do the hero and heroine look so much like me and yourself!

How can anyone paint himself as the main character...

 Is there a boss watching?Ask for a wave of favorites and recommendation tickets...


(End of this chapter)

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