Chapter 30

More than 600 million!

so much!
An Zhe looked at the popularity panel in disbelief, confused by the sudden surprise.

Wow, won't you steal the limelight from Muse?An Zhe couldn't help thinking this way, but found that many of the comments below were also praising Muse, so he was relieved.

However, with more than 70 hits, it is normal to generate so many popularity points.

After all, everyone can generate ten points of popularity. It stands to reason that if An Zhe was affected, he would have more than 700 million popularity points.

Well!Anyway, the fame has already been spread, so don't worry about not being able to conquer these people!

An Zhe thought cheerfully, and hurriedly prepared breakfast. After the three of them finished eating together, An Zhe immediately got into the room.

"System, permanent solidification of painting skills!"

Following An Zhe's order, the number on the popularity panel instantly decreased by 500 million, and An Zhe also gained the LV9 drawing ability forever!
Although it took a lot of the popularity points that he had so hard to get, An Zhe didn't feel bad at all!With the ability to draw, he can do so much more!

"System, I want to exchange my popularity for literary works!"

The system panel immediately listed a lot of titles, all of which were popular masterpieces in the previous life, and now they are all listed in front of An Zhe for him to choose!
Finally waited until this moment!

An Zhe's eyes lit up, and he chose comics and literary works without even thinking about it!Wouldn't it be a waste if the painting skills acquired so hard were not used?
"Reaper" 150 million popularity points can be exchanged
"Naruto" 150 million popularity points can be exchanged

Although literary works are much cheaper than skills, they still need more than one million popularity points.But these are not a problem now!Anzhe's eyes are bright, he just happens to have so many popularity points that can be exchanged for a classic work!
"Exchange "Naruto"!"

An Zhe finally chose to exchange for "Naruto", there is no way, his complex for this work is really too deep.

I look forward to the moment when it shines in this world...

A large number of popularity points were crossed out in an instant, and the plot of Hokage appeared in Anzhe's mind instantly, and every small detail was clearly imprinted in his mind!


An Zhe praised softly. Although he loves "Naruto" very much, it is naturally impossible to completely remember every picture of it, but this time is different. An Zhe feels that now he can draw the pictures of Naruto one by one with his eyes closed. come out!
After exchanging Hokage, An Zhe also had a bold idea in his heart.

He originally considered publishing Hokage on a well-known comic website. He believed that with the energy of Hokage, he would soon gain a lot of popularity.

But he changed his mind, he would definitely publish other works in the future, instead of looking for collaborators one by one, why not start a website by himself?

With the energy of the system, novels, songs, comics, and even animations!An Zhe believes that he can make it easily!He is fully capable of creating a Two-dimensional kingdom exclusively for him!
At that time, how many popularity points do you need?

When An Zhe thought of this, his saliva almost flowed out, he was immersed in the beautiful fantasy and couldn't extricate himself!

But all this is not impossible!As a time traveler, Anzhe naturally has a heart to make trouble!Sitting on the cultural background of the whole world, if you don't have the courage, then wouldn't you come to this world for nothing?
It's done!

An Zhe's heart was hardened, and he made up his mind completely!

He turned on the system again. Although he has some experience in editing web pages, it is still difficult to create a website by himself. Fortunately, he has a universal system!

In the end, Anzhe directly spent 30 popularity points and copied a website template directly. Of course, this also used up his only popularity points!
"What the hell! It's such a dick!"

An Zhe patted his thigh lightly and grinned silently.What he copied was, of course, the well-known B station, where the housemates gather!
Ho ho!Too strong!All the pay is worth it!
An Zhe's heart is excited at this time, although there is nothing on station B at this time, it does not hinder An Zhe's excited mood!

"Okay! The website is easy to handle! Next..."

An Zhe calmed down his excitement, brought a set of electronic drawing boards that had been prepared, and started creating comics!
The electronic brush moves quickly on the drawing board, with LV9 painting skills as a base, and without worrying about the problem of splitting mirrors, Anzhe's painting speed is simply out of bounds!
In just 10 minutes, the first manga of "Naruto" was born!
"I'm amazing!"

An Zhe looked at the page of comics on the optical brain, and praised himself without humility.

Of course, this is just the beginning, An Zhe immediately began to draw the next content, and began to work hard!

This painting takes three days!
For three days, An Zhe stayed at home, except for eating with Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Shiina Mashiro every day, he almost stayed in the room, frantically drawing Hokage's sketches!
Although Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was curious about Anzhe's movements, he didn't ask much.It was not until the morning of the fourth day that she knocked on Anzhe's door.

When the latter opened the door, what was revealed was a head with messy hair and two dark circles under the eyes, a look of excessive energy consumption.

Anzhe's appearance startled Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu: "Well, don't young people know how to be restrained? It's not good if the body collapses!"

Uh, how did you know that my body is broken!

I'll go, senior sister, what's going on in your mind?
An Zhe felt powerless to complain: "Sister Shiyu, is there something wrong?"

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu is also used to calling An Zhe, obviously she also likes An Zhe calling her senior sister very much.

She stood in front of Anzhe's door, her pair of long black silk legs undoubtedly attracted Anzhe's attention, and finally forced her rational personality to forcibly control Anzhe to look away.

"Did you forget? We are moving today."

Hearing what she said, An Zhe also remembered.

In the past three days, I have been drawing the manuscript of "Naruto" in the dark, and I have left all these things behind.

However, he has drawn almost all the contents of the first [-] chapters of former Hokage. The spread of this terrifying drawing speed will definitely make all the cartoonists feel ashamed!
Because at the end of the day, Anzhe can finish a page in almost a few minutes!It's almost no different from a printer, so scary!
In the past three days, Anzhe not only uploaded Hokage to the website, but also uploaded the song "Blue Bird". So there is no upload.

It's just that there are not many visits to station B at this time. After all, it is a new website, so it is impossible to have too many visits.

But An Zhe is not worried, he has a foundation of popularity, and has such a masterpiece as Naruto to support the scene. As long as An Zhe climbs up on Twitter, he will not worry about the development of the website!
But right now, let's move with senior sister first...

"Then let's pack our things now." An Zhe yawned and stretched his waist.

"Well, let's meet a friend and neighbor of mine later. She is a painter. You can also get to know her. I can draw some illustrations for your "The Legend of Wukong"!"

"Oh? Is that so... What's the name of that man?"

An Zhe didn't take it lightly, he had drawing skills himself, and if he wanted illustrations, he could draw as many as he wanted.

"Well, it's Sawamura? Eriri, I'll introduce you to her then." Kasumigaoka Shiwa said flatly, and turned to pack her things.

But Anzhe's drowsiness disappeared in an instant!

ha?Ying pear?
No way?Is it really that,, golden retriever loser?
 Please collect and recommend, Arigado!


(End of this chapter)

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