Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 424 Do What A Boyfriend Should Do

Chapter 424 Do What A Boyfriend Should Do

Seeing that Enfurke had made a decision, Elutirize didn't say anything more, bowed respectfully, and withdrew.

Neither of them thought deeply about An Zhe's arrival.

It's not that they don't know the identity of Anzhe's Drag-Knight, and they also know that he is driving the "black hero" that makes the tribes covetously - Divine Drag-Ride: Bahamut.

But compared to Kermode, a sixth-order Divine Drag-Ride is not enough.

The Dorrit tribe is a large tribe that even the Marquis of Torola treats politely. Among them, there are many powerful Drag-Knights, and powerful ability users are often seen. It is also superior.

Therefore, in their eyes at this time, Prince Kemode, the eldest son of the tribe's royal family, obviously had more weight.

In fact, Enfurk understood Krulcifer's purpose.

Although the empire has no explicit regulations, it also advocates freedom of marriage. Krulcifer wanted to get rid of this blind date she didn't want, so he made such a naive and ridiculous move in his opinion.

Among the nobles, they have become accustomed to the concept of marriage as a good match, or in other words... it is a 'cooperation' between the two parties for the benefit of the family.Krulcifer is a member of the Enfurke family, and it is obvious that he has escaped the fate of the family.

He didn't know the girl's hard work. She entered the Magic City Academy, worked hard to train herself, and became a powerful Drag-Knight, but this kind of thing couldn't become her strength to break free.

Even if she found the power of the 'black hero', so what?

That magical Drag-Ride is just a heavy weapon of the empire. Although its strength is close to invincible among the Drag-Rides, perhaps other tribes will fear it, but if it is facing the Dorrit Tribe, the former is absolutely incomparable.

Not to mention, Prince Kermode's identity is the same as his father's, an honorary nobleman of the empire.

Krulucifa, in the end, could not escape the fate of marriage, and dedicated her everything to the family.

From the day I picked her up, her fate was already doomed!

Above the sky, a huge airship is flying at an extremely fast speed. Originally, such a thing as an airship is very fast, but this kind of flying machine powered by magic energy obviously cannot be studied according to common sense.

Anzhe and Kululucifa stood on the deck, the girl gently took Anzhe's hand, and Anzhe and Anzhe looked at the scenery under the viewing platform while talking and laughing.

Acting must be in place, under the eyes of the two bodyguards and monitors arranged by the family, the two have to put on a show, don't they?

"Hey, what mood are you in now?" Anzhe said quietly, the two were quite far away from them, he just had to put on a show, and he didn't have to worry about the conversation being overheard.

"What do you mean?" Kululusifa said calmly, looking at the scenery under the airship.

"I just know how I feel when my family arranges a blind date." An Zhe said with a light smile, thinking of himself.

He still remembered how complicated he felt when he suddenly learned of the marriage arranged by his mother, Meiya.Of course, that's from the memory in his mind, and Anzhe is just a bystander.

Who told him that he hadn't come to this world at that time.

"I don't want to think about it at all."

Kululucifa shook his head, with a helpless expression and a trace of distress: "In order not to let the family ignore me, I kept training myself to make myself stronger, but in the end I found that what I did was In vain."

The girl's eyes dimmed, and her expression looked very depressed.

"No matter how hard I try, I can't fit into this family. I just... want them to treat me sincerely..."

An Zhe frowned slightly and shook his head involuntarily.

"If it's something unhappy, then don't worry about it. You're doing the right thing, it's just that you're not strong enough to make them fear you. But if you give up in your heart, it's really set the end gone."

Anzhe spoke calmly, and then stared into the girl's eyes: "But I know, you are unwilling now, right?"

Kululushifa's eyes trembled slightly, and he clenched his slender hands subconsciously.

"Ah, yes, I am so, so unwilling..."

"Oh... that's good."

An Zhe smiled lightly, with an indescribable meaning in his eyes.

Stretching out his hand to hold Kululucifa's hand, Anzhe said with a faint smile: "Relax, those two have been watching us. Hmm... I suddenly wondered if I should play you seriously." This boyfriend, do what a boyfriend should do..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and slowly approached the girl's face, with a wicked smile in his eyes.

Kululucifa was a little startled, seeing the boy's handsome face approaching her lips with a touch of cynicalism, which made her feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

"You, what are you doing..."

"Hey? Don't hide. If you hide, what if those two report the matter to the count?"

An Zhe opened his mouth with a chuckle, and the heat of his words brushed against the girl's face.

"This...don't make trouble, it's really..."

Kululucifa's face was helpless for a while, she couldn't see that An Zhe was teasing her, and she also understood that An Zhe was trying to divert her attention.

But being disturbed by An Zhe, she did feel much better.

Smelling the fragrance from the girl, after hearing her words, An Zhe smiled, and suddenly hugged the girl lightly to make her close to him, then he turned around slightly, letting his body block the distance between the two. Looking down, he lowered his head and whispered in the girl's ear.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine."

Kululushifa's eyes narrowed slightly, and finally nodded slightly in response: "Mmm..."

In the distance, the two men frowned slightly, because seeing Anzhe's movement of turning around and bowing his head, they thought Anzhe and the two were making out.After looking at each other, they shook their heads slightly, signaling not to act rashly.


Twenty minutes later, the airship successfully reached the sky above the Earl's Mansion, and after it landed and stopped, Anzhe and Krulucifa stepped off it.

In the distance, there was already a woman in formal clothes standing there straight. After seeing Krulcifer, she immediately came up to meet her.

"Long time no see, Missy, you still look as energetic as ever."

"You too, Eltilize."

Krulcifer nodded slightly, his face softened a bit.This butler is the one who gets along with her the most in the whole family, although she always has a cold expression.

Eldirize moved her eyes, looked at Anzhe who was being held by Krulcifer's wrist, and said with a completely unchanged expression: "This boy is..."

She had actually investigated An Zhe's identity and deeds, but she still asked the question knowingly.

Krulcifer glanced at Anzhe, and then spoke out naturally.

"His name is Anzhe, the Drag-Knight of the divine Drag-Ride Bahamut, and the captain of my team..."

The girl said, her words paused slightly, and she continued to speak——

"Also my lover."

(End of this chapter)

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