Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 432 Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick

Chapter 432 Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick Chick

Generally speaking, due to the different experiences of each person after birth, their mental fluctuations will also change. Generally speaking, no one can notice this difference, but Anzhe is an exception.

Rational personality's absolute control over mental fluctuations is almost anomalous, but he couldn't confirm it for a while, so he observed for a while before expressing his own conclusion.

Now it seems that with Kermode's reaction, he can be sure that his judgment is true!

Kermode could no longer calm down, and Anzhe saw his expression, so he waved his hand gently.

"Did I misunderstand, let your two followers come and check it out. The guard robot has the function of genetic testing."

An Zhe said calmly, then turned his head and ordered to the guard robots: "Command access: turn on genetic detection."

A small blood-taking needle protruded from the robot's body, and came to the two women, but the two stood there motionless, only frowned slightly, and looked at Kermode.

At this moment, Kermode already understood that the current situation was irreparable, and he could only abandon these two powerful sixth-order ability users!
"Go for the test and prove your innocence."

He opened his mouth softly, but secretly crushed a false tooth in his mouth!

An extremely obscure wave came out, the faces of the two capable users suddenly froze, and a blatant murderous intent suddenly burst out!

They suddenly shot together, but they slapped Kermode fiercely. The violent mana was surging, and the guard robot beside Kermode reacted instantly, and immediately blocked the attack of the two.

Kermode is a marquis, and these robots will take the initiative to resist him when in danger.

It's just that two sixth-level ability users suddenly made trouble, and these fourth-level robots naturally couldn't stop them at all.

The two security robots were photographed as scrap iron just after they met each other, and then Kermode flew out like a rag bag, spitting out blood like he didn't want money.

The two capable users directly rushed towards Anzhe and Krulcifer, one of them held the other hostage, and the fierce force was on their palms, and they pressed against the necks of Anzhe and Krulcifer.

The sudden change made Enfurke and the others stay there, but Anzhe frowned slightly. He didn't care that he was being hijacked now, but looked at Kermode who had vomited blood and passed out, his pupils slightly squint.

That guy deliberately let these two people attack him...

Although the fluctuation of the magic power just now was very subtle, as a capable person, he still felt it. There was one more thing that Kermode miscalculated, that is, he didn't know that Anzhe was also a capable person.

So, he wants to get rid of the relationship with these two people...

This person,, actually chose a strong man to cut off his wrist, but he was decisive...

An Zhe was thinking in his heart. One of them had dragged his body out of the Earl's Mansion, while the other beside him was holding Kululcifer hostage. The two shot out of the city with lightning, and went straight to the direction outside the city.

In the Earl's Mansion, Enfurke and the others all rushed out anxiously, looking at the four people who had only one black shadow left in the sky, they were all at a loss.

"What are you doing in a daze! Hurry up and seek support!" Enfurke suddenly yelled, and everyone came back to their senses, and immediately dispersed and left the Earl's Mansion.

And above the sky, under the full flight of the two sixth-level ability users, they finally escaped from the magic city. Kululu Xifa looked very pale. It sank to the bottom.

Turning her head, she looked at An Zhe, but saw that the young man looked very calm, as if he was not worried about his own safety at all.

An Zhe seemed to notice the girl's worry, so he blinked at her.

Soon, two capable users left the magic city with them. Anzhe saw that it was almost done, so he opened the system panel directly!
Ability exchange! !
An Zhe's left eye turned into black eyes and red pupils in an instant, the protagonist's ability increased!
With strength in his waist, he broke free from the woman behind him who was restraining him. The air blade condensed in the latter's hand cut a bloodstain on his neck, and the blood flowed out instantly.

But Anzhe ignored the small wound, four red and black horns stretched out from his waist, and attacked the ability user holding Kululcifer at the same time.

The two female ability users with the same appearance did not expect that Anzhe would have such combat power. After a few moves, the woman who held Kululucifer was injured by her son. Kulushifa exclaimed, from His hands fell down.

Anzhe immediately gave up the entanglement with the two, and Hezi blocked the two's air blade attacks, and used his strength to chase after the fallen Kululcifer.

She doesn't have the armored sword that summons the machine dragon now. If he doesn't save her, the girl has absolutely no chance of surviving.

There was a sharp breath coming from behind, and the two capable users shot out in an incomparable tacit understanding. Both of them held the invisible air blade storm in their hands, and smashed hard at An Zhe, whose back was facing them.

In the air, An Zhe couldn't dodge. He was falling rapidly, and he grabbed Kululu Cifa, and the four kurulu directly surrounded them, guarding the two of them.


With a loud noise, the giant cocoon formed by Hezi was blasted into the mountain like a cannonball. A strong impact came, and Anzhe spit out a mouthful of blood with sweetness in his mouth.

"Anzhe! Are you alright?" Kululucifa supported Anzhe and asked anxiously.

If An Zhe hadn't been distracted to protect her just now, she wouldn't have been hurt.

An Zhe shook his head, indicating that he was fine. Now that he has a strong recovery ability, this kind of injury is nothing.

"I'm fine. I'll meet those two when you hide later."

Kululucifa couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard that, Anzhe smiled slightly when he saw this: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I didn't do anything until I got out of the city. I can't let go when I'm in the city."

Hearing Anzhe's words, Krulucifa nodded slightly.

An Zhe didn't say any more, and rushed out of the pothole, and saw the two capable users descending from the sky at a glance, with powerful magic energy fluctuations on their bodies.

Both of them are surrounded by invisible air blades. Just as An Zhe guessed, the abilities of both of them are the same. The power of the ability person cloning technology is that the ability person can be completely copied!

"I'm a little curious, how many other sisters do you have?"

An Zhe suddenly asked softly, he was indeed curious and wanted to know the forces behind it.

He didn't believe that a Dorrit tribe alone could support the terrible experimental consumption of replicators.

But those two people didn't say a word, there was air gathering above the palms, and they were about to make a move.

An Zhe was a little depressed.

Damn... don't these two people know how to talk?

Perhaps there is such a possibility, maybe it is the disadvantage or defect of human cloning, and it is not impossible.

It's just that I also want to delay time and recover from the minor injuries I just received. Seeing them like this, it's obvious that I don't intend to give myself time to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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