Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 452 The Duplicator and the Misaka Network

Chapter 452 The Duplicator and the Misaka Network

After realizing the relationship between them, Misaka Mikoto was shocked immediately, and hurriedly focused on blocking her ability fluctuations.

But this time, it was too late.

She's too close to these replicants!

The moment she stepped into the room, several replicants in the cultivation tank had already sensed the fluctuation of her ability!
Since Misaka Mikoto needs to block the function of the camera in the room, her ability has been activated all the time. By the time Misaka Mikoto noticed it, more than a dozen replicants in the culture tanks suddenly opened their eyes!
Stab it! !
Indigo electricity gushes from the bodies of these replicants, and it's completely uncontrollable! !
There was a sound of broken culture tanks, and the abilities of these clones smashed all the culture tanks trapped in their bodies, and some abilities ran too violently, and even smashed the adjacent culture tanks .

The replicants in it twitched and fell to the ground. If it weren't for the ability to protect the bodies that had grown up in these humans, they would probably have died on the spot.

Under Misaka Mikoto's surprised eyes, several replicants waved, and those wandering electric snakes flew towards their hands.

The eyes of these replicants are full of bewilderment, like newborn babies, facing this strange world in front of them, they are very curious about everything.

And the electric snake in their hands is the only thing that makes them feel kind.

Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but backed away. She felt a strong aura from these replicants. These replicants who were awakened by her influence were almost all fourth-order existences.

Although the girl is not afraid of these replicants, the situation at this time is very bad.

When such a thing happened, those managers would obviously notice it immediately!


In the high-level area of ​​the scientific research institute, many scientific researchers are busy in front of the computer, and everything seems to be going on in an orderly manner. At this moment, an alarm sounded, which made them all stop at once, with a look of astonishment on their faces. look.

"Experiment No. 12 to No. [-] has run amok and has left the training tank. Please send people to suppress it immediately!"

"Test No. 74 of the experimental subject has been destroyed, and the experimental subject has entered a state of shock."

"The No. 130 jar of Experimental Subject [-] has been destroyed, and the Experimental Subject has entered a state of shock!"


The alarm sounded continuously, and the broadcast was almost completely without pause.

And soon, all the pictures on the screen seemed to have encountered some disturbance, and all the pictures turned into snowflakes!

The expressions of those scientific researchers immediately became extremely serious, their hands were constantly operating on the computer, and at the same time, someone was shouting loudly.

"Go and see what happened!"

"Bring on the guards and subdue all the rioting subjects!"

"Don't hurt them, they are precious No. [-] experimental samples!"

When an order was issued, the entire upper floor of the scientific research institute was in commotion. Even if the sound insulation effect of this facility was extremely strong, it could not stop such a commotion.

An Zhe was walking along the structure diagram to the floors above the 30th floor. As he expected, the area above the No. [-]th floor has completely deviated from the construction instructions of the structure diagram, which means that all the floors above It has been remodeled!
So An Zhe found out in embarrassment that he couldn't find where the entrance to go up...

"What a..."

He couldn't help cursing in a low voice, feeling very speechless in his heart.

When his expression was a little tangled, An Zhe suddenly heard the sound of the floor, and raised his brows lightly!
On the floor above, there are footsteps?
With a slight movement in his heart, he couldn't care less, and opened the window directly.

Standing on the window sill, he glanced at the dizzyingly high scenery below him, grinned slightly, kicked his legs vigorously, and jumped straight up.

With his legs, he kicked a few times with force on several protrusions on the wall, and Anzhe directly moved up the roof of the building.

Since you can't find the door to get in from the bottom, come down from the top!
As soon as he landed on the top of the building, An Zhe found a locked iron door. Immediately, he condensed his power, and hot energy surged in his palm, and the lock that locked the iron door was directly melted into a pool by him. molten iron.

An Zhe whistled, opened the door, and Shi Shi ran in.

"Huh? The camera isn't working?"

He suddenly gasped in surprise, and saw that the cameras in the corner were all paralyzed.

An Zhe suddenly discovered something, reached out and touched the metal wall lightly, and immediately felt a slight numbness, which shocked him!

He couldn't help but groaned, a bad premonition suddenly flashed in his heart, his pupils shrank involuntarily, and he rushed downstairs immediately.


31st floor, cultivation room.

Many electric snakes are constantly dancing, and the abilities of many replicants are in an uncontrollable state.

What's even more frightening is that with the runaway abilities of these duplicants, more duplicants sensed the fluctuation of this ability and opened their eyes!
The people in the scientific research institute thought that by controlling Misaka Mikoto's super power, they could control the warrant to become a god, but the ending was not what they thought!

Misaka Mikoto's super power is not a ladder to godhood, but a black hole that sends her into hell, enough to swallow everything!
Stab it! !
Boom boom boom...

There was a continuous explosion, and more clones who had copied Misaka Mikoto's ability map woke up, and then their abilities went out of control. In just a few tens of seconds, this room became incomparably confusion!

Green liquid filled the entire room, broken tanks were everywhere, and there were naked men and women among them. Their bodies fell powerlessly to the ground, and most of them showed no signs of waking up.

The people who woke up were only those who copied Misaka Mikoto's ability. At this moment, they all looked around blankly, and electric snakes gushed out of their bodies!
But things changed again very quickly. When a clone's ability went berserk, it hit a clone that also had the ability to control electric current, and it actually directly penetrated that person's chest!

Blood gushed out immediately, and the clone fell to the ground with a scream, but an extremely powerful electromagnetic idea burst out of his mind in an instant!
Misaka Mikoto, who had already exited the room, immediately covered her head and squatted down. This time, the picture in her mind was extremely clear!

She clearly 'saw' what the clone saw when he died, as well as a strong emotion of fear!

Those are the mood swings of death!

Those experiments that scientists are trying to complete: the brain domains of those with electromagnetic abilities are common, and it works at this moment!

However, the 'Misaka Network', which was originally intended to allow these ability users to learn and experience emotions, has become a vehicle for spreading fear at this moment!

Immediately, those replicants felt the impact of this death emotion——

Their ability to go berserk even more violently!

(End of this chapter)

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