Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 479 For the Heart's Direction 9 Death Without Regrets

Chapter 479

The sphere condensed by the golden light was dragged in An Zhexu's hand, and golden light gushed out from it continuously, turning into a pair of sharp swords and halberds. Countless swords and halberds joined together to form a long dragon. huge body.

In this spiritual ocean, the prototype of the immortal gluttonous spiritual body is really too big, which also reflects how powerful its spiritual power is.

But it was floating on the sea, but at this moment it had no power to resist at all.

Although its spiritual power far exceeds that of the seventh-order existence, not to mention that it has mutated, I am afraid that only the existence born in the world's rules can stabilize it.

So even Saber is far inferior to it in the competition of mental power.

When An Zhe let the immortal glutton show its original shape, the pressure on Saber was relieved a lot. Seeing that Anzhe was able to suppress the immortal glutton at the spiritual level, I couldn't help feeling a little bit in my heart. incredible.

What surprised her even more was that An Zhe's mental body gave her the feeling at this time, as if she was facing an irresistible existence!
What she didn't know was that the reason why the immortal gluttonous insect's spiritual power is so powerful is because it has come into contact with a trace of the power of the world's rules through mutation...

But now An Zhe really controls the rules of the world!

It is completely natural to produce such crushing results.

The sharp golden lightsaber and light halberd shot out continuously, and each time it hit the immortal glutton, there would be a burst of powerful golden ripples.

The strength of the Immortal Gluttony lies only in its tyrannical and unparalleled mental strength. After the only support lost its effect, it was completely reduced to a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, with no way to resist.

Its huge figure could only roll in vain on the sea surface, setting off monstrous waves.And its shape was getting smaller and smaller by An Zhe's bombardment with thousands of lightsabers.

For this alien species, Anzhe is completely implementing the policy of cutting him into pieces.If you say you want to return it ten times and a hundred times, you will definitely do it.

I don't know how long it has been bombarded wildly, and there is no concept of time in this sea of ​​consciousness.

When Anzhe shot out the last golden lightsaber, the ripples from the explosion directly wiped out the last body of the immortal glutton. This monster that had been tormenting Saber for a long time was finally wiped out physically and mentally.

With a cold snort, An Zhe then flew towards Saber. Although he had been venting his anger and attacking the immortal, he was still paying attention to the girl. He was not in a hurry just to completely eradicate this alien species. Go to Saber's side.

Now that it was finally confirmed that the serious trouble was over, An Zhe breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately came to Saber's side.

With a light wave of his hand, the black chains that locked King Dumao suddenly collapsed inch by inch. Before her body collapsed, An Zhe quickly supported her and let her fall into his arms.

"Saber? Wake up."

An Zhe called softly, but the latter didn't respond at all.Frowning slightly, An Zhe thought for a while, and then shot a ray of colorless light into her body.

The thoughts of rational personality fluctuated...

That is, his own soul power.

I really don't know what to say.

After An Zhe replenished her soul power, Saber slowly opened her eyes and saw An Zhe who was exuding golden light all over her body, she couldn't help but hesitate a bit.


"Hey, wait, I know you have a lot to ask, but I don't have time to explain it to you right now."

An Zhe smiled slightly, hugged her and stood up, and said softly, "I'll take you home first."

As he spoke, his body had already stood upright in the air, and his body was covered in golden light, directly illuminating the dark sea of ​​consciousness.

An Zhe knew that he still had a very important thing to do.

Although the immortal gluttonous insect has died, the will that has been integrated into Saber's consciousness cannot be erased.What needs to be done now is to restore Saber's sea of ​​consciousness to its original state.

Taking advantage of the fact that he now has the ability to rule the world, he must take this opportunity to solve this problem for Saber.

Only he can do this!
Eyes lowered slightly, An Zhe lifted Saber's true consciousness and spiritual body higher and higher. Around his body, the golden light transformed by the rules of the world continued to spread, as if the sun had penetrated through the heavy dark clouds and illuminated the vast sea ​​surface.

The dull color was fading away rapidly, the originally dark sea became rippling and blue, and the sky became brighter.

Saber's mental body looked much better in an instant, as if the burden of hundreds of millions of catties had been taken away directly.

An Zhe raised his eyebrows lightly, and he didn't see any movement. Suddenly, endless magic energy gushed out of the surrounding void, and it contained a strong magic power.

The devilish energy surged, and finally turned into a frighteningly black bead, floating in front of An Zhe's eyes.

An Zhe sighed, this bead is actually the spiritual origin of the immortal glutton, and what An Zhe erased was its spiritual consciousness.

Now, all the spiritual sources of Unquenchable Gluttony are here, becoming a power without an owner.

If this thing leaked out, it would be enough to make any half-devil mad about it, but this bead has already merged with Saber's spiritual origin.

Anzhe just isolated it and suppressed it into this bead alone.

"Sorry, I can't completely eradicate it. This power has already merged with you."

Looking at Saber in his arms, An Zhe shook his head slightly, apologetic.

Saber felt the power in that black bead, and didn't say anything. Compared to that, she was more worried about Anzhe's condition now.

His current performance is too frightening!

That power is the feeling of the rules of the world! !She only felt Anzhe's level in her memory when she first met the Immortal in the Lake, and it was far from as powerful as Anzhe!
There is no free power in the world!What did An Zhe do to reach such a point?
She didn't dare to think about it at all!
At her level, she can fully understand that even if she sacrifices her life to the rules of the world, she can't get such powerful law power...

An Zhe noticed Saber's gaze, and he knew what she was thinking, but he just smiled faintly.

Until the brilliance suddenly flashed, the thinking of the two froze for an instant.

Opening his eyes again, Anzhe regained consciousness in reality.

He immediately looked at Saber, who was tightly held by him, and found that she had changed back into the palace-style blue dress, her eyes were closed peacefully, breathing very evenly, and then she came out with peace of mind. tone.

With slightly condensed eyes, An Zhe also noticed the difference in himself.

He could clearly feel that a large piece of his soul was missing, revealing a darkness that made people extremely hopeless.

【You lost... a quarter of your soul】

His eyes fluctuated, feeling the desperate palpitation of the missing part in the depths of his soul, An Zhe was speechless for a long time.

Although he had been mentally prepared, he only understood the despair when he felt the darkness and emptiness of the lack of soul.

【Do you regret it】

The idea of ​​rational personality came, and Deanzhe's body shook slightly.

After being silent for a long time, he suddenly laughed freely.

"I'm also good at what I have in my heart, even though I died nine times, I don't regret it."

(End of this chapter)

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