Chapter 487

Sasaki sat in the office, checking various data during this period.

After studying it carefully, he rubbed the space between his brows and leaned his head back on the seat.

Although the website has entered the independent development period, there are still many problems to be solved.

I have to discuss with those writers as soon as possible, after all, I can't just rely on Mr. An Zhe's works to support the scene.

And... In case An Zhejiang's talents are exhausted, without his fiery support, the website must also be prepared for that.

He has to find a way to win the copyright for those works that already have a certain popularity.

However, if Teacher An Zhe still has a masterpiece in his hands, he can once again make the website famous!
At that time, it is estimated that those writers themselves will eagerly come to find themselves with their manuscripts, right?


As if looking forward to such a day, the corners of Sasaki's mouth rose.

Everything depends on Teacher An Zhe's ability!No, he won't let himself down...

Just thinking about it, the door of An Zhe's quiet room suddenly opened, and An Xin strode out.

"All the works have been transferred to your computer, take a look?"

Looking at Sasaki's puzzled eyes, An Zhe said this.

"So fast?"

Sasaki couldn't help being surprised, and took the optical brain half-believingly.

An Zhe pouted: "Do you think I've been playing all the time? These are all done before."

When he said this, An Zhe didn't blush at all.Seeing him like this, others really thought that he must be working very hard to catch up on the manuscript.

As true as it is said...

Sasaki, believe me...

"It's been hard work."

Sasaki froze his hands, impatiently going to check the manuscript.Suddenly he remembered something, and looked at An Zhe strangely.

"That...wouldn't be another tear gas bomb?"


An Zhe was stunned for a moment, then he realized what Sasaki meant, and immediately rolled his eyes angrily.

"Don't worry, this time it's a warm one, and it will definitely not make people cry."

As he spoke, his eyes dodged slightly, but Sasaki, who was eager to read the manuscript, didn't notice.

With anticipation, Sasaki clicked on one of the folders.

"Tokyo Ghoul...what is this ghoul?"

Seeing the name of the title, Sasaki couldn't help murmuring, while An Zhe couldn't help but support his forehead.

This guy, he chose the most exciting of all the works as soon as he chose... Really...

Sasaki frowned slightly, but found that there were not only the main text of the novel, but also some audio files in the folder. It was An Zheyi who took care of those OPs, episodes, etc.

As expected of Teacher An Zhe!The novels, comics, and music are all outrageous!
Sasaki nodded in satisfaction, and opened the text of the novel with anticipation...

Let yourself be the first to experience the latest masterpiece of Mr. An Zhe!
Well, this very atmospheric!

But... why does it give people a terrible feeling?Is it the beginning of the horror film that introduces the plot?
It's not about warm works... oh da! ! !
Sasaki suddenly shrank his pupils, and almost threw his optical brain out.

Because the text soon reached the first G point, and then An Zhe added a close-up illustration there in a very humane way...

The violent and atmospheric color illustrations almost didn't scare Sasaki into doubting his life.

"Eat, eat, eat... eat people!!?"

Sasaki uttered a horrified expression, looking at An Zhe who was sitting on the sofa beside him with a confused expression.

Warm class?
oh!Hell sweet class ah! !

Is the warm class in your home so warm! ?
"Eh...Although it's quite explosive, there's no need to be so surprised..."

Seeing Sasaki's hellish expression, Anzhe said so, reaching out and touching his nose.

Well, speaking of it, when he watched this drama for the first time, he also had a dazed expression, but in the end he finished it out of strong curiosity.

There is no need to say more about the evaluation, just look at the popularity of this work in the previous life.

It's not that An Zhe praised this work so much, he exchanged this work only because of its novelty-hunting story type.

Works with such different styles can sometimes cause more topics in this world!

And... In this world, he has exchanged the ability of the protagonist of the ghoul, and some scenes of him fighting after exchanging the ability have been circulated in the academy.

To a certain extent, there can be echoes between the two.

After the initial surprise, Sasaki didn't read any more, but directly clicked on the character settings that had been written.

"If I remember correctly, the protagonist, his ability setting seems to be exactly the same as a very mysterious ability user in the Magic Capital Academy?"

Sasaki had also watched the video that was circulated at that time. After all, the school in the capital city is so big, and the battle scene where An Zhe exchanged his ability to [-]v[-] was so fanciful. It is not surprising that there is a video circulating.

An Zhe nodded: "It was inspired by that person as a template."

" set him up like this, are you sure he won't be angry..."

Sasaki couldn't help but muttered, which made De Anzhe's expression froze...

Um, how to explain this?

It can't be said that that person is himself...

"Well... Actually, that person is from the academy, I know him, so you don't have to worry about that."

An Zhe waved his hand, Sasaki didn't say much after hearing the words, and simply looked through the outlines of those works, his eyes became bright.

He didn't expect that apart from the horrible tear gas novels, Mr. An Zhe would be too strong to write such dark works!
This will definitely surprise those fans, right?

That's the style... I don't know if it will cause some people's resentment?
After all, not everyone will watch such dark, bloody, and violent works...

But speaking of it, it's fine if it's purely dark wind... But what the hell are these two works in the end?

The story of a hamster spirit?
A goddess strategy called Qing Lian, but it's really filthy?
Tsk tsk... Is this the type that Mr. An Zhe deliberately wrote?

Teacher An Zhe is also very considerate of the audience's preferences...

Sasaki completely misunderstood Anzhe.

He committed a terrible death, and he compromised in fear of being flogged by fans.

Anzhe didn't speak until Sasaki had seen enough of it.

"I said, do you think there is something missing from our website?"

Sasaki was puzzled: "Eh? What's missing..."

"The battle song is missing!"

"Standing song? it necessary to get this kind of thing..."

Sasaki couldn't help scratching his head.

An Zhe stared at him!
He noticed it when he was just browsing the website.

How can there be no battle song at the dignified beep station! ?

That must be there!

(End of this chapter)

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