Chapter 506

Compared with the usual streets, the current population of the magic capital finally seems a bit normal. One is that after King Arthur left, many people also embarked on the journey to leave, and the other is that they were just scared by the space shock of Yatogami Toka There was a wave.

It is estimated that many people are wondering now, wondering why there will be a space shock just after King Arthur left...


Now that he is about to leave the devil's capital, although Anzhe is almost ready, he is still wondering if he has forgotten something.

Two months may not be long, but it is enough for many things to happen. He doesn't want to be overwhelmed by missing something once he returns to Shanghai.

Thinking about it carefully, except that Zhenbai has not settled down yet, other things seem to have been dealt with almost.

As for Anton Zhenbai, An Zhe also had an idea.

Before he went to the imperial capital, he wanted to go back to the Duke's Mansion, and he had already had the idea of ​​letting Zhenbai go to school again.

Girls are not gregarious, but they still have to have the education they deserve.It's just that An Zhe has been unable to find a suitable place, so he has not acted.

After thinking for a long time, he came up with an idea, that is to take Zhenbai home and hire a private noble teacher for her to teach her.

This is the way he came up with, because after much deliberation, An Zhe only felt that home could make him feel at ease.

So the matter of Zhenbai was almost decided in this way. Anzhe thought that it was almost finished, but a figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and his body paused slightly.

That's right...and Chidou...

She... has been away for so long...

Suddenly thinking of this girl in his heart, An Zhe couldn't help sighing.

After the girl left that time, An Zhe could only occasionally receive news from Latifa, the fairy princess in the amusement park, and occasionally get daily stories about Qiandou Isuzu from her mouth.

I learned from Latifa that Chito Isuzu had recently returned from the Fairy Kingdom, but it didn't seem to have changed much, and he still had that strict and meticulous personality.

An Zhe exhaled lightly, his eyes pondering slightly.

In the blink of an eye, such a long time has passed...

For a long time, I was a little afraid to contact her, maybe because I was afraid of hearing Chidou Isuzu's choice.

It's just that now, I have to go on a long journey, and then there will be such a long time...

Thinking about it this way, An Zhe couldn't feel at ease.He felt that he couldn't wait like this stupidly. Before that, he had better go to her, and it was better to be honest.

I still have to take the initiative, what's the point of just waiting here?
Speaking of which...

With Qiandou Isuzu's temperament, wanting her to take the initiative to do what she did is obviously thinking too much...

Thinking of this, Anzhe couldn't help but patted his forehead.

It's true that the more scruples you have, the easier it is to lose your position, and you've got yourself into a dead end again...

While there was still time, An Zhe waved for the suspension car, opened the door and sat on it, and immediately rushed to Gancheng Guanghui Amusement Park.


Gancheng Glorious Amusement Park.

After such a long period of business development, the current amusement park has changed a lot, and the popularity is also surprising.

Vehicles coming and going all around, children running and parents chasing, all kinds of goblins in the amusement park acting as mascots, the surrounding area is full of excitement.

All the goblins at work seemed to be very active in entertaining tourists and performing hard.Of course, except for the two idiots of macarons and tiramis.

At this time, these two guys had just finished their hospitality work, and what was funny was that these two guys had just been beaten up by a group of brats.

The two idiots were sitting on the massage chair, their bodies trembling constantly as the massage chair was knocked, and there was a long moan from their mouths that could make people laugh like a pig.

"@#啊#...that group of stinky brats really arouses murderous intent!!!"

Tirami leaned on the massage chair, feeling the pain after being beaten up by those naughty children, and muttered like this.

Macaron on the other side seemed a lot more silent: "Calm down, because if you get angry like this, you won't be able to continue in this business."

Macaron has a gloomy expression. The business of the amusement park is doing well recently, but the work pressure is a lot higher...

Tirami suddenly became angry, standing on the massage chair and slapping macarons crazily, as if he regarded him as the group of nasty brats.

"But we were all treated like that by them!! We were treated like that!!!"

This guy's fist is called a fast one, and he completely treats the macaron as a punching bag.


Macaron let the guy vent his anger at the beginning, but he was so annoyed that he was on the verge of exploding, and soon exploded.

"Hurry up and stop for me!!!"

Macaron's honest and cute face of a goblin mascot instantly turned into the Yanyi face of a prehistoric monster, and then the two scuffled together.

Obviously, both of them regarded each other as those brats...

If others saw this, they would probably think that these two people had some kind of blood feud.In fact, it was just the two of them venting their aggrieved hearts.

Work is like this, and it always makes people feel irritable. Most people work for a long time, and they will accumulate a lot of pressure.

"What are you guys talking about?"

A female voice sounded very cold, and the two idiots who had been wrestling so hard a second ago turned back into cute and cute mascots in an instant, with expressions that were enough to spoil a group of girls.

Yet their expressions had no effect on the girl.

"Qianqianqian...Qiandou, come, come, come..."

"Then we'll just, just take a break and go to work right away..."

The two guys who had eaten gunpowder before seemed to have their tongues tied.

Qiandou Isuzu just frowned slightly, which frightened the two of them into wanting it.

"Now is the rest time. It's okay for you to rest for a while, but don't disturb others."

Qiandou Isuzu said lightly, making the two goblins nod repeatedly, and then she turned and left.



The two idiots heaved a sigh of relief.

"Qiandou's murderous intent is getting heavier..."

"That's right... Ever since I came back from Anzhena, I feel even more terrifying..."

"A woman who is in love can't afford to provoke..."

"Hey... don't mention it, what can I do if the official position has been suppressed by her for several times... Speaking of which, I miss Anzhe a little. He has many ways, and he can still control Qiandou..."


Standing on a rooftop, Latifa looked at a figure walking around in a busy amusement park, and sighed slightly.

"Qiandou can't do this all the time..."

On the side, Mo Fulu also nodded.

"Ah, yes. Using work to divert attention is not an option for a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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