Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 530 The hole dug should always be filled

Chapter 530 The hole dug should always be filled

Perhaps because of the troubles in his heart, An Zhe's tone seemed a little heavy.

He had never spoken to Mashiro in such a tone.

But he wasn't angry with the girl, it was just that he didn't know how to express it clearly to her.

At this moment, he even hoped that Zhenbai would still be the same as when he first met him, indifferent to everything except manga.

But people will change, the immortals in the sky will also be contaminated by the mortal world, and Zhenbai is no longer the girl who has no emotions.

Now she is troubled by a feeling she has never had before.

An Zhe didn't know why he was so excited, maybe he knew in his heart that the reason why Zhenbai became what he is now is entirely himself.

If there is no him, the girl will naturally always be that banished fairy, untouched by the world of mortals.

However, I just want to take good care of this girl, is this also a mistake...

Shiina Mashiro was obviously frightened by Anzhe's low growl once, her light red pupils shrank, and the girl looked a little bewildered.

"If you say that..."

She looked directly at An Zhe, and murmured in such a low voice, but also raised the volume, and for the first time, there was a very obvious emotion in her tone.

"If you say that...get out of my heart!!"

Get out of my heart!
Those words were like a thunderbolt from nine heavens, blasting into An Zhe's heart blatantly, causing his whole body to shake violently.

There was a hint of astonishment in his eyes, he stared blankly at Shiina Mashiro, and made a dry voice.

"what is this?"

"I do not know I do not know."

Shiina Mashiro lowered her head, her eyes full of indescribable expressions.

The feeling was so strange that she couldn't understand it at all.

An Zhe looked at her steadfastly. After a long time, he took a step forward and took the girl's hand.

"Sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't kill you."

Shiina Mashiro turned her head away, she really didn't know how to face An Zhe at this moment.That kind of strange mood made her completely unable to calm down, and all she could think about was the person in front of her.

An Zhe didn't care about this, the two stood on the roof, An Zhe suddenly held the girl's face lightly, put his forehead against the girl's forehead, and looked directly into her beautiful eyes from a close distance.

The look in her eyes has changed since some time ago, and there is something An Zhe taught her in it.There are people with sophistication, but also laughter and tears, and more of a kind of deep nostalgia.

Shiina Mashiro is no longer the girl who only cares about painting and doesn't care about other things.

"Hey... Zhenbai, I have taught you many things. But there is no love in it, that's why you are so confused and puzzled."

An Zhe murmured softly, looking at the beautiful eyes that were close at hand, his eyes showed deep love and tenderness: "Now, I will teach you it."

After finishing the words, he lowered his head and kissed the girl's soft lips.

Lips and teeth were close together, the boy gently held the girl's face, gently sipping the soft and sweetness.

Time freezes, as if fragments have been fixed into time, retaining this pure beauty.

The wind on the rooftop seemed to become extremely soft, and the fluttering skirts and long hair exuded a touch of warmth and sweetness.

The stars were shining in the blue sky, as if they were blinking shyly, but the entire Duke's mansion was completely quiet.

Taking a step back, An Zhe straightened up, reached out and scratched the girl's nose lightly, with a gentle smile on his face.

The girl stared at him blankly, her eyes trembling slightly.

"What's this……"

She murmured softly, reaching out to cover her heart.

"Don't you understand? Don't worry, you will understand later." An Zhe stroked the girl's hair with a hint of relief in his expression.

"Hmm, how long are you two going to stay on the rooftop at night?"

A slightly teasing voice sounded, and De Anzhe was slightly startled, he didn't find anyone nearby...

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Meiya standing at the door of the rooftop, looking at him with a smile.

Angie was a little embarrassed.

Could it be that his mother saw the scene just now?
isn't it...

"Ahem! Mom, how long have you been standing there..."

He couldn't help asking, but Meiya smiled when she heard the words: "Well... just arrived, just arrived."

An Zhe was speechless. Seeing her perfunctory look, he knew that Meiya definitely hadn't just arrived...

Ouch...it's really embarrassing...

He muttered like this in his heart, but he put on an indifferent expression on his face.

Meiya walked over, glanced at An Zhe and Shiina Mashiro, and suddenly smiled at Shiina Mashiro.

"It's true, Auntie has something to tell you, can I go back to my room and have a chat?"

Shiina Mashiro, who had come to his senses, turned his head to look at Anzhe when he heard the words.

Anzhe spread his hands in his heart, thinking that his mother wants to chat with you, what do you think I am doing.

"I'm sleepy, let's go to bed first. Mom, Zhenbai, you should go to bed early too."

After finding any reason, An Zhe ran away directly. Zhenbai's character dictated it, and I don't know how embarrassed he is now.

My own mother actually peeked at it... Really, it's so unscrupulous...

After An Zhe left, Meiya stopped pretending and a smile appeared on her face.

Brat... Sure enough, I finally did it, let's see if you get a headache in the end!

Sure enough, at such a time, those who have come here will have to take action!

After all, he was his own son, so who else would he worry about if he didn't worry about him?

Meiya smiled, and pulled Shiina Mashiro into Anzhe's room. Anzhe had already given up this room to Mashiro, and he went to the ordinary bedroom.

The light was soft, and Anzhe didn't know what Meiya wanted to talk about with Zhenbai, but he also had a vague guess in his heart.

Maybe his mother can persuade Zhenbai by taking action?
Although his mother has a strange brain circuit, and even the Duke Angus can't do anything about her, but sometimes, it's still very reliable...

Mumbling like this in his heart, An Zhe fell on the soft bed and forced himself to fall asleep.

It's just that maybe it was today's shock that made him dream again after he hadn't dreamed for a long time.

He dreamed that he was lying in someone's arms, his lips were wet and waxy, giving people a feeling of nostalgia.

It's the girl's lips.

Anzhe 'opened' his eyes in a daze, and saw the man's face clearly.

She is Xiazhiqiu Shiyu.

An Zhe was surprised, and was about to make a sound, when the senior sister's figure suddenly changed into Bupo Aihua.Soon, it became Sento Isuzu, Stella, Misaka Mikoto, and Asuna and other girls...

Later, the figure changed again and turned into true white.

An Zhe thought that dreaming of Zhenbai would stop, but the figure changed again.

While the red hair fluttered, the girl's face was completely blurred, only a few teardrops were shining, which shocked Anzhe.

It was the girl in the dream, the dream he had several times...

who is she……

An Zhe raised his hand, trying to wipe away the mist on the girl's face.

Seeing his hands getting closer to the girl's face, An Zhe's pupils couldn't help but widen.

The dazzling light shone into his pupils...

Anzhe opened his eyes blankly, looking at the ceiling illuminated by the sun, feeling lost.

 Well, I don’t remember how many holes I dug.

(End of this chapter)

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