Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 536 The World View That Was Too Late

Chapter 536 The World View That Was Too Late

The news that An Zhe was leaving was soon known to Meiya.

Ever since, An Zhe was dragged by Meiya to give a good lecture, all about not being able to contact her for so long as before, calling home every week and so on.

This made An Zhe feel dizzy for a while, thinking that the thread in the hands of a loving mother and the clothes on the wanderer's body were completely inappropriate for his old mother.

It's not that Meiya doesn't love him, it's just that the way she loves makes Anzhe horrified...

Soon, Shiina Mashiro and Thor also knew that Anzhe was about to travel.Zhenbai didn't pester An Zhe because she was fooled by Meiya, uh...it was an explanation, but there was a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

After getting along for such a long time, she will naturally have emotions in her heart.

And Thor and Kang Na, two cute dragons, also looked unhappy. After getting along with An Zhe these days, they really couldn't bear to part with this approachable little master.

An Zhe was sitting in the living room, looking at the sullen expressions on the faces of several people, he couldn't help scratching his head, and made a sound helplessly for a while.

"I just left for two months, and it's not like I won't come back. Why are you all so unhappy?"

After Thor heard it, he hesitated to speak, and finally said expectantly: "Why don't I go with Kang Na and Anzhe! We are very strong!"

Long Nu said so with a look of anticipation, but An Zhe shook his head.

Just kidding, bring the two of you with me, I will definitely not pass the test of experience!
"Thor, don't come up with ideas, your task is to study with Kang Na-chan."

When An Zhe said this, he reminded Ling Zuo Yuanmu on the side. He took a step forward and reported to An Zhe.

"Young master, I have invited the teacher you asked me to find last time. She is the most capable female preschool teacher nearby. Now she has moved to the Duke's mansion."

"Oh? That's great, I just have time now, please come and meet me."

"Okay, I'll go get her."

Ling Zuo Yuanmu walked away, while An Zhe sat there and touched his chin.

It was An Zhe's idea to hire a female preschool teacher after meeting Kang Na, because Kang Na didn't know much about the habits of human society, so it was necessary to hire professional people to teach her.

By the way, also teach the truth...

Soon Ling Zuo Yuanmu led a woman over, and the latter saluted An Zhe immediately after seeing him.

An Zhe waved his hand: "Teacher, you don't have to be so polite. These two girls ask you to take care of me today."

The female preschool teacher wasn't too nervous, she turned her head and took a look, and saw the cute Kang Na at a glance, her eyes immediately sparkled.

What a cute little girl!

It makes people want to hold her in their arms just by looking at her, rubbing her lovely face...

Then, she turned her eyes to Shiina Mashiro who was on the side, and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"Well, Your Highness, I believe in my ability, and there is no problem in teaching this little girl, but this..."

The female preschool teacher looked at Shiina Mashiro with a troubled expression on her face.

She can guarantee to teach children all the common sense and simple knowledge of life, but if she wants to teach a little more advanced knowledge...

An Zhe was stunned for a moment, then understood what she meant, and couldn't help being a little funny.

"It doesn't matter, what you teach Kangna, you can teach Zhenbai in the same way. Wait until Zhenbai has roughly learned it, and then hire another senior teacher."

As he said this, he spread his hands slightly.

Anyway, Zhenbai and Kanna, these two people are at the same level...


That night.

Anzhe and Angus strolled on the square in front of the castle, blowing the cool night breeze while chatting.

Because An Zhe's experience assessment was about to start, the conversation between the two naturally involved this aspect.

"What do you think of this experience assessment? Are you sure?"

Angus asked casually.

And An Zhe's eyes flickered slightly, and he smiled faintly.

"The experience and assessment of the Demon City Academy involves life and death, and naturally there are dangers. But of course there will be certainty. This is something that everyone who participates in the experience must have."

Angus smiled lightly and patted An Zhe on the shoulder: "Having confidence is a good thing, but remember not to act blindly and do what you can."

An Zhe frowned slightly: "Did Dad get any news?"

Generally speaking, Angus has already affirmed An Zhe's ability, so it stands to reason that he should not ask too much about the experience in the academy.But now he is uncharacteristically alerting An Zhe from the sidelines...

Because he was very familiar with Angus' character, An Zhe immediately noticed the abnormality, so he asked this question.

Angus was also slightly taken aback when Anzhe guessed that something had happened, then shook his head and smiled.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you about it."

He said this, his eyes slightly serious: "Some time ago, a hunter under the general Esdesi brought back news that there was a change in the Tufu Mountain Range, and it is suspected that a powerful demon tried to get out of it."

Anzhe was suddenly surprised: "The devil who can come from the Tufu Mountains..."

As for the Tufu Mountain Range, Anzhe's previous life had it in his memory, and he had a strong impression without having to think about it.

The Dimensional Continent is extremely vast, occupying a large part of the planet, while the rest is covered by an ocean, which people call the Dead Sea.

It was a restricted area of ​​life, and Anzhe was very impressed with it, because the Dead Sea was very similar to a legend he knew in his previous life, and it could even be said to have exactly the same nature.

The flying bird is nothing but feathers, and it is the weak water of Tianhe that only existed in mythology in his previous life.

Of course, it naturally changed its name here, and it was called the Dead Sea.

But what's a little funny is that from the northwest of the Dimensional Continent, a piece of land extends deep into the center of the Dead Sea. That piece of land is called the Devil's Domain by the mainland residents.

That's right, it was a land completely occupied by demons, and it was Dortpixis, one of the four dukes, and the three legions led by him that blocked the endless army of demons from attacking.

Due to the terrain, three great magicians sacrificed their lives, used forbidden spells to build three high walls, and blocked the border between the northwest land and the demon realm with three layers of protection.
The Dead Sea is an ocean that no creature can cross, and it is a natural barrier. Thanks to the natural protection of the Dead Sea, if the devil in the devil's domain wants to enter the dimensional continent, he must directly contact the three major highlands. The three legions on the wall are fighting head-on.

But there are no absolutes in the world, and there is another way to enter the Dimensional Continent from the Demon Realm.

That is the Tufu Mountains that Angus spoke of!
That is...a mountain range that runs through the Dead Sea!
(End of this chapter)

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