Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 562 The Sonata Before Rapid Development

Chapter 562 The Sonata Before Rapid Development
In the spacious hot spring pool, waves of water rippled layer upon layer. People around watched the farce here with weird smiles on their faces.

Anzhe watched Sawamura Erili stand up from the water, a little speechless.

"That, Yinglili?"

From Anzhe's perspective, the moment the girl stood up from the hot spring, countless drops of water slid off her fair skin, and her golden hair stuck to her body in a mess after being wet by the water. , The bright red swimsuit added a kind of seductiveness to her.

An Zhe smacked his lips inwardly, thinking that the girl is really pretty at first glance in this scene.

Eri Sawamura was standing in the hot spring pool, the water in the pool was not high, only about half a person deep, but she was not submerged, she just looked so angry, obviously she hadn't recovered from the setback.

"Even though it's your own carelessness, Sawamura-san, are you alright?"

Kasumigaoka Shiwa stood beside Anzhe, paddling casually with her right hand in the pool water, while Sawamura Eriri stared at her with grievances in her eyes.

"No matter how you look at it, it's your fault..."

She dumped the blame on the senior sister, who refused to accept it.

"Whether it suddenly rushed forward, stepped on the water and slipped, or fell into the pool, I think these are your own actions."

"I don't want to be said that by the cause maker!"

The two of them quarreled like no one else, and the members of the club were already used to it.

With a glass of wine in her hand, Hongsaka Zhuyin leaned comfortably on the armchair installed in the hot spring pool, and looked at An Zhe with a faint smile on her face.

No matter at any time, these two girls can quarrel over small things, but it is precisely because of the two of them that the club is so lively.

What two girls are full of energy.

These two girls both fell in love with the same person...

Well, what is so attractive about this guy?

Benizaka Zhuyin looked at An Zhe with interest, and the thoughts in her heart were surprisingly consistent with the others.

Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Eriri surrounded by Anzhe, those fellow men must be lying if they say they are not envious, but they are familiar with the characters of the two girls, and they know that they can't control this kind of girl... …

An Zhe stepped forward and stopped between the two of them, with a look of dumbfounding,

"I said, so many people are watching, can we stop the meeting?"

Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Eiriri looked at each other, then they all turned their heads away, but they finally calmed down.

"Let's go, let's go, it's rare to take a vacation, so let's go and relax."

An Zhe, in front of the peacemaker, came behind the two of them, pushed them to an open place, and soaked in the hot spring together.

Enjoying the touch of the hot spring, the warm water quickly relieved a lot of fatigue. An Zhe let out a light breath, feeling that his pressure had also been released.

His mood wasn't too bad these days, but it wasn't much better. He thought that many problems about elves would be solved when he came to the imperial capital, but he found that things had become more complicated and confusing.

In addition, what happened to Bupo Aihua made De Anzhe a little restless. If his rational personality hadn't been influencing him all the time, he would probably become irritable.

On the one side, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and the two of them also had a rare enjoyment. During this period of time, the two of them have been under a lot of pressure.

At this time, the water surged, and one person slowly came to the side of Anzhe and the other three. It was Hongsaka Zhuyin.

An Zhe opened his half-closed eyes and looked at her.

"I also watched the newly updated anime a few days ago."

Benizaka Zhuyin came over and spoke softly like this.

An Zhe glanced at her in surprise, pondered for a while, thinking about her reason for coming.

"How does Benizaka-sensei feel?"

He smiled and asked, although he had exchanged those works from the system, but he was happy to discuss the content of animation with these big touches.

"Well... No matter how you look at it, those works are rare masterpieces, and they have a unique vision, and their style is even more eye-catching."

Benizaka Akane expressed her thoughts with a very serious expression, which surprised Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Sawamura Eriri who were on the side. This kind of expression is hard to see on her body.

But if it's because of An Zhe's works, it makes sense.

Almost all the people in the community have watched the newly released animation works on the website under Anzhe's name. If the series of animations a while ago were tears, then this series is completely eye-catching. .

The things shown in those anime plots are enough to make everyone who has seen them remember Youxin!
Sometimes everyone can't help but discuss, what kind of guy is the author of these works, Mr. An Zhe.

The other writers are all specialized, either they are good at daily life or hot-blooded style, or they are good at dark side, but Anzhe...

How do you feel that this person can have any style?And they are all very high...

Regarding Hongsaka Zhuyin's words, An Zhe just nodded with a smile: "Thank you, Teacher Hongsaka, for your evaluation."

It's just that such an honor doesn't belong to him.

An Zhe was very calm about this. Those works are all the crystallization of those people in the previous life. Although he can't explain it to people in this world, at least in his heart, An Zhe still respects those writers.

If you think from the bottom of your heart that this is already your own, then you are really insulting your feelings for these works.

"Then, although it's inappropriate to talk about this during this vacation, I still can't help but want to ask Mr. Anzhe."

When Hongsaka Zhuyin spoke like this, De Anzhe chuckled inwardly.

Sure enough, this person will not let her go easily, but she doesn't know what she wants to do?
"please say."

"I think we can cooperate, what do you think?"

Benizaka Zhuyin directly expressed her intentions, making the club members who were playing and chatting slowly quiet down.

An Zhe was not surprised, so he nodded lightly: "Cooperation is the basis for a win-win situation. I believe that Mr. Hongsaka has an idea, and I am willing to listen to your detailed discussion."

Hongsaka Zhuyin was also a little surprised by An Zhe's straightforwardness. Things seemed to be much easier than what Hao thought, and many of the arguments she had prepared were useless.

But she is a strong woman after all, she quickly reacted.

"Ahem, since that's the case, then I'll explain it directly." Benizaka Zhuyin coughed lightly: "I think we can cooperate with your company and devote ourselves to developing your company's website."

An Zhe's eyes narrowed slightly.

That's right, the only things that Akane Benizaka valued about me were those works and beep stations.

After explaining the direction of cooperation, Akane Benizaka also expressed her bargaining chip.

"As far as I know, there is no game module on Mr. Anzhe's website."

(End of this chapter)

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