Chapter 573

The cold wind blowing from the Dead Sea is raging here, and the barren and dry land has been eroded by the demons who invaded from the Futu Mountains, revealing a faint black.

Years of fighting have made it difficult for vegetation to grow here, and the sight is full of desolation, and the wind is howling.

No matter how you look at it, this place is a Jedi.

Only the army led by Estes can maintain a strong combat effectiveness in such a difficult environment, and block those demons in this area.

There was a sigh in An Zhe's eyes.

One must know that in such an environment, even the old demon hunters in the Demon Hunter Tower frowned slightly.

"Damn it, it's so cold in here..."

A big man cursed and wrapped his leather jacket tightly. This was a warm combat suit specially made by the Demon Hunter Tower, but in the cold wind blowing from the Dead Sea, it was as if he hadn't worn it at all.

The harshness of the Dead Sea is simply beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

It does not freeze, but the area ten kilometers away from the edge of the Dead Sea will be frozen by solid ice.And within [-] kilometers, there are Jedi that are difficult to survive.

"Use your magic power and maintain the best fighting condition. From now on, you may encounter a battle at any time, whether it is a half-devil or a monster, you'd better be prepared."

The young man who took the lead spoke lightly, and the magic energy evaporated on his body, blocking the surrounding chill.

An Zhe followed suit. The incomparably powerful magic energy surged in his body. When the flame ability was activated, a warm feeling rose from his limbs and bones, and he felt much better immediately.

He is not completely unfamiliar with such a harsh environment. In his memory, he has hunted white bears in the ice and snow before. Although that environment is far less difficult than here, his body still has some adaptability with the help of magic energy.

More importantly, Anzhe never had to worry about mana consumption.

Seeing those demon hunters holding the frozen mana recovery potion with bitter expressions on their faces, An Zhe was secretly amused.

The young man who took the lead spoke again. He was a demon hunter who had been here many times, and he was quite familiar with it.

"Let's form a team. I believe you all have your own tasks or goals. In addition, after a week, come back here to gather and go home together."

The young man said something in a low voice, and the words paused slightly: "I hope you can come back one by one."

There were more than 60 people who came here. According to the most convenient team division method, a team of five is the best.An Zhe stood there quietly, not intending to look for the team for the time being.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that the task given to him by the school is a bit troublesome.

The purpose of joining the team is to ensure safety, but everyone in the team here has their own goals, that is to say, within these seven days, people in the team must not only achieve their own goals, but also have their own goals. Help others with their tasks as much as possible.

In this case, it is generally more convenient to find people with the same goal to act together.

But Anzhe's interception mission is the most troublesome kind of mission.

His mission has a number of requirements, to be clear, he has to intercept the half-devil at least ten times!

With such a mission premise, it is still a question whether ordinary people will invite him...

The only convenient point is that his mission is not picky about the mission goal.

Due to the difficulty of this task, An Zhe was still alone here until most of the people were divided into teams. Someone came to ask him during the period, but after hearing about his task, he still left with a complicated expression on his face up.

The environment here is so harsh, and one more battle means one more danger. For Anzhe's mission, most people are helpless.

An Zhe was not worried about the task in his heart. It would be better if someone invited him to form a team, which would save him a lot of energy, but if there is really no one, it is not impossible for him to act alone.

Now he still has confidence in his own strength. After all, the existence of the sixth level is not something that can be encountered casually, and among the fifth level, he is not empty at all.

Just like this, being rejected by a group of people, even if it is human nature, An Zhe said that he still has resentment in his heart...

Seeing that those people had formed a team, An Zhe was calm on the surface, but he was still thinking about it...

Hey, it looks like I really have to do it alone...

That being the case, he was also a bachelor, so he simply looked in a direction and walked forward alone.

Those demon hunters and a few students from the academy among them also saw An Zhe's figure, and couldn't help being slightly stunned.

"Hey, hey... that guy, are you going to go alone?"

"He, he received the interception mission, he might be a strong man, he actually accepted such a difficult mission. But he has confidence in his own strength, but we still dare not get involved."

Someone murmured so softly that the people around him also sighed.

At this time, the leader of a team lightly poked the people around him, and motioned to An Zhe's back in front of him.

"Go invite him to our team, how about it? He behaves so calmly, he looks very confident."

The member on one side tilted his head: "His task seems to be very difficult to handle. But he is more than confident, he is completely not worried at all, okay..."

The captain was very calm about this: "It is precisely because of this calmness that we are going to invite him. Since he is so calm and obviously has the confidence to complete the task, why should we worry about it? Isn't it good to have one more strong member for nothing?"

The other members were speechless.

Does that make sense?
Seeing this, several people followed the captain to catch up with An Zhe. An Zhe heard the sound behind him, frowned slightly, and turned around.

He who didn't form a team was depressed when he heard someone waving to him.

"Hi, my name is Fengyunyue, nice to meet you."

The depression in An Zhe's heart was still there, and he tilted his head: "How happy?"

Feng Yunyue: "Huh?"


The others almost didn't laugh out loud.

De,, this buddy seems to have a lot of resentment.That's right, no one wants to be out of gregarious!
Feng Yunyue couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly waved his hands: "Little brother, I'm here to invite you to join our team. It's still very dangerous here, and it's not very convenient to be alone, is it?"

Anzhe was noncommittal, his mission was a bit troublesome, but the mission target is not difficult to deal with!

There is no rule that he cannot intercept the fourth-order half-devil wow!
He's just depressed... Isn't it just a troublesome task? There's a day when he can't form a team even if he has a powerful fifth-level ability...

But finally someone was willing to form a team with him, and he had no reason to refuse. After being arrogant for a while, he agreed to form a team.

(End of this chapter)

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