Chapter 576

Four days later.

The battlefield after the battle is extremely messy, and the already barren land is riddled with holes.

On the scorched loess, An Zhe stood there, waving his hands towards the back.

"Everyone, it's over."

Hearing his voice, Feng Yunyue and others trotted over from a distance, looking at the devastated battlefield, speechless for a while.

Just before, they encountered a team of half-devils with a fifth-level complete species, but An Zhe wiped them all out with one against five...

In the past few days, they have seen An Zhe's strength.

Counting the battle just now, they encountered a total of five-level half-devils three times. Before, they had used expensive domain-breaking talismans to flee in a hurry, but after Anzhe revealed his strength, they never came back. A plan to cover up.

Almost sweeping all the way, An Zhe's strength has been perfectly displayed in the past few days, and Fengyun Yue didn't need to attack them in several books.

They can be regarded as thoroughly playing soy sauce for a few days.

The more Feng Yun admired his foresight, the more he had the foresight to bring An Zhe into the team.

Who would have thought that a fifth-level ability user would hide in the team so plainly?Ordinary ability users have long been shouting all over the world when forming a team...

Moreover, An Zhe's strength is far stronger than that of ordinary fifth-order ability users.That level is already the peak of the fifth order...

"Have you almost finished your tasks?" An Zhe raised his brows lightly and asked several people.

" mission has just been completed..." Zhiyou nodded lightly. Thanks to the strong helpers, the several missions of the few people were completed without any surprises.

An Zhe glanced at his school badge, and was speechless.

He was two tackles short of the mission.

Hey, this task is really troublesome.

"Hey, why did you give me such a hard job..." An Zhe shook his head slightly: "Why don't you go back to the gathering point first? The enemies you encountered during this time seem to be getting stronger and stronger."

As he said this, Feng Yunyue and the others were a little moved.

Indeed, over the past few days, the strength of the enemies encountered has been on the rise.After all, in the continuous battle, the teams that can stay are naturally those who have experienced elimination and selection.Among them, I don't know how much blood and life was paid.

In such a confrontation, sacrifice is inevitable.

An Zhe's opinion was well-intentioned, but Zhen Qiu Xiaoyan shook his head: "If you are on your way back now, it's better to go back together later. If you encounter enemies on the road, I guess you can only use the Territory Breaking Talisman. This mission journey is equivalent to a waste of time."

An Zhe felt it made sense when he heard it, so he nodded with a smile: "Then you will have to accompany me around for a few more days."

"It's a small matter. It's all thanks to you that we can complete the task."

Zhiyou said with a smile, thanks to her these few days, she helped Anzhe find a lot of targets, otherwise, Anzhe would have missed the first opportunity to gather for the return journey.


Since they still want to stay here, Anzhe and the others started their journey to find the enemy again, but the development of things is always so unexpected. When the day was approaching evening, Anzhe and the others suddenly stopped in unanimous agreement. .

They sensed that a powerful wave was constantly exploding in front of their left!

"This is……"

Feng Yunyue and the others stared wide-eyed, and Zhi You also had a serious face: "It's the powerhouses of the sixth rank who are fighting..."

"Hmm. And there are more than one pair fighting!"

An Zhe's eyes narrowed slightly. He had to deal with the sixth-level people carefully. If he didn't use the system, he would 100% hate the sixth-level people.

"It seems to have encountered a very exciting thing." An Zhe murmured, but his eyes showed interest.

At this kind of moment, when he met his sixth-tier companions fighting against the enemy, he couldn't help but have the urge to go and see, but he couldn't leave his teammates alone.

Just when he was depressed like this, An Zhe's expression suddenly changed! !

In the distance, the fluctuations of the battle were getting closer and closer to them.

Those few people were fighting, but they were coming towards them!

"I'm dizzy! You guys run!"

Anzhe immediately let out a low shout, if Feng Yunyue and others were involved in the battlefield of entering the sixth level, they would definitely be close to death, the kind who couldn't even run away.

"Brother An Zhe, run too!"

Fu Nian, a cute girl, is also swaying, and she doesn't forget to urge An Zhe to leave.She realized that An Zhe just told them to run, but he didn't actually move.

An Zhe frowned, feeling several powerful figures in the distance rapidly approaching him, he couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

With such a speed, they can't escape at all!
"Use the Territory Breaker! Hurry up!"

An Zhe backed away while shouting in a low voice.At this moment, it was useless for them to be reluctant to break the domain talisman. Even if he exchanged the ability, he might not be able to save these teammates in the melee, so he could only choose to let them leave immediately.

Feng Yunyue also sensed the urgency of the matter, and immediately gritted his teeth, took out a card and took a photo facing the front.

A vortex appeared, and the life-saving talisman bought at a great price was used up by Feng Yunyue, and suddenly Feng Yunque and the others quickly jumped into it one by one.

"An Zhe, hurry up!" Feng Yunyue stood by the whirlpool and waved at An Zhe.

An Zhe ignored Feng Yunyue's urging, but squinted his eyes, feeling the approaching breath behind him.

"This breath has a very familiar feeling... Is it someone I have met?"

With a sudden change in his mind, An Zhe, who was already curious, made a decision.

"Captain, you go first, I will look for you in a few days!"

"Hey! You're crazy!!"

Feng Yun was more frightened, but An Zhe had already waved his hands, approaching the battlefield that was getting closer and closer without hesitation.

Seeing that An Zhe really ran over, Feng Yunyue was stunned.

this is not!What did he do in the past?

Are you going to die on purpose? ?

Does An Zhe have any strong cards?

Feng Yunyue thought to himself, and could only swing the big ax helplessly.

"Ah, really! You must come back alive..."


The figure was moving around on the barren land. Anzhe took out his mobile phone and used space teleportation magic with a thought. A demon hunter mask came, and he put it on his face while concentrating on sensing.

That breath seems to be Ais...

As An Zhe thought about it, there were already two figures in front of him attacking each other all the way, and the ground and rocks they passed were broken and destructive.

One of them was filled with black devilish energy, and he was a sixth-order complete species.The figure of the other person has a light green cyclone on his body, and the attack of a thin sword is extremely fast and fierce.

Sword Girl: Ace Wallenstein...

Sure enough it was her!

(End of this chapter)

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