Encounter Two-dimensional goddess in another world

Chapter 602 Standing still can increase popularity

Chapter 602 Standing still can increase popularity

On the battlefield where the frozen rocks shot, the wind howled, and the energy turbulence raged, the terrain with a radius of several kilometers had been razed to the ground.

No matter whether it is a capable person or a half-devil, even a demon who has not fully enlightened his wisdom, they all hide from this battlefield far away.

These seven ranks went crazy.

Powerful magic is as easy as drinking water in their hands. All kinds of magic are squeezed by hand, and it is a disaster movie as soon as they are thrown out.

Several beams of light are constantly flying in the sky, and they are constantly colliding with each other at a distance. Every collision will produce a howl, and powerful shock waves are constantly flowing.

The observation magic in the sky has been shaken away, but soon someone activated it again regardless of the loss, just to see the battle situation here clearly.

At this time, not many people cared about the battle between Estes and Yuanzhu, because these seventh-level battles were the weather vane that would affect the next situation.

The news is constantly spreading, and some people in the imperial capital will look at the city center from time to time.

They didn't know why King Arthur didn't act, but they also knew that King Arthur must have her reasons.

In the grand palace of the imperial capital, the emperor who ruled the world was already in full battle attire, with bright silver breastplate and armguards on his body, and the golden holy sword was quietly stored in the holy sword scabbard, lightly lying on the ground.

Arturia rested lightly on the hilt of the holy sword with both hands, stood on the top of the castle and looked into the distance with a calm expression.

Behind her, several people in court mage costumes stood silently nodding.

"My king, there is a letter from the devil city."

A maid walked up to the top of the castle and reported in a soft voice: "The tower master of the hunting tower has left the customs and is about to rush to the barren land."

Hearing such news, the expressions of the wizards froze, and King Arthur's calm expression finally showed a wave of turmoil.

"Did he actually leave the customs?"

Arturia murmured softly, with a slightly serious expression, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, she breathed out lightly: "That's good...it's good news for now."

After she said this softly, she stopped talking, and slowly closed her eyes, as if she was concentrating on something.


In the battlefield, the eight seventh-level ability players were able to shoot real fire. Any attack could kill a group of sixth-level ability users in seconds.

The seventh level is already a top-level powerhouse. Although there are differences in strength and weakness, the difference is not that big.

After fighting for so long, they don't know how many times they have confronted each other, and all their attacks are killer moves, but who can become a seventh-order, who doesn't have some housekeeping skills?

After fighting for a long time, it was just that no one could do anything to anyone, and this kind of scene was the most embarrassing.

It is precisely because the Demon Emperor hiding in the dark knows this that he doesn't care about the battle here at all.

His goal has always been on Yuan Zhu.

It's just that now, he can't deal with Yuan Zhu directly, not to mention the strength of the demon itself, but at this time his opponent is still the fighting lunatic.

Even the Demon Emperor didn't want to go head-to-head with a crazy woman like Esdes.

Moreover, the Demon Emperor knew very well that once he appeared, the emperor holding the holy sword would definitely appear immediately!
For my own plan, now I can only continue to wait...

However, the longer you can hold back the lackeys of the empire, the better it will be for you!

Shielding his own aura, the Demon Emperor kept a calm expression all the time, watching the distance quietly.

There, Esdeth and Yuan Zhu were fighting fiercely, one man and one beast were obviously riveted, or, Esdeth was addicted to beating, and he was holding on to Yuan Zhu...

The Demon Emperor's expression suddenly changed slightly!
This is... such a condensed aura! !Could it be someone from the Demon Hunter Tower?
He turned around abruptly, and for the first time, he focused on the battlefield of the seventh-order melee.

At the same time, the seventh-order people who were fighting fiercely also stopped at the same time, and after each distanced themselves, they looked in the same direction with a slightly concentrated expression.

Several people stopped their hands suddenly and broadcasted it through observation magic, which made countless people who were paying attention here stunned for a moment, not knowing what happened.

"What's wrong? Is it the winner?"

Someone asked, but others also looked blank.

"Hey!! Then, who is that??"

Suddenly there was a soft cry, and someone saw a figure standing there quietly on the broadcasted screen.

The surroundings of that person were full of surging energy turbulence, which made them feel a little unreal.

But these people didn't see it clearly, Angus and the others who were on the battlefield saw it clearly, but they didn't get the answer they wanted.

However, after seeing the black crystal mask covering the entire face of the man and the black tight combat suit, they still had some impressions.

"It's him?"

Ying Zhi couldn't help but let out a soft cry, and for the first time showed a little shock on his face.

If you want to say who is most impressed by An Zhe's outfit, it must be Ying Wei!

In that previous action, it was the man in black who killed her companion, Kazama Zhizuo, who was at the same level as her, with one against two!
He actually appeared again!
For this mysterious man in black, Ying Wei was extremely afraid. After she escaped, she also went to find information about this man, but this man seemed to have disappeared, and there has been no news since then.

At this time, Angus and the others also remembered that not only the half-devil side, but also the ability users had investigated the mysterious man in black, but the result was naturally the same as the half-devil.

The surrounding energy turbulently dissipated, and An Zhe stood there casually, seemingly ignoring the intentions of the eight people.

And at this moment, those observation magics finally detected An Zhe's appearance.

"Uh, who is this... Why does it look familiar to me..."

"This, this... is the man in black!"

"There are so many men in black, which man in black are you talking about..."

"Oh! It's the man in black who killed a seventh-level half-devil last time!!"

People suddenly exhaled, and everyone remembered it, and their eyes immediately became excited.

This is a hidden fierce man! !

On this side, An Zhe couldn't help but tilt his head.

I haven't made a move yet, but my popularity has already started to rise...

Sure enough, this kind of stage that attracts worldwide attention is a good place to sweep up the popularity!

Not in vain wah ha ha ha! !

An Zhe was very happy to gain popularity just by standing here, and his exchange ability can be used for more than half an hour, so he is not in a hurry.

In such a place, even if you stand for a while longer, you still earn money! !

Ha ha!More stand-ups, more stand-ups!

An Zhe thought cheerfully, standing there motionless.

As a result, he didn't move, and the eight people in the sky stared at him, and the battlefield became strangely quiet.

An Zhe:? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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